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Lost Children (Part 5, Conclusion)

Posted on Fri Nov 6, 2015 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Maritza Soran & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

2,077 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Ferengi diplomatic courier Yazant
Timeline: MD 3/1845


In the security lounge, Tock heard the slight alert from the bridge and through down yet another losing tongo hand.

“What’s that?” one of the other Ferengi asked.

“Probably just the station hailing us again,” the pilot said with annoyance.

“Sounds different.”

Tock ambled out the door and onto the bridge. He blinked when he saw the alert that internal sensors had detected a transporter beam on the ship.

“Blessed Exchequer!” he exclaimed, reaching for the alert button just as the comm shouted, INTRUDERS!

Tock slapped the button and rushed back to the lounge, where the other Ferengi were scrambling, the security officers rushing to their stations.

“Get back and protect the ambassador and the children!” Tock ordered. “The alert came from the cargo hold!” A coldness gripped him as he wondered if the Federation children were the target of this assault.

As Security rushed from the lounge into the VIP quarters, Tock hurried to the bridge and tried to raise the station.

“Deep Space Five! This is Ferengi diplomatic courier Yazant. We are under attack! I repeat, we have boarders and are under attack!”


Soran listened to the call for help with a smile on her lips. The Ferengi had been given fair chance. "This is DS5. You have committed an act of piracy in our airspace. We have responded in kind. Drop all shields, power down all weapons, and surrender to Lieutenant Trellis."

Tock’s beady eyes blinked. “What!” he exclaimed. “We aren’t running shields or weapons! Piracy! This is a diplomatic vessel! As such, you have no authority on board this ship!” he protested. “When the ambassador hears of this, Hew-man, you will regret it!”

"In that case, I'm happy to upgrade it to an act of war." Soran wasn't going to be intimidated by the fat-lobed little pig. "Stand. Down."


"----aGH!" Senior Chief U'Van was just able to duck as the disruptor activated and sent a single blast past the Andorian's left ear. He turned on his heels and brought his fist into the lower right abdomen of the Ferengi before grabbing his shoulders and driving his knee into the same tender area. The sudden impact caused the guard to drop his disruptor and stagger backwards.

The Ferengi let out a pained grown as he quickly withdrew a six-inch blade. U'van was barely able to see it shine in the dim light of the cargo hold before he felt its jagged edge slash through his uniform tunic.

The Ferengi staggered for several steps before he tried to jab forward into U'Van's chest. The Ferengi's hand went limp as the ionized blast from Trellis' phaser tore through his body.

"Hugghha....." he gasped as his body sagged forward and collapsed.

"Trellis to Petty Officers Qu'Rales and Pasjman, secure Engineering and shut down the vessel's tactical and maneuvering capabilities," the Lieutenant said as he surveyed the area.

The children had flooded out of the cargo bay back towards Engineering where the other members of the response team could evacuate them to safety. However, there was still the matter of the Ferengi ambassador on the bridge. He had committed an act of piracy and had to be held accountable for his crimes.

"Chief, you still with me?" Trellis asked the Andorian as he nursed his wound.

"Aye, sir," U'Van said as he finally caught his breathe. "Do we retreat to the shuttle, sir?" U'Van said as the other petty officers finished restraining the other three Ferengi guards.

"No, we're going to secure the bridge and the Ferengi ambassador. From there we'll await further instructions from DS5. For the time being, inventory your weapons and gear. We move out in five minutes," Lieutenant Trellis said as he checked his display for the map of the ship.

The map showed the next hallway through the door led to the crew quarters and after that another hallway to where the ambassador, staff, and other VIP guests had quarters. Beyond was a security hub and the bridge.

The next door proved just as easy to open, but the assault team was met by a fusillade of disruptor fire as the Ferengi security officers opened fire.


“What is going on, Captain Ohm?” Qinee asked in confusion as her security chief slipped into the suite.

Ohm nodded to the two security officers on either side of the door and they sealed it again. Ohm turned to regard the ambassador with a shake of his head.

“An armed boarding party has beamed aboard the Yazant,” he reported, surprisingly calm for a Ferengi in a tense situation, but then that was why Qinee had recruited him “They have taken Engineering and taken about half the children hostage.”

Qinee gasped, covering her mouth and looking around at the other Federation children that had been ushered into her suite for safety when the alert had sounded. Many were still wearing only towels, having just cleaned up from the earlier food fight or awaiting their turn in the lavatory.

“We have to save them!” Qinee insisted.

Ohm shook his head. “We are outnumbered,” he said. “Our priority has to be your safety and that of the other children,” the security captain told the ambassador.

“I knew we should have hired Nausicaans,” Nazl growled.

Aleczandra pushed back her rainbow hair. She had just gotten out of the lavatory and was still wrapped only in a towel, stopped from going to retrieve some clothes when the security alert sounded.

“What do they want with us?” she asked with surprise.

“Unknown,” Ohm said. “At this time we don’t have much more information than that. Daimon Tock is trying to contact the station for help.”

Qinee nodded. “Our safety is in your hands, Captain,” she said.

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Nazl grumbled.


Lt. Trellis continued to duck back behind the pylon that separated the doors to the hallway leading towards the VIP quarters. The firefight had damaged the EPS junction for the deck, disrupting the power flow. The lights around the Starfleet team flickered intermittently, making it difficult to ascertain just how many hostiles remained between them and the Ferengi Ambassador.

