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A New Addition

Posted on Thu Jan 29, 2015 @ 8:23am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

603 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Wyman quarters
Timeline: MD01 Sometime after school


"Gwen, can you come in here please?"

During the time that Gwen was at school, Steve and Ceridwen had procured a fair sized box and shimmery wrapping paper. The box was wrapped up like it was Christmas day and placed on the coffee table to await its intended recipient.

After a few moments, Gwen sauntered in with a PADD containing her homework clutched in her hand. "Yeah, Daddy?" she inquired, only half paying attention to her parents as she was still doing her reading assignment.

"This is the the first, and probably only time I'll say this; your homework can wait a couple minutes." Ceridwen remarked, gently pushing the PADD away from her daughter's face.

Once she was actually focused on the world around her, the little girl took immediate notice of the box. "Why does that box have holes in it?" Ever inquisitive, that WOULD be the first question she would ask.

Steve just grinned like an idiot. He wanted to rip the box open and reveal the contents to his sure to be squealing daughter, but he had to hold back. "Why don't you open it and find out?"

"Now, I know it's still early for your birthday, but your father and I wanted to do something special for you after that illness and everything else that's happened." Welshy explained, easing her hesitant progeny over to the coffee table.

If Gwen didn't know better, she'd have been expecting Drakt to pop out of the box. However, her Zarnac godfather wasn't that short and the box wasn't that big. Though it definitely would have explained the air holes. So, slowly, she tugged at the ribbon until the bow unfurled.

At the sign of movement, the box started to wiggle and emit a soft whimpering noise. That incited Gwen to tear the wrapping paper away with more gusto, which in turn elicited more whimpering from the inhabitant of the box. Once the last bit of tape was removed, the occupant pushed the top up to reveal a wet black nose.

"A dog! You got me a dog!" Gwen shrieked, pulling the golden ball of fluff scampering from the box. "She's so cute! What's her name?"

The adults exchanged a look. "Well, we don't know yet. Ensign Nomura didn't name any of Biscuit's puppies, and we just picked her up this afternoon; so we haven't had a chance to come up with anything yet. So I was thinking that we let her get the lay of the land. We get to know her personality a bit, and come up with something from there." Steve thought aloud. That was how they had named all the family pets when he was growing up, and it usually made for a pretty unique name, instead of the standard fare for the species.

"That's a fine idea. But Gwen, you have to promise that you'll take care of her. If your father and I end up handling all the feeding and paper changing and walking, then we'll have to find this little lady a new home with a more responsible owner. Understood?" Welshy didn't want to be the strict one, but had long since resigned herself to the role.

Gently placing the golden ball of fur on the deck, Gwen hugged both of her parents. "I will! I will! I will! I promise! Can she sleep in my bed with me tonight? Please, please?"

"Just keep her off the couch."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate

Gwendolyn Wyman
Extremely happy kid

And the still yet to be named golden retriever puppy


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