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The Morning After

Posted on Thu Dec 3, 2015 @ 3:01am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,164 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Rianni's Quarters
Timeline: It Can't Be... Can It? +6 hours

Her head was playing the fracking anvil chorus and she couldn't even think of food without puking, but Rianni was determined to get everything together to get to Diana's Arrow and rescue Klia from... whoever had her, wherever he was. She tucked her disruptor into her belt, from which she hung an ancient Nepalese knife, a Khukri, as wicked looking a device as any warrior had ever borne in battle, fully intending to split as many men as required in half to rescue Klia. Checking her gear one final time, Rianni decided everything was ready and closed her bag, quickstepping to the door.... which opened in front of her revealing D'Rek D'Liin, "What the frack are you doing here, asshole? Didn't get the message last night?"

"No, darling it seems you are the one who didn't get the message last night." He snarled, "You were told to move into our quarters today, unless that's all you're taking you clearly aren't following instructions."

"Look, I got no time to indulge your delusions." Rianni sighed, pushing past him, "I got better things to do."

~Seems it's time to teach the blushing bride her place.~ He decided, reaching out and snatching her back by her arm before striking her hard across her face, "No, my dear, I have no time to indulge your delusions. Now, get up, clean yourself up, and be in our home before lunch. I expect my meal waiting for me when I come home tonight."

He'd caught her off guard and sent her sprawling to the floor and bloodied her nose, but she wasn't about to lay down for this son of a bitch. Rising to her feet she wiped the blood from her nose and flicked it into his face, "I'm going to rescue my friend, I'll wait until I get back to cut you from neck to nuts. Maybe use the time I'm away to escape."

"Are you daft, woman?" He laughed arrogantly, "Now, get your things and get to our quarters, you're to go nowhere else."

Rianni didn't even reply to him, choosing to continue walking towards the docking bay where Papa kept the Arrow when he didn't have her out; he was a funny old man, paying for a slip he used usually around once a month when he could dock with the Monteros Enterprises ships for free. But, he didn't want Mama knowing when he slipped out, she worried so. She was mere meters from the turbolift when her head snapped back violently. He'd grabbed her by her hair and jerked her back towards him until he was able to grab her around the neck with his free arm, nearly cutting off her airway, "Let me go...." She gasped, fumbling for the Khukri on her belt.

"Let you go?" He laughed, "Never. You're mine now, along with everything appertaining there to. Oh, and not just your legacy from the Khelliana, but I'm going to take a piece of Monteros Enterprises, too. And, you, you will give me a strong Romulan son, who will probably look at you with the same disdain I do, but will carry my name and hopefully undo some of the shame you've brought your house through your continued existence. Do you understand your new life, woman?"

She'd managed to free the Khukri in spite of only having one arm for that task. He'd positioned himself directly behind her, a tactic that would've protected him from a standard, straight bladed knife, but the curved blade of the Khukri found his left side; it hadn't cut him deep, but it got his arm off of her throat.

The sting of the blade was immediate and made D'Liin howl out in pain and sling her to the deck by her hair. When he saw his hand covered in his own blood he kicked her hard twice in her ribs, leaving her gasping for breath as she crawled on the deck trying to get away. Keeping pressure on the wound he took a second to gather his thoughts, he had that luxury because he'd kicked her very hard and she'd yet to get to her feet. The marriage was where the money was at, the ceremonies were simply for show. All he really needed was her thumbprint on the marriage contract....

She'd not been able to get to her feet, that second kick had broken a couple of ribs, and she now leaned against the bulkhead, getting her breath and planning her next attack. Looking up as she tried, and failed, to rise she saw D'Liin bearing down on her, in his left hand was.... a PADD? Expecting a disruptor this didn't really raise any alarm for her, so she decided to wait until he got close and then finish him.

D'Liin knew what she was thinking, a vole could've figured it out. She was waiting for him to get within arm's reach and try to cut him open again, this time doing it right, but she wouldn't get the opportunity. With a smirk he stepped on her arm, pinning it and the knife to the ground, and grabbed her free arm, pressing her thumb to the PADD and chuckling, "There, that didn't hurt at all, did it, Mrs. D'Liin?"

The words Mrs. D'Liin hadn't really registered, though as the fog in her brain began to clear she realized what he had done, ~Frack, he got my print on a marital.... I'm his now.~ She thought, instantly despondent as he lifted her from the deck by her hair and dragged her back to her quarters, throwing her on the floor. She knew now exactly what he was going to do to her, but the last impact against the deck had left her with a concussion and unable to fight back. If she wasn't determined to get to and rescue Klia she'd have been hoping for death, now, now she had to survive, no matter what.

"Yes, dear wife, it's time to expand our little family." D'liin laughed sinisterly, "You're going to make a fine brood sow for me and in a few generations your human taint will have been bred out of our bloodlines."

"My Papa...." She gurgled, her mouth filling with blood from her apparently broken nose, or possibly a cut inside, "He'll come for me... he'll find me and he'll kill you." She knew D'Liin wasn't afraid of her, but knew he carried a healthy fear of her Papa, Dad, and brother, J'Tar. Especially J'Tar, ~Should've threatened him with J'Tar....~

"Seems Papa's ship is being searched." D'Liin grinned as he tore her pants off, "Seems someone told station security that he was smuggling weapons. Should take all day. Means we've got plenty of time. Now, shut up and be a good girl, Mrs. D'Liin, we've got a house to fill."


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t"Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan/Victim

D'Rek D'Liin
Social Climbing Dirtbag


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