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Sleaze airways

Posted on Tue Dec 8, 2015 @ 5:00pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

2,240 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Q'uit's
Timeline: MD07 0300


Yolanthe had said goodbye to Amia and her boy, hoisted the cold box to a shoulder and went back to her bar. Pel was closing up, Ahjess sprawled against the bar helping him cash up. The others were gone, having turned the chairs over onto the tables for the cleaners to tackle in the morning.

She dropped the icebox next to the bar and scooped a handful of latinum strips from the neatly stacked piles. "I'll owe the kitty. If you need me, I'll be in Q'uits."

"Bad night with the lovebirds?" Ahjess asked. He had changed from his dabo outfit, but the pants still looked like they were spray painted on. The only way she wouldn't have gone rose pink at that, would to have been dead. "Come clubbing with me. There's some small places out on The Mile that keep really late hours. You can be my wingman."

The pink blurred to teal, "Isn't Jessica your wingman?"

"She's got a headache. I'd take Pel here, but he wouldn't say boo to a goose, let alone try and pull for me. And I get better success with the ladies when I've got a woman along. Its like a seal of approval."

"You'll have to cope on just your own personal charm. I need to do stuff."

Ahjess pouted. "Well that's me fucked. Or not, as will be more likely."

She laughed. "You have everyone at your table wound around your pinky before the wheel stops spinning. You don't need any help."

"True," he gave a huge grin. "But don't come crying over missing out on a night of fabulousness when you get gouged by the greasy Klingon for watery kanar."

"See you tomorrow." Yolanthe said firmly and left again, taking the stairs up to the first level of the promenade.

Q'uits was heaving. Once all the respectable places had cleared out, the dissolute and unrespectable abandoned their hunting grounds to return to their watering hole.

The Klingon himself was sat at the bar while two skinny boslics, twins at a glance, poured the drinks. The atmosphere was think with smokes and grease, but her skin was pale blue, and reflected small amounts of ultra violet, making her stand out even more than normal. Q'uit stood. It took a while for the outer extremes of his muscles to catch up with the rest of him. "What do you want, Ibalin?"

He didn't intimidate her, but she held her palms up in placating gesture. "I'm not here to bet. I want Goods and Services."

Q'uit grunted and held out his hand. She dropped two strips into it. "A Travel Agent."

Q'uit made a gesture to one of the Boslic twins put two glasses on the bar, and added a golden liquid from an unmarked bottle. It could have been anyone of a hundred different popular spirits from the Alpah and Beta quadrants. "Him," Q'uit pointd, and Yolanthe followed the line of his finger. "Ricardo Draxx."

Draxx wasn't watching the fights. The rest of his small crew were engrossed in the battles but he was far more enjoying the company of the Trill and half Orion girls who seemed intent on vying for his attentions. It seemed the white shirt, waistcoat and tight pants look had been a good choice this evening. Paired with his favourite Klingon leather boots, of course. He knocked back his 3rd beer greedily smacking his lips and throwing his head back as they all laughed. His slightly long shaggy brown hair tickled his neck. It was time for another hair cut he reasoned. It was nice to be back in port again after their recent sprint to the Theta Indi system. It meant as soon as he had managed to get rid of these two beauties preferably in the morning, he could go and get that hair cut.

"So the Ferengi Ambassadors aid got jiggy with the security chiefs little princess. This stations security chief," he signalled his first mate indicating another round was required. "Ladies, how do we think this will pan out?"

The Trill leaned forward giving him yet another look at her ample chest. "Well he's a hot head. I think the aid needs to start running."

"Or disappear," the Orion girl stated placing a hand on his leg.

"Well I might be able to help him with that," Ricardo said with a snort. He knew the chief having unfortunately bumped heads with him once. And it would only ever be once. He had got the measure of that man and knew how to side step him now.

"Do we know any interesting tidbits on any of the other diplomats my pretties," he crowed storing every bit of information they were dropping.

"There's a new diplomatic officer," the Trill offered. "Trying to organise a summit."

"He's handsome," the Orion girl replied.

"He's a bumbling idiot," the Trill laughed, "but recent parts of his Starfleet file are locked up tight." Draxx nodded making another mental note. That meant something interesting had occurred in his past.

"Captain," Biggs placed another glass on the table before him, and two more for the girls. He nodded his head in the direction of Qui't now seemly pointing his direction. "I think you're about to get some more company."

"Fascinating," Draxx stated.

When Q'uit had pointed, Yolanthe had first hoped he'd meant one of the women. But the name had completely scrubbed that hope. She took the two glasses that had been poured and went over. "Ricardo Draxx? I'm looking for a Travel Agent."

"And where would the proprietor of the Box of Delights be looking to go on vacation," Draxx cocked an eyebrow at her and smirked. He knew who she was of course.

"Verex III," she said promptly. "After that, I don't know, but i'll want to be in and out without being spotted."

"Ladies, why don't you go," he sprinkled some latinum into both of their hands, "and make a few bets. Looks like I may have some business to attend too." Both girls flashed Yolanthe hard glares but took the silver bars. The Trill made sure to bump her deliberately upon leaving.

Draxx leaned forward and took one of the glasses off her, taking a sip. "Humm the good stuff. Q'uit actually wants to help you out. Please pumpkin, take a seat."

