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Health and Welfare check

Posted on Tue Dec 1, 2015 @ 5:26am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Benj Amoran

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Main Sick Bay

It had been another of "those" days in Sickbay. Benj was, just like all his staff, exhausted and no-one had any recollection which shift they were on nor how many hours they'd worked.

It was an Emergency situation and everyone had been deemed to be 'on duty' until all the patients were out of danger. When it finally happened that everyone was being treated or had been stabilised, he was able to rotate some staff to step down for rest periods until he had enough fully recovered for the next shifts when others could then sign right off until later shifts and back into a proper pattern.

The logistics alone were all too much for an exhausted ACMO to keep spinning but fortunately there was a protocol in place that had it all templated out and he just had to apply it. Nonetheless he was seriously feeling the absence of his CMO.

He signed off another satisfactory case discharge with a sigh and a stretch of his taut shoulders. His was the only case where the rest-periods were left until last of all.

Melvyn Raddon walked through the initial doors of sickbay that led to a wider foyer. The bright lights illuminated the area and gave it the appearance of being much more open and wider. Perhaps it was the purposeful design of Federation Engineers to make all sickbays look warm and inviting to all those pass through the doors. It made sense, considering that many that came into sickbay would never walk out, at least not alive.

Everytime he came into some sort of medical facility he thought about the final moments he spent with his Meg'han. He could still feel the grip of her hand as her life slowly escaped from her body. He could also remember his screams as he begged the doctors to work harder, longer, or to do whatever was necessary to save her. . .

Melvyn was caught in his memories when a voice interrupted him.

"Excuse me Sir, can I help?" Benj asked as he approached the visitor.

"Uhm...yes? I'm sorry, I was. . .else where." Melvyn responded to the Doctor. "I'm here to see a patient of yours who is an employee of mine, Rene Babeu." He said. "He was beamed in here during the evacuation, I was told that he had been trapped underneath fallen debris in the lower decks of the station?" Melvyn inquired.

"Ah yes, cubicle four. This way please." Benj moved towards the cubicles, leading the way for Melvyn. "Mr Babeu was badly hurt. Our CMO has had to do some serious surgical work on his leg. Fortunately she's a bit of a whizz at what used to be generically called *bionics*. She did a lot of work on clones and AI's and has some serious research experience. It comes in handy with reconstruction and regenerating *limbs with extras inside*." He explained.

They arrived at the cubicle and Benj stood aside to allow Melvyn to enter first. In the bio-bed, fully life-supported by the Med-arch, Rene was awake but seriously encased in polystasis - the 24th Century's version of physical support for broken bones.

Melvyn nodded as he stepped inside of the medical cubicle. He looked down at the Human before him and sighed compassionately. It was heart-breaking to see such a talented young man lying so helpless and unmoving.

"He took the brunt of the collapse when it occurred." Dorian said, standing over Melvyn's shoulder, looking down at his friend. "Once the pylon collapsed on us, I was barely able to make it to a safe location to beam us out of there." He said.

"You mean, 'We' were barely able to make it to a safe location..." Melvyn corrected the younger man.

"What do you mea---" Dorian began to say.

"I'm fully aware that the Bokkai was with you when you made it to my facility." Melvyn said in a terse tone. "Are you aware of how much trouble she could cause just by observing anything within my facilities?" He asked rhetorically.

Silence surrounded the two men for several seconds before Dorian finally responded. "So what now? She had no clue what she saw, nor was she able to open any of the containers or activate any of the consoles. For all she knows she only saw a storage facility." Dorian said.

"I hope you are right, Dorian, for all of our sakes. . ." Melyvn said as he saw the Doctor return to the room.

"Here we are" Benj said as he returned with the PaDD that refered to Rene's condition and treatments.

As Melvyn saw Dr. Amoran return to the room his face flashed a brief appearance of annoyance. Of all the talented physicians that populate Starfleet's Medical Corps, they can only find non-humans to staff the station's sickbay. As if the Federation was lacking in Human Doctors and other medical providers. However, that was a complaint for another time and another place.

"When can we expect for Rene to fully recover and be able to return to his home?" Melvyn asked.

"Dr Telamon would be better able to be more specific on that prediction, I'd say." Benj answered. "She's still got a lot on her 'intended procedures' list here." He indicated the PaDD. "and then he'd have recovery time. All assuming his new bio-implants take. If he rejects.. well, that's another possible scenario, but with all going as well as possible, i would estimate something in the region of four Terran weeks until he can function independently. Not necessarily walking full time alone, but at least able to manoeuvre a hover-chair during the times he's too tired to get around on his own legs. It's amazing what we can do these days" he added proudly, clearly thinking his estimate of the time was quite remarkably fast considering the extent of the man's original injuries.

Melvyn nodded as the Bajoran finished speaking. "Very well, keep me informed on his improved condition." He stated as he kneeled and began to silently pray for the younger man.

Several moments later, Mevlyn stood and began to leave the cubicle area. Dorian paused for several moments and looked at his comrade for several seconds before turning to follow the older man out of the main reception area for sickbay. As they cleared the foyer and walked towards the turbolift Melvyn sighed as he stepped inside and allowed the doors to close shut.

"Dorian...if I ever end up like Rene..." He said slowly.

"What, paralyzed and sitting in sickbay?" Dorian interrupted.

"No...lying in a bed at the mercy of some wrinkled-nose. . .or some other non-human." Melvyn said firmly. "You have my permission to pull the plug." He stated with considerable consent.

"Aye, sir...." Dorian replied.


Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corp

Dorian Gabriel
Raddon Corp

Lieutenant Amoran, Benj


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