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A Personal Invitation

Posted on Tue Nov 3, 2015 @ 3:34am by Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Tue Nov 3, 2015 @ 3:35am

1,601 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Cardassian Embassy: Deck 60
Timeline: (immediately after "Allies of Convenience")

The young Cardassian woman sitting at the desk looked up at the visitor. She immediately noticed the Starfleet uniform before she noticed the gentleman's face or even his peculiar human accent. The variety of human accents always confused Lha'nem. It was a mystery that humans could decipher their own tongues with such a large variation depending on what part of the planet the human hailed from.

"Yes, welcome to the Cardassian Embassy. How many I assist you?" She asked.

"AHh, my dear lady," he said pleasantly, "I am Sir Mortimer Praxis, I have been charged by the new Diplomatic Officer to extend an invitation to Ambassador Turvan. Lieutenant Reynolds would have attended himself, but he understands that the Ambassador and I are acquainted and would prefer that I make the initial invitation, even if a subsequent invitation from the Federation Diplomatic Officer himself is required. Protocol, you understand. Is Ambassador Turvan available?"

Lha'nem stared at the man for several moments, still trying to process his odd accent. Finally she nodded as she slowly rose from her desk. "Yes, the Ambassador is available to speak with you. If you will please wait for a moment," she said as she gestured towards the waiting area.

==Ambassador's Office==

(previous post: )

"Yes, thank you for your time and audience, Ambassador D'Aerrol." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as the holographic projection of the Romulan faded from his office. Hydel was prepared to call for his assistant when he looked over his shoulder and saw Lha'nem standing at the door.

He paused for several moments to enjoy the shapely young Cardassian before casually make his way towards her. "I'm assuming there is a reason you walked all the way down to my office versus using the comm unit." He said in a authoritative tone. "Not that I don't enjoy an opportunity to be visited by you..." He said much more casually.

"Ambassador Turvan, if I did not know any better, I would think that you were flirting. What would your wife have to say about such behavior?" She asked with a smile.

"My dear, somethings are best left unspoken" Hydel said with a sly grin. "But enough of that," He said dismissively as he went back towards his desk.

"Sir, a Starfleet Diplomat by the name of Sir Mortimer Praxis is here to speak with you in regards to an upcoming conference. Should I send him to your office?" She asked.

"A personal greeting? I'm flattered." Ambassador Turvan responded as he leaned against his desk. "Please, send him in and get him something to a drink." He said to the young assistant.

Sir Mortimer beamed amicably as he entered the office, noting its distinct decor. "Why thank you for seeing me, Ambassador Turvan, we haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting in person."

"Kanar with Klavaatu fruit, chilled." Ambassador Turvan stated to the computer as he turned his back towards the Human and walked towards his replicator. In several moments a darkened glass swirled into existence as Hydel reached into the replicator and retrieved it. He tipped the glass to his lips and took a sip, savoring the strong taste as it went down his throat.

He finally placed the glass on his desk and looked back towards the Starfleet Diplomat.

Ambassador Turvan's brow furrowed slightly as he spoke. "Your people have given you the title of 'Sir' as in a Knight. Yet, here you stand, carrying out messenger work more fitting for a lower-ranked serf." He said as he reached for his glass again.

His smile did not waver, he was too practiced to be drawn in by words that could be construed as an insult, "A cultural misapprehension, Ambassador," Sir Mortimer suggested briefly touching his hands together, "in our history the Knight errant is often possessed of a message or a favour. It is part of one's chivalrous duty to perform tasks that in another culture might be misinterpreted as menial when the context is not properly understood. It is a mark of our esteem that I bring this invitation to you personally, as the longest serving and most experienced hand in our humble department. Our new Chief Diplomat does not consider the errand beneath him, rather he was of the opinion that you would appreciate the courtesy we are extending."