She turned a dark mustard colour at the name. "Q'uit wants me out of here quickly. Can you do it?"

"I can do anything. Interesting, you can dish out all the pet names in the world to other people but if someone calls you one your not happy? Mustard - is annoyed?" he queried.

The mustard lightened to a gold. "Why don't you stop dicking around and just tell me how much you want and how soon you can do it?"

Draxx waved it off laughing and took a long sip of the good stuff. He had all the journey or journeys to fathom her out and once she was on his ship she couldn't escape anywhere until she was off it again. He would have the measure of her. "Ahh yes payment. I don't need Latinum. Or credits or any kind of monetary value."

The gold became more orange. She rolled her eyes, not that it was obvious with her completely white eyes. "What then?" She had a pretty good idea, but since his skin wasn't changing colour, she wasn't going to guess and risk insulting him if she was wrong.

Draxx leaned back and briefly stretched his arms above his head before resting them down by his hands again and turning serious.

"Payment would be threefold." He had decided to take her on. She had peaked his interest enough and her dicking around comment showed she had some spunk. "One," he continued. "You will owe me a favour. At some point in the future I will ring that in. I choose the what and the when. There will be NO arguments. You will help me at that point. Two - I get one Kiss," he paused for dramatic effect knowing she wasn't expecting that. Perhaps she was expecting him to make her do payment in full sex. But he wasn't that much of a sleaze and could get all the women he wanted. This was purely curiosity so he could really get the measure of her. And she was unique.

"A real one. No pathetic peak on the cheek or quick touch of the lips. Again I get to choose the when and the where. Finally you bring your Gorn to my ship in roughly," He looked in the direction of his crew and the 2 women from earlier so she followed his eyes. "2 ... no 3 hours and any other CRAP you need to bring on this "VACATION" with you pumpkin. And yes I will continue to call you whatever pet name I like. So get used to it."

Not that she or most people had noticed in all the commotion was sat another Gorn with the crew. A much smaller one."We have something in common with our employees you and I." He waited until she finally clicked it. "Except mines a female and consequently," He raised his voice, "horny as hell, and DRIVING US ALL NUTS as she doesn't believe in interspecies dating to scratch that itch." The rest of his men raised their glasses and stated, "Aye,". His Gorn merely looked grumpy. "How frequently do we find another one who's male in the private sector I ask you?" he directed back at Yolanthe.

The Gorn stood up, walked forward and hissed something in her native language at him. "For crying out loud Poppy. Just meet him. I'm not asking you to marry him. I'm not asking you to do anything with him especially if he's an ASSHOLE. But do something, at least meet him because this "mating PMT" or whatever it is, is killing the rest of us." The Gorn hissed in Gorn at him again and turned off in a huff.

He turned back to her and said sagely. "A harmonious crew makes for harmonious travels. Those are the terms. Non negotiable." he leaned back and finished "the good stuff."

She stared at him. Initially she'd gone a sharp cyan, surprised and confused why he'd gone for the Kiss and not the obvious. Now she was slowly turning lemony yellow. The kiss was unexpected. Maybe he was hoping that it would lead to more. Whatever. She'd kissed, and more, with whatever man was put in front of her for ten years, give or take. What was one more? The favour was a given. The shadier parts of the galaxy dealt in tow currencies, latinum and favours. If he was prepared to take the latter, she had more of the former to try and dig Klia out of whatever hole she was in. SHe would insist on some caveats if she could.

But pimping Harry? Hell, she'd broken bones less than 48 hours ago when some other alien had used one of her boys to 'scratch an itch'. She wasn't going to march him anywhere and expect him to perform becuase some man told her to. She took a deep breath.

"One. You favour can't put any of my employees at risk of life, limb or liberty. Other than that, done. Two. One Kiss, that's it. DOn't get your hopes up. Three. I will ask Harry if he wants to help. If he says yes, then its his business. But I won't bring him along and spring this on him."

"Agreed," he shrugged. "We have another thing in common. We both actually care about our people. You have my word, none of your employees will be at risk. I wouldn't let anyone do that to me either. And fine its up to "Harry". I'm not stupid enough to try force a Gorn to do something. Just let them meet. They're grown ups, they can sort themselves out. Besides if nothing does happens between them, then at least I tried help my girl out," he rose and tossed some Latinum on the table.

"3 hours. The ship is .... well lets just say this week its called the "Hormonal Poppy," he cracked a laugh. "Biggs will send you the details,"

He sloped back in the direction of the Trill and half Orion girl pausing to look over his shoulder, "Oh and its you who shouldn't get their hopes up darling. A kiss is just a kiss after all."

Yolanthe watched him leave, jaw clenched so tight her teeth were beginning to ache. This Draxx obviously had a high regard of his abilities. Q'uit had recommended him. Would the Klingon risk his reputation by hooking her up with a bad connection? They didn't like each other. Too late now. She needed to leave as soon as she could and no legitimate charter would go into Orion Space, let alone to its most infamous market.

She walked back to the entrance.

"Don't hurry back," Q'uit said as she passed him.

She stopped. "I'll make sure people know where I've gone, who with, and who hooked us up." She went slightly green. It was a weak bluff.

Q'uit knew it too. "Do that, and no-one will bother looking for you. Who cares when the trash takes out the trash? Bon Voyage."


A JP Between
Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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