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A Matter of Station Security

Posted on Sun Mar 6, 2016 @ 2:44pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 13: XO's Office
Timeline: MD8: 14:30


Cade Aldrex sat at his desk, reading a report while simultaneously sipping on a raktajino. A selection of Denebian jazz was playing softly in the background. The door chime interrupted him. "Come in."

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis entered the office of the senior officer and was followed by another officer with a gold collar. This Bajoran female, shorter and less sure of herself than other Bajorans in uniform, followed diligently behind Lt. Trellis and simply watched as he addressed the Executive Officer.

Lt. Trellis stood at attention as he spoke formally. "Sir, I apologize if I am interrupting you; however, Ensign Deborah Kato and I have a matter to discuss with you that I feel is a matter of station security." He said. "Particularly, the recent hostage situation on board the Ferengi vessel." he added.

Aldrex met their eyes for a few beats then said, "Okay." He was puzzled. "Computer, pause music."

The computer chirped and complied. Aldrex pulled himself up in his chair. "A matter of station security, you say? Is there a reason why the Chief of Security for the station is not in on this conversation?"

Lt. Trellis hesitated for half a moment before responded. "You are right sir, normally I would have addressed a security matter with Lieutenant Commander Ryan; however, I do not think that would be appropriate in this situation." The Trill began. "I think the Commander's judgment is not as objective as it should be." He said.

"How so?"

"Sir, during my After Action Report with the Commander I asked whether the Ferengi security officers should be transported for a military tribunal." Trellis said as he slid the padd across the Executive Officer's desk.

"Out of operational security and consideration to Commander Ryan, I have kept quiet about my team finding his daugther inside of the Ambassador's private suite, half-naked. I felt that it was something that could be glossed over in interest of having the appropriate Ferengi prosecuted for their crimes." He said while being visibly uncomfortable about talking about his superior officer's daughter.

"Commander Ryan informed me that they were to be released and not to be questioned any further. Although I had my own personal objections to such an action, I carried out my orders and prepared to have them released."

Trellis shifted slightly as he began to move on to the more sensitive part of his report. "However, when I was preparing my report in regards to the lethal engagement that took place on the ship Ens. Kato and I reviewed the sensor logs and discovered something troubling." He said as he stepped to the side and allowed the female officer to speak.

"Sir, when I analyzed the sensor readings I compiled a list of the various persons who were onboard the vessel and their respective biological information. Naturally, my list determined Ferengi, Andorian, Human, and more than one Trill." She said.

"Ryan's daughter is half Trill," the XO said. He was still puzzled about where they were going with this.

"I thought the same thing, sir. With Commander Ryan's daughter being half Human and half Trill it would be normal to include her as a that's why I excluded her from my search." Ensign Kato said, preparing for the next logical question to come from the Commander.

Aldrex leaned back against his chair and shrugged. "Alright, Ensign. What do you make of it then?"

"Sir, I believe the Trills onboard that Ferengi vessel were Lieutenant Trellis and...." she paused slightly before proceeding. "...a joined symbiont." She concluded.

"A joined symbiont?" Aldrex replied, his voice mildly incredulous. "Are you sure? How?"

Ensign Kato felt the jolt in the Executive Officer's voice. "Sir, I do not claim to be an expert on the subject of Trill physiology, at least not to the extent of the two of you." She said, looking from the Lieutenant to the Lieutenant Commander. "However, the bio-electrical readings were consistent with that of a Trill Symbiont. I would have to have the official records from the Trill Homeworld before I could identify which symbiont it was." The Ensign said with a slight uptick in her voice.

"Sir," Trellis interjected. "Do you realize the severity of this situation? Not only is a half-breed carrying a symbiont, but she has never been vetted by the Symbiont Commission. There's no telling what irreparable harm she could have caused the Symbiont due to being unfit both mentally and psychologically!" The younger Trill said excitedly.

"Yes. I know, Trellis." The reply was subdued. Aldrex was still trying to wrap his mind around it. Aleczandra? She's just a kid. How the hell did he get this past the Commission? He stood and walked to the window. All he could think of were questions. How to proceed with this? He stood there with his back to the two security officers, causing a few beats of uncomfortable silence. Finally he turned to them and said, "Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will speak to Ryan."

The words came flying out of Si'Lar's mouth before he had a chance to properly think them through. "Sir! This is not just some minor fraction in protocol. We are dealing with a half-breed carrying one of the most value lives in our society." He said, taking a step towards the older Trill. "Only 1 in 1,000 Trills are compatible to be joined. 1 in 1,000. There is no telling what damage has been done to the Symbiont by that Human child. If there is anybody who should understand the inherent danger it is someone who carries that burden." The unjoined security officer said to the joined Executive Officer.

"I'm well aware of the complications, Lieutenant," Aldrex said tersely, walking back to his desk. "But then it's not simply a matter of taking the Naqiis symbiont away from her, is it? They are joined, whether we approve of it or not, and have been for some time, if I'm doing the math in my head correctly. I will bring this to the Commission's attention soon enough. But first I want to talk to Ryan. And his daughter. Understood?"

Si'Lar paused for several moments as he came back to his senses and maintained his military bearings. "Sir, understood." He replied.

"Sir," Ensign Kato interjected from the back of the office. "What shall we do with the Ferengi that are currently in the brig. Do we release them or should they be transferred for military tribunal." She said.

The question brought Lt. Trellis back to his original point. "Sir, those Ferengi Guards were engaged in piracy. Regardless of what actions you take regarding Commander Ryan's. . .situation, we still have individuals who have committed a crime." He said.

Cade Aldrex sighed and picked up the PADD from his desk. He scrolled through its menu for a few seconds, then shook his head. "I don't have Ryan's final report on the matter. Has he mentioned it? What was his recommendation?"

"He ordered them be released and turned over to the Ferengi government." Trellis responded. "Without any further prosecution."

Aldrex raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? What was his reasoning behind that?"

"Sir, I believe his reasoning may be connected to his daughter's involvement with the Ferengi Ambassador and her illegal possession of a symbiote." Lt. Trellis said, his personal feelings beginning to surface.

"What a mess," Aldrex replied, shaking his head in exasperation. Then with a grim chuckle added, "not that our case against them would hold water anyway." He was speaking from Jori's experiences as a legal advocate, but his role in all this was merely an observer. "So, you believe he's doing the wrong thing releasing these suspects and you came to me to make it right, correct?"

"That's correct, sir. I feel that this goes beyond just mere departmental policy." Lt. Trellis responded on behalf both himself and Ensign Kato.

Aldrex stood and straightened his uniform jacket. "Until I hear Ryan's side of it I'm not going to arbitrarily overrule him. In the meantime keep those suspects detained. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. I'll have them go through medical before they can be cleared for release, I'm sure that will take a significant amount of time." Lt. Trellis said. "Will that be all, sir?"

"Yeah, that'll be all. Dismissed."

With that the Trill Lieutenant exited the office followed by the Bajoran Ensign. Once the doors to the Executive Officer had sighed shut, Trellis released a heavy sigh.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Ensign Kato asked as she proceeded beside him towards the turbo lift.

" sure as hell wasn't the wrong thing." He replied simply.


Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigations

Deborah Kato
Security Investigations

Lt. Commander Cade Aldrex


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