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Sweet Dreams, Boredom, and New Jobs

Posted on Sun Feb 1, 2015 @ 9:32am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

562 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Girauna's Quarters
Timeline: During Schooldaze

Girauna hadn't wanted to get out of bed that morning, it was warm and comfortable and she was having a hell of a good time just lying there. Of course, the night previous had been something of a success, too. Dinner with Dorian had been even better than expected, none of the nightmare occurrences she'd dreamt up had come to pass, ~I half expected him to slam the door in my face.~ She laughed, ~Or at least tell me to take off the stupid wig.~ But, Dorian had been a perfect gentleman, treated her like he really wanted to be there with her for the first time in a long time, ~Moments like that I remember why I'm so crazy about his usually prickly ass.~

But, she had to report to her new job with the Marshall's Service today, and staying in bed all day simply wasn't an option, so she grudgingly rose from her bed and glided to the shower, walking on the balls of her feet the way she was taught by her Aunt, "It's how a young lady is supposed to walk." She reminded herself with a laugh as she turned the shower on, dropped her robe, and stepped into the already warm jets of pulsating water, lowering her head as she did so that the water could gently beat against her scalp for a moment, something that she could only describe as ecstasy. As much as she'd always wanted hair, and as often as she pretended to have it, that was a feeling she would've hated to give up, it simply felt too good.

She lounged in the shower for nearly twenty minutes, just enjoying the whole thing entirely too much, before she finally shut off the water and toweled herself off. Walking quickly back into her bedroom she stopped for a second and stared at herself in the mirror, feeling for a second as though she looked younger than she had a week previous, ~Yeah, by about ten years.~ She decided, realizing that retirement had been aging her prematurely, she simply couldn't stand all the damn quiet, much less the sitting around. She looked herself over once more, debating whether or not to wear one of her many wigs, and if so which one? She ran the catalogue in her mind: the high back bob again? The red pixie? The blonde waist length? Nope. None of the above, she was going in as she was: bald, beautiful, and ready to get back in the game she'd been out of for far too long. Deciding on the girly indulgence of big, clunky earrings she dressed quickly and headed out.

A quick stop to pick up a breakfast burrito and coffee from a cart on the Promenade later and she stood in front of the FMS office, where he career began again. She took a deep breath and straightened her clothes before stepping to the scanner.

=A=Identify for retinal scan.=A=

=A=Girauna, Senior Deputy Marshall.=A= She answered, her voice quivering a bit with excitement as she awaited entry.

The doors whooshed open in front of her as the computer responded, =A=Identity confirmed.=A= Without a second's hesitation she stepped through the doors and headed for her desk, sending Dorian a message that said only 'Lunch?,' and got ready for Act 3 of her career.



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