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Habeas Corpus - Part 2

Posted on Wed Sep 23, 2015 @ 3:02pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Quarters
Timeline: MD 3, 1900 hrs.
Tags: habeas corpus, pangaea

Despite being inundated with injuries in the Infirmary, it was impossible not to know what had transpired on the Promenade. Details moved through the wards like wildfire as people came in and out, collateral damage from what could only be described as a battle straight out of a book of fairy tales.

Unfortunately, the ending had been anything but reminiscent of happily ever after, and even if Noelle hadn't been briefed on the full events, she already knew it was the Captain who had suffered the biggest blow. As Bennett made her way to the Captain's quarters, medkit hanging from her shoulder just in case, she contemplated how she was going to offer support to the woman, who had witnessed her daughter disappear right before her eyes.

Noelle knew a corpsman was already with Isha, and out of respect for the woman's privacy, she rang the door chime.

Why was Ekenda ringing the bell? Isha swept to her feet. She'd instructed the nanny to find Argelian and bring him home, she had full access to her quarters and had no need to ring.

Isha had abandoned the neat lines of her uniform for a floor length robe of deep moss green shot through with silver. The mantel gave her the same confidence as her ambassadorial robes had. Isha knew where she was in this garb.

She cast a distainful glance at the discarded uniform that lay on the floor as she slammed her hand on the door control.

"Why are you ringing?" the words were out of her mouth before the door was fully open.

"Captain?" Noelle asked gently. She was aware Isha seemed to be speaking even before the door was fully open, and she hoped it was just a case of expecting the wrong person.

Isha blinked, she didn't need a doctor, she needed ... "What do you want?" she asked. As she folded her arms the voluminous sleeves of her robe almost hid her hands. Was it not enough that she'd been ignominiously put aside from her command without having them send people round to probe and question.

Without making a move to step inside, Noelle answered calmly, "I wanted to check on you, Captain. I wanted to offer my support. May I come in?" Bennett wasn't 100% sure if the other woman was completely lucid or if she was merely highly agitated. Under the circumstances, Noelle wouldn't find it unusual if Isha had left her mind and body altogether.

"As you wish," Isha said stepping back into her quarters and leaving the doctor ... or was it counselor to enter if she wished. Yes, a counselor she surmised. How Starfleet of them. "My son has not yet returned from the educational facility," the Romulan observed somewhat obtusely.

Under the circumstances, it made sense to Noelle the Captain would focus on the safety of her other child. His absence would only heighten her anxiety. "Would you like me to contact the educational facility and make sure he is okay?" Bennett asked, even as she moved into the other woman's quarters.

"He's safer where he is, besides, the nanny will pick him up. There's no point in putting extra strain on station resources," Isha said finding something to focus on other than the burning void in her chest. "Where are my manners? Would you care for some tea?" she said this in a manner that suggested habit rather than any desire to play the pleasant hostess.

"No, but thank you, Captain," Noelle replied gently, not sure if Isha had completely blocked what had happened out or was simply trying to avoid talking about her loss for as long as possible. She decided there was only one way to find out. "Captain, I'd like to talk about what happened on the Promenade and specifically offer my ear and my support."

Isha's lips thinned into a thin smile.

At the beginning she spoke with a calm that would turn a Vulcan green(er) with envy. "It's simple enough. I killed the creature that poisoned my daughter, then I let its sister take my daughter to another dimension to preserve what life she has left. What more is there to say?" by the time the last word had passed her lips Isha's voice had increased in volume and gained an octave, all steadyness gone from it.

As she listened to Isha, Noelle found herself inching forward just in case the other woman fainted or burst into tears, or demonstrated some other sort of emotional display. She wasn't really sure if any ofthat would happen, but she knew enough to know Isha was not well these were far from normal circumstances. "You're in shock, Captain. I want you to take all the time you need to take slow, steady breaths. Will you do that for me?"

"Breathe, don't breathe, what's the difference," Isha said, but she did pause long enough to regain a little self control. "I thought you were security coming to arrest me."

Noelle was going to take any calm she could elicit, but also found herself taken off-guard by the statement. Under the circumstances, the last thing anyone was thinking about was arresting her. "I'm sure there will be a review of some sort," Bennett replied honestly, "but right now, we can just be here if you don't feel like talking. Physically, are you feeling a little steadier?"

Isha looked down at her hands. She flexed the fingers of her left, the one she had killed the alien with, "Never better," she said with a slight twist of her lip, "one feels a certain elation."

Bennett was not only concerned by the admission Isha felt elated, but also that she seemed to be detaching herself further from the experience by speaking in the third person. "Do*you*feel elated?"

"If you understood the Rihannsu psyche you would already know the answer to that question. I took its life for the life of my daughter. That is justice, however much the Federation would dispute it," Isha paused gazing at a point just beyond the counselor's head, "and with no weapon, no body and a row of confused and delirious witnesses there can be no other conclusion."

Captain Isha t'Vaurek
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant (JG) Noelle Bennet
Chief Counselor


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