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Helping the New Girl

Posted on Thu Dec 3, 2015 @ 1:51am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate, Unknown
Timeline: during It Can't Be


Adriel had been watching the new girl for a while, poor little creature just sitting there in a ball in the corner crying, ~Torm must've not been able to wait to play with her.~ Adriel surmised, a quick view of the pretty Orion's bruises confirming exactly what she'd thought, ~Son of a bitch....~

She was Torm's longest surviving 'lover' and she'd survived that long for two reasons: she'd never forgotten that she was, in fact, a slave, one, and two she kept her mouth shut, hopefully she'd be able to teach the new girl that trick. She adjusted her hair as best she could, not a whole lot she could do with it since Torm didn't exactly provide beauty products or stylists for his girls, hell, they were lucky to have toothbrushes and access to showers, and walked over to the new girl, "Hi, honey." She began, her voice calm and soothing, "My name's Adriel and I'm going to help you get through this and hopefully survive, okay?"

Klia raised her head from her knees to stare at the girl. Adriel was younger than she was, barely more than a child. There was betazoid in there somewhere too, the blackness of her eyes was too deep to be anything else. 'Survive? Why'd I want to do that?'

"Because if you survive there's still a chance we can get you back to your family." Adriel smiled reassuringly, taking her in. This one was even pretty for an Orion, really said a lot. She'd seen lots of Orions come through the lower deck as she called it, they were a favorite of Torm's, "Can't do that if you're dead. So, what's your name or do you want me to just keep calling you Honey?"

"I don't have any family."

"Okay." Adriel nodded, standing to get some water to clean off the girl's wounds. She knew from looking at her that Torm had been the only one at her because her face wasn't bruised or bloody, he never hit them in the face, said it made it harder for him to perform if a woman's face looked like a hamburger. She returned with a damp towel and began to tend to a couple superficial cuts on the green beauty's shoulder, continuing to talk to her, "I know someone out there misses you, wants you back, and if you'll trust me, I'll do everything I can to get you back to them, Honey."

"So, before you ask, yes I am Betazoid." Adriel smiled comfortingly, "And I don't need to be a telepath to know you're probably starving. I've got some fresh fruit and cheese that one of the guards brings me, got a little bit of chocolate, too. Get you a little snack, tide you over until meal time in a couple hours. The food here isn't great, but we make it a little better on our own."

"We?" Klia choked out the question. "Ancestors, there's more than you and me?"

"Yeah, there's about twenty of us down here right now." Adriel explained, "All different species, a sisterhood of sorts, helping each other survive and trying to get home, or at least out of this hell hole. So far I've managed to get six women out of here over the last five years." Adriel stopped talking right there, focusing again on the Orion's injuries to avoid telling her that in that same timeframe Torm had killed well over a hundred.

"That sort of exercise should kill the fat bastard." Klia spat out a ball of bloodied drool. He'd not touched her face, but she'd bit her own tongue to stop from retching when he'd forced himself on her.

"Believe me, it's on the to do list." Adriel laughed, wiping the blood away from the Orion's lips, "So, it's probably going to be a few days before the guards bother to bring you a bed roll, so I guess until then you can share my bed. No worries, it's huge so we're not really likely to be touching. We should probably lay you in it for a while before dinner anyway, you're exhausted. I'll get you some things and bring you a snack, okay?" She stood and offered her hand to her new friend, "How about it, Honey?"

The Orion didn't have the strength to argue. But she got to her feet on her own, making sure the wrap she had been given was tightly belted. "Why are you being nice to me? If you can get other girls out, why are you still here?"

Adriel just laughed and smiled, "Because if I leave who will help the next batch of girls to escape, Honey?" She thought the answer so obvious it made the question somewhat silly, but, looking at it from the other woman's perspective she understood why it had to be asked, "As for why I'm being nice to you, why wouldn't I be? What have you done to me? Nothing. You're trapped the same as I am, why shouldn't we be on the same side?"

"Because if something's too good to be true, it usually not true."

"Honey, you overrate how good our situation is." Adriel sighed, this poor baby had really been through it, jumping at every shadow and scared to trust, ~Don't really blame her.~ "Fact is there's no guarantee I can get you out of here, only that I'll try. As for why I stay, obviously it's to help the others, and, honestly, I want to be the last one out. Me and Torm, we got an old score to settle."

Klia settled onto the thin foam that provided adriel's bed. "Lets burn the whole place down."

"With him in it." Adriel agreed readily, "Using him for kindling would be the first time I ever found him useful." She gently stroked the Orion's face and hair with the back of her hand, "You sure are pretty. Even for an Orion. He must've paid a King's ransom for you. Good, the more he has to pay the more time we have to get you out of here. So," she continued as she laid her blanket over the Orion, "tell me about your life before all this. Pretty girl like you is bound to have someone special. Boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, someone..."

While she waited for the Orion woman to talk she moved to the wall and removed the vent cover, reaching in and coming out with two cool drinks and a large chocolate bar, handing the chocolate bar and one of the drinks to her new roomie, for lack of a better word, "There ya go, Honey, one bar of Betazoid crack."

Klia didn't have the appetite for it. She hadn't had much of an appetite since the nightmare had begun. It was what? a year? she couldn't remember. The days had blurred into one, her only focus was to get through the day ahead. And that only changed when events conspired to make her nights a trial of terror and despair as well.

"No-one." And it was true. her family had disowned her long ago, when she had run from the lide her mother had chosen from her. She'd never taken a lover for longer than it took for her to scratch the itch. And Lani.

Gods Below. Naive, stubborn, idiotic Yolanthe. Her best friend would think she was dead. The man who had taken her had told her that. That Yolanthe would rage, and mourn, and then forget. Had she forgotten yet?

Adriel simply smiled and said, "Well, long as we're here together, you've got me, and I'm going to take great care of you until I get you out of here." She'd always heard everyone had their limits, and she was certain she'd just reached hers, the suffering Torm had inflicted on this poor girl was just too far over the line, ~This time the bastard's going to die.~ She set the food on what passed for her nightstand and walked to the other side, lying down beside the Orion but not touching her, before saying, "So you're not alone."


NPC by Notty

NPC by Drea


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