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Bedroom Deals

Posted on Sun Dec 6, 2015 @ 10:06am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

737 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: D'Liin's Quarters
Timeline: three hours after Rianni left DS5

D'Liin wasn't surprised at all when he found Mals waiting in his room, he'd been expecting her, though finding her nude on his bed was a beyond pleasant surprise. He walked over to her and kissed her neck, before saying, "Now what if my wife would've walked in?"

"I would kill her." Mals shrugged, though she bore no ill will to the half breed Rianni. In fact, she really liked her, but D'Rek could never be happy with her and he couldn't get out of it while she was breathing, "Because you're mine."

"That would be a most stupid move." He laughed, "The Khelliana would have you skinned."

"Like they will you if they ever find out what you're up to, lover?" Mals sighed, she really wondered how much thought he had given this entire thing. Okay, sure, she hired that mobster to take Rianni out, but he hadn't made any moves on her yet, it was almost as though D'Rek was playing her, "Can't you two just get a quickie divorce? It would still entitle you to....."

"Nowhere. Near. Enough." He shook his head. He loved the exotic beauty dearly, but often wondered if she truly understood what could be gained here, "Let's not sell ourselves short, darling, hmmm?"

"Okay." Mals nodded. She still thought this was a terrible idea, but he knew best. She hoped he knew best anyway.

"Look, I've already transmitted the marriage certificate to Llair's people, so now I'll have access to whatever she was getting there, but that's just the beginning!" He said, breaking into a huge grin as he put his PADD down in front of her, "This is the brass ring!"

Mals quickly picked up the PADD and scanned it, it was a Monteros Enterprises asset breakdown. It didn't take long to determine what she already knew, the Monteros family was loaded, but she didn't understand what that meant for D'Rek and herself, "Okay, that is a lot of latinum, but how are you going to get it?"

"Rianni and I are now married under Romulan law, which means in addition to having now half of her Monteros stock; a little human thing called community property, you know." He explained, taking her into his arms, "In addition to that under Romulan law I vote her proxies in her absence. Do you know how often a Warbird commander is absent?"

"Okay, but what makes you think the Monteros' will acknowledge Romulan law?" Mals asked, that was the part that wasn't making sense.

"Because they do business with several Romulan families, all of whom are kissing up to the Khelliana." He said with rolled eyes. He loved Mals dearly, but sometimes she was positively daft, "If they were to refuse me, they'd lose millions in business, in short, they can't afford not to do exactly what I want."

"And what is it you want?" Mals sighed, that was the burning question.

"A seat at the table." He answered with a sly smirk, "Once I'm on the board all I need is the old man and R'Vek's human whore out of the way and Monteros Enterprises is all mine."

"Out of the way?" Mals gasped, she knew what he meant by that, ~Okay, so now we're talking about killing three people. What has happened to him?~ "Darling, are you sure that's the best idea? I mean, if you were to kill Rianni, Gregori, and Eleni Monteros don't you think Admiral R'Vek will come after you? And what about his son?" She too feared J'Tar Tr'Khellian and for good reason, she knew him. She knew him and had good reason to believe from experience that he was a psychopath.

"Well, let's just say sometimes even warbirds end up in combat they can't handle." He said matter of factly, it didn't really matter to him.

~Two Warbirds worth of people dead, all to take over one human company. Thousands of Romulan lives....~ The very thought of it all made her skin crawl and she wanted to jump and run from him, but then he began stroking her lower back and buttocks with his soft, silky hands, and she could only moan and fall into his arms as he prepared to make love to her, ~Oh Eisn, what to do.....~


D'Rek D'Liin
Doesn't care how many people have to die

Starting to think this has gotten out of control


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