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Diplomatic Soiree - Part 2

Posted on Sun Jan 17, 2016 @ 4:40pm by Valkris of the House of Inagh & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Benj Amoran & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Sigrún Aronsdottir

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diplomatic Summit Chamber
Timeline: MD 9/2000


"Is that supposed to impress me?" Valkris' hand hovered over the hilt of the mek’leth at her side. She could tear this Qa'Hom in two. Whereas he appeared to have walked into this place by accident, she had a duty.

Dorian looked at the Klingon's hand as it inched towards her weapon. "Please…do it, you'll be dead before the first security officer can rush to your aid and I'll have a new animal to stuff and hang above my mantle," Dorian said, never breaking eye contact with her.


Caleb let his eyes pass over the growing crowd. He focused first on Raddon’s interactions with wariness, and then on Dorian Gabriel’s with the Klingon. That looked rather explosive. He nudged Jessica and started to move, as if making some rounds of the room, to get closer to them.

Liam meanwhile had managed to find Amia with Cade. "Good evening." He smiled at the women he considered his little sister. "You look very beautiful this evening. Cade, I think you should take her for a dance,"

Amia grinned at Liam. "Why, thank you, handsome sir," she said affectedly and with amusement. "Cade doesn't dance, do you honey?" Again that cheeky smirk, offering a challenge this time.

Cade Aldrex grinned and raised his eyebrow. "You step on a woman's toes once at her wedding reception and you never live it down." He offered his hand with a flourish. "Shall we?"

Sigrún approached the small gathering. Her heels made sharp clicks on the floor as she walked. She was nibbling on a cracker with some unidentified spread on it while her other hand held a champagne flute. "The food is great here. What's going on?"

"I'm taking my wife for a dance," Cade said.

"I can't resist when he's so very charming!" Amia fluttered her eyelashes at her husband adoringly and winked at her friends. She accepted Cade's outstretched hand and wrapped herself elegantly into his arms.

"Well," Liam said happily, watching the two disappear, "I guess my work here is done. Back to the rest of the job." He had no idea who the other lady was, nor recognized her face from when he and Mortimer put the guest list together. "Enjoy the party," he said politely.

He had seen out the corner of his eye the exchange between one of the Klingons and "Mr. Riley", and could see that the security chief was already on the case, surfing through the crowd, keeping an eye on this chap. He wondered if it was worth going and asking Commander Ryan what the story was. Cade had called him Gabriel. Clearly everyone else knew him as someone else. He had just made his mind up to ask when he spotted someone else. His counselor. Liam set out instead in Dr. Bennett’s direction.

Noelle saw Liam approach out of the corner of her eye. "Evening, Chief." She kept the reference professional in light of the circumstances.

"Doctor." Liam took his cue from her behavior. "Thank you for coming."

Bennett smiled. "Thank you for inviting me. I'm always interested in meeting new people. I don't want to step on your toes as Chief Diplomatic Officer, but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know. As you know, counseling and diplomacy aren't that far apart."

Liam laughed. At least there was one thing they agreed on, it seemed. He gently pressed his hand to her waist and turned her in the direction of ‘Mr Riley’. "I don't suppose you know anything about that man, do you? He's told me he's someone he's not."

Noelle looked in the direction he'd guided her and shook her head. "I've yet to meet him, but perhaps I should make time to, in light of what he told you, though perhaps he was just trying to intimidate you."

"Ah I see," he muttered. It was bothering him a little bit. But then Liam slapped a smile on. "Well, I think my toes are safe. Yours, well, I suppose it depends if you’re brave enough to head onto the dance floor with me," he challenged. The array of couples out there now had grown and it seemed a shame to miss out, especially as he had arranged the party.

Noelle considered the request and then smiled. "I'd love to, thanks." She wasn't expecting such an offer, but welcomed the opportunity to enjoy the evening on the dance floor and forget about work for awhile.

Liam smiled and held out his hand taking hers before heading on the dance floor. "So you really think he's trying to intimidate me?" he said softly putting his hand on her waist and pulling them both gently into a dance frame. It wasn't what he had sensed. More maleficence off the man, playing games but he was interested how she had come to that conclusion. "I guess diplomacy is far more exciting than we give it credit for."

Tag Noelle

Tianys Dalav’ni stood amidst a gaggle of admirers of both sexes as she sipped her water from a champagne flute. She wore a diaphanous, revealing gown in a soft lilac that draped her generous green curves when she moved. Her green eyes took in the other delegates with barely hidden disgust. A brand new planet appears, completely uninhabited, and no one thinks to even offer it to one of the largest refugee populations in the quadrants. Typical mammals.

Peridot had spotted Benj, but as she was on duty she didn't make a bee line to say hello. She knew how to work a room, and knew she would get there soon enough. She inserted herself into a group where a disgruntled looking young woman was standing.

"What a beautiful dress," she remarked. She herself was in dress uniform, and whilst she didn't mind dressing up, Peridot wasn't sure she'd ever wear that in public, or even private. Still, it was beautiful, so she had no problem sharing that.

Tianys turned toward the young blonde petty officer. Her scent wafted over the woman, sending pleasure tingling along her nerves. “Thank you,” she said. “Tholian silk.” She flashed a charming smile, knowing how to hide her true feelings for these mammals that seemed to have so little concern for the plight of her people. “You are the captain’s yeoman, are you not?” she queried, making it a point to know the important Starfleet personnel. Several of them made their way through her establishment at one time or another, though usually not the higher ups.

"I am. It gets me to all the formal parties. I don't think I'm familiar with your species. I know that you run the Lotus Lounge, but that's about it," Peridot replied. leaving a window for the woman to continue the conversation if she wished.

“Rowa’ni,” Tianys explained. “Our homeworld used to be a tropical paradise between Andoria and Vulcan,” she said, a slight bitterness in her words. “We are here and there over the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, but there aren’t a large number of us.”

"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Peridot asked.

To be continued ...


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