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Just In Case

Posted on Sun Dec 6, 2015 @ 9:38am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Edited on on Sun Dec 6, 2015 @ 7:34pm

737 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Rianni's Quarters on Diana's Arrow
Timeline: One Hour after Let's Just Go

Deep Space Five was now many hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the proverbial rearview and Rianni finally had some time to herself. Her head still hurt as she sat in front of her terminal, Mittens sleeping soundly in her lap. Taking a deep breath she turned on the terminal's recording device and smiled for the camera before beginning to talk, "Aunt Isha, hi. Okay, by the time you see this Papa and I will be several hours from the base on Diana's Arrow, we're going to rescue Klia from some sleazeball slave trader. I know what you're thinking, hell, I can practically hear you already screaming at me, and, maybe you're right, maybe this is stupid, but I care about Klia, and I can't leave her in this guy's hands. I know you're going to be upset, but I had to do this."

She paused for a second, pouring herself a glass of Romulan Ale and taking a deep draw, "Look, I just, I needed to get this to you, you know, in case I don't make it back. I want to thank you, I mean, for everything. From the very first day I met you when that idiot Gabriel tried to use me to entrap you, you've always been there for me. You were there for me when I started to discover my roots, you were the first person there when I came out of my coma. You've always taken such good care of me, I mean, you...."

She drained her glass and poured another before continuing, "I probably sound stupid right now, stumbling over myself like this. I wanted to see you face to face but some asshat from security wouldn't let me. Yeah, that mixture of Greek and Romulan profanities you probably heard last night was my drunk ass trying to get in to check on you. Sorry. Umm, so, yeah, anyway, I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for all the help you've given me since you came into my life, I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for you. I know, that probably doesn't sound like a compliment, but it is. Without the strength I've learned from you, I never would've survived what I've been through, Hell, I probably wouldn't have even tried, and I can never thank you enough."

Finishing her second glass Rianni put the bottle away, something she hadn't done in so long she wondered if she had forgotten how, "But, what I really want to say is this, you've been more than just a wonderful Aunt. You've been like another mom to me: encouraging me when I needed it, helping me every step of the way, and balancing me when I needed it. I know dealing with a troublesome half breed with more issues than Mad Magazine hasn't been easy, but you've always handled it with the kind of grace that only an Empress could dream of. My Mom has always done so well with me, but she couldn't help me with the Romulan aspects of life, you filled those gaps for me, made me proud of what I am, even if a lot of people do look down on me. Honestly, I don't give a damn if the entire house looks down on Rianni the half breed, as long as I know you don't their opinions don't matter."

"So, I guess the main thing I want to say here is that I never could've gotten this far without you, and that if anything does happen to me please, please remember how much I love you." She continued, wiping a tear from her eye, "And even if I got to choose my entire family from anyone I wanted in the galaxy, I could've done no better than you." She leaned in as though to embrace the monitor and kissed the camera, "I guess when I get back I can do that for real. Though you're probably going to want to knock the hell out of me for doing this, and if you do, I'll take that, too. Hopefully I'll see you soon. I love you. Rianni out."

With a deep sigh she turned off the camera and picked up Mittens, setting him on their bed before getting ready for sleep, ~I just hope they let her get her messages.~


Realizes if she survives her aunt will probably kill her


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