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Exit Stage Right

Posted on Fri Sep 25, 2015 @ 4:16am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

629 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Docking port 15
Timeline: MD 4 1000


"Are you sure you packed everything? You didn't leave anything behind?"

"Do you REALLY think that if we forgot something, it would just get fed to the replicator? I'm sure that if, on the off chance something was left behind in our quarters - it'll get shipped to 272 for us."

Ceridwen and Steve had been going back and forth like this for the entire walk across the station. It was less about worry of forgetting any of their belongings, and more the desire to stay just a little bit longer. Yes, main power had been restored and the remainder of the primary systems would be back online in a few hours. But, neither wanted to leave things unfinished.

And this wasn't any sort of slight against Rhe'la or the engineering staff. Rather, both of them saw it as a slight against themselves. They had dedicated the last couple years to keeping Deep Space 5 up and running. Now, when the station seemingly needed them most - they were leaving to face new challenges.


Gwen's voice snapped the two of them out of their miniature spat. Releasing his grip on his luggage, Steve crouched down to look his progeny in the eye. "What's up, kiddo?"

"Daddy... why are we leaving without telling Miss Rhe'la? She's going to miss us!"

That was certainly an adult question, one which the two adults weren't certain how to answer. "Rhe'la needs to stand on her own two feet. With me and your mom over her shoulder, she's going to be second guessing herself. Plus... I think I've had my share of tearful goodbyes this year..." Steve explained, thinking back to P'Trell's funeral. He said goodbye to his family to attend it, said goodbye to a mentor, and then said goodbye to his best friend when he came home. It was a rough couple of weeks.

Home. When did DS5 become home? It was a question Steve wasn't sure he'd be able to answer. "Just... just trust me, OK Gwen? This is better for everyone. Plus, Rhe'la knows that we're just a subspace transmission away if things get REALLY out of hand. But, think about it - do you think she's a good engineer?"

Gwen didn't even have to think about it, instantly blurting out, "Miss Rhe'la is a better engineer than you, Daddy!"

'Nice to hear...' Wyman thought, his face twisting into a grimace. You never wanted to hear that someone was better at you at your chosen profession - even if it was true. You certainly didn't want to hear it from your child. "Eh hem... and do you think she's a good person?"

"She's super nice! And she's real easy to talk to!" Again, Gwen didn't hesitate. Rhe'la had always been like a big sister to Gwen, and as such they were extremely protective of each other.

"Exactly. And that's what it takes to be a good chief engineer. She's smart, she's good at her job, and people want to help her because she can motivate them. And right now she needs to help with the new planet. She can't be distracted by us leaving for the Archimedes. Do you understand?" Ceridwen asked.

Though she understood, Gwen was still a bit deflated. "Yes..." she replied, dejected.

Steve grabbed his bag and patted Gwen on the head. "Let's go. The transport isn't going to wait forever."

And with that, the Wyman family stepped through the airlock. It was the end of an era. But, it was also a new beginning; both for them and for Deep Space 5.

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Former Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Former Engineer's Mate
Deep Space 5

Gwendolyn Wyman
Still a kid that doesn't quite get why adults do what they do


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