Lt. Trellis got the attention of two of the teammates. He signaled for them to advance towards the VIP quarters while he and U'Van laid down cover fire. He then signaled for U'Van to toss a stun grenade into the junction occupied by the two Ferengi guards.

"Aye, aye!" U'Van shouted as he placed his protective gear into his ears and withdrew the offensive grenade. "Grenade! Grenade!" Senior Chief U'Van shouted as he released the ordinance and took cover.

The grenade clattered into the narrow corridor and the two Ferengi scrambled, but there was little cover they could find before the grenade exploded. They thumped to the deck.


“Can we get the children to the escape pods?” Qinee asked her security chief.

“There isn’t enough room for all of them in the pods we could access,” Captain Ohm said. “But we can evacuate a few.”

Qinee nodded. “Save as many as you can,” she instructed.

“I’ll go with them!” Nazl quickly volunteered himself.

Qinee gave her assistant a glare.

“I will stay behind,” Aleczandra said, biting her lower lip, nervous and fearful. But it was what her father would do.

Ambassador! came Daimon Tock’s voice over the comms. It’s the Federation!

“Thank the Blessed Exchequer!” Qinee said. “They are sending help?”

No! They’re the ones attacking us!

Qinee stared dumbfounded. “What!”

The boarders are Starfleet!

Aleczandra was just as flummoxed. “Why the hell would they do that?”

They want us to power down shields and weapons and surrender.

“Why are we running shields and weapons?” Qinee asked, confused.

We aren’t! Tock seemed just as confused.

Qinee took a breath. “Send our acknowledgement,” she ordered. “Ohm, tell your men to cease fire.”

“Right away!” Ohm replied, turning to give the order over the comms.


In the corridor, the Ferengi weapons fire suddenly ceased and a stillness, strange in the air in the aftermath of all the energy fire, settled over the ship. On the bridge, Tock hailed the station again.

“We’re surrendering! We’re surrendering! Call off your attack, Federation!”

Soran kept her face neutral, though inwardly she was immensely satisfied. "Acknowledged. Please stand by." She opened a secure line to the security team. "Lieutenant Trellis, when you have control of the ship to your satisfaction, please see to it that they make for Docking Bay Ninety-Four."

Relief slowly passed over Lieutenant Trellis as he released the handle of his phaser rifle and reached for his comm badge.

"Trellis to Deep Space 5, acknowledge. Response Team is now moving in to secure the bridge and take the ambassador into custody. Trellis out."

As the other two crewmen secured the crumpled Ferengi guards, Trellis made his way through the VIP quarters, still cautious of the environment, towards the bridge where the ambassador and the surrendering security captain were present. "Ambassador Qinee, you are under arrest for the offense of piracy and multiple counts of kidnapping," he said as he kept his weapon at the low-ready position.

"Turn over the remaining children and any other non-Ferengi personnel. You and your crew will be placed in confinement and transported back to Deep Space 5 and your vessel will be detained at Docking Bay 94," Lieutenant Trellis said in a more controlled and measured tone. His heartrate was still beating quite high considering the furious scrimmage that had taken place onboard.

Qinee pulled herself up to her full, diminutive height. “I and my people will come with you,” she said, “but not under arrest! I am an ambassador and they have diplomatic immunity as employees of the Ferengi Embassy. This assault on sovereign Ferengi soil is an affront and I will take this directly to the Federation Council if I have to!” she said angrily.

Nazl was already cowering and Captain Ohm had calmly handed over his weapons.

Aleczandra pushed herself forward, one hand holding up the towel she wore while the other pushed back her rainbow hair. “Piracy? All we’ve done for the last several hours is sit out here! I want to talk to my father!”

Lieutenant Trellis sighed inwardly. At the moment the only thing he could think about was the feel of a round glass in his hand as he dropped several ice cubes into an authentic glass of Terkellian scotch. Several moments past as he looked down and saw the woman was still haranguing him.

"Ma'am, please step aside, we will see to it that medical evaluates you for any injuries you may have suffered," Trellis said as he pushed by the woman and reached for the ambassador.

"Sir, please follow Chief U'Van back to the shuttle that is docked with your vessel. The rest of your crew will be taken into custody until final adjudication by Federation authorities," he said as he gestured the ambassador to follow the Andorian security officer.

"Trellis to Lieutenant Carter. We've taken control of the target vessel. We're bringing the vessel to dock with Deep Space 5 at Docking Bay 94. Prepare to receive prisoners and the children."

"Roger that Trellis," Kyle called back over the comm.

Qinee drew herself up and shook off Trellis’ hand. “Come, Nazl,” she told her adjutant and strode out of her quarters and down the corridor toward the invading Federation ship.

Aleczandra glared daggers at Trellis, clutching the towel she wore around her naked body as she followed behind. “I don’t need to see Medical,” she said. The last thing she wanted was a doctor running a scanner over her. “I just need to talk to my dad. He’s the security chief,” she said pointedly and then tossed her rainbow hair and stalked out with the other teenagers that had just been “rescued”.


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

Senior Chief Petty Officer Soran U'Van

Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran
2XO/Chief of Strategic Operations

Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi ambassador’s attaché
NPC Caleb Ryan

Captain Ohm
Ferengi ambassador’s chief of security
NPC Caleb Ryan

Daimon Tock
Captain of Ferengi diplomatic courier Yazant
NPC Caleb Ryan

Kyle "Loki" Carter


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