Ambassador Turvan smiled behind his glass. He didn't take the bait...commendable. "So how may I help the Federation? I'm sure there is a particular reason you came all the way to personally invite me to. . .what exactly were you inviting me to again?" He inquired.

Odious little .... Smile still firmly in place Sir Mortimer adjusted his tone slightly, "Ambassador Turvan, you cannot have failed to notice that we have unexpectedly acquired a solar system. It is the intention of the Federation, and Starfleet to convene a summit for representatives of interested parties so that the best course of action with regard to the new territory can be determined," he said conspiratorially.

Sir Mortimer was careful to separate the Federation and Starfleet - it was a common mistake to assume that the interests of the two bodies was 100% aligned - it opened a door for negotiation that would otherwise be firmly closed if it was assumed the two held an identical position.

"As the local representative of the Cardassian Union I am sure you will want to ensure that the interests of your people are heard." What he did not state, as it was implicit, was that with the presence of Deep Space Five Starfleet had the strongest claim and the firepower to defend it if needed.

"interest....? My people's interests?" He asked with indignation.

"I have shed the blood of Changelings and Admirals alike, I have stood and represented the power of Cardassia before Kings and Councilmen." He said as he forcefully put his glass down on his desk. "If I wanted my interests to be simply known to the Federation I would've sent that silly little girl at the front desk to speak on my behalf!" He gesticulated.

"Clearly you take me for some commoner with only a nominal stake in Cardassian affairs..." He said pointedly.

"You'll forgive me for pointing it out, Ambassador, but soldier or not you are currently a diplomat. If a diplomat does not represent the interests of his people and their government, who does he represent?" Sir Mortimer asked, his voice remained calm though his dislike for the man at the other side of the desk had begun to multiply. "I am here to invite the premier representative of the Cardassian people and government to a groundbreaking summit. If you are not he, then perhaps you will direct me to your superior who does have the honour of representing the Cardassian people."

"Yan-pret Cardăsa-çăk!" (For the love of Cardassia) The Cardassian Ambassador said as he took another sip from his chilled glass. "Our purpose at that meeting will not be to discuss my people's interest in the planet as if we are some form of cultural tourists." He said. "The scientific and economic community of my Government have taken great interest in what may be hidden below the surface of that planet." he added.

"Unless..." Ambassador Turvan said, letting the silence fill the room. "Your people have already laid military claim to the planet. In which case, this entire "meeting" is merely a pretense of the Federation's hostile intent." He said daringly. To be frank, he'd be impressed if the Federation had the audacity to engaged in such a daring venture.

Sir Mortimer assumed a thin, hunourless, condescending smile, "Ambassador Turvan, the very presence of Deep Space Five in this location gives the Federation primary claim should we wish. However, the Federation are mindful of their neighbours and seek an optimal solution in an unprecedented situation. As such any ventures to the surface will respect the Prime Directive but we are willing to explore how we share what may prove an unexpected boon to the quadrant."

"Hah! Your Prime Directive. . ." The Ambassador laughed sardonically. "That quaint guideline that your government likes to call upon when it suits their particular interest." Turvan shot back pointedly.

"As you are aware, your Prime Directive, has no standing with my government nor any other capable government." He said said pointedly, intending for his the voice inflection to let the Human know that Starfleet was not the only military-capable power at the negotiation table.

"In regards to whatever boon that the respective governments recover from the planet surface, I'm positive that my government would be more than willing to share and discuss any and everything with you. . .After we've thoroughly examined and vetted the information." He said firmly.

Sir Mortimer clasped his hands together, "And as you are aware, Ambassador, in this sector, Federation Law has precedent. Starfleet will lead, control and monitor any exploration, joint or otherwise. We will be in touch to inform you of the date of the summit. If I were you I'd not plan any excursions over the next day or so, otherwise the Cardassian People might find themselves without a mouthpiece. I bid you good day."

Hydel took one last drink from his glass and placed it on his desk and watched as it dematerialized back to its ionized cavern from whence it came.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor


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