Corrigere Praeterita (Part IV)
Posted on Thu Feb 20, 2025 @ 12:17pm by Commodore T'mpest Michaels & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian T'gan & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Ensign Matilda Cromwell
Edited on on Fri Feb 21, 2025 @ 7:25am
1,651 words; about a 8 minute read
Tergum In Tempus
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: Two Days Before Attack
Annora beamed over to the station with the 1st wave. As expected the maintenance bay was empty, making it an ideal location for the group's makeshift command center. She helped Chief Petersen place a few crates off to the side, before turning to Anson.
"Lieutenant, thank you again for your willingness to help out. Joining us on this mission goes well beyond your responsibility to try and recapture the station from the Cardassians. It's much appreciated."
"Oh, I mean..." Embarrassed, he rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. "When the alternative is everything and everyone turning into soup, it seemed like the thing to do."
The younger Lt had a point, this was an unusual circumstance. Still, it was good to have another security officer on the mission. Especially one that wasn't normally on the roster.
"True, but it's still appreciated. There's always those who do the bare minimum, and that's it."
Anson shrugged. "You do the job that's in front of you. That's security work."
Matilda looked sharply about, "Okay, where is the device that would be affecting the station." she mused softly. "I do believe that was stated." directing her question towards Annora.
While she had expanded her knowledge of computer systems since arriving on DS5, there was still plenty Annora wasn't familiar with. Therefore, she was thankful to have those on the mission that understand the nuances better than she did.
"The shields and weapons? We don't know for sure. The leading theory is that the Cardassians, or an agent working for them, planted something in the computer system to block them from properly working. The virus is probably planted fairly deep in the system to not show up in the standard diagnostics."
She shrugged.
"I'm sorry I can't provide better information. We didn't have time to properly investigate before the station blew up, which is a whole separate issue. We were on the station for less than 5 minutes before the self-destruct started. I'm sure it was intentional, but the exact cause is unknown."
"I see, well I can help infiltrate and see where said device could be at." Matilda getting herself mentally ready.
It wasn't ideal, but considering the circumstances it would have to suffice. One thing was certain if they survived this attempt, Annora was going to have a talk with Ops about further security measures for the computer system.
"Sounds good thank you. Give me a few minutes and I'll see about upgrading your access codes. Should help you avoid suspicion if you go digging around the various systems."
"Thank you." Matilda smiling towards Annora. When things were ready, "I wonder if they put in the code in the Optical Data Network via the Micron Junction Link. That might be the best place to look?"
That was a question mostly out of her knowledge base.
"It's as good a lead as anything. I'll work on getting a diagnostic of all security systems running in the background. It's going to take longer as I'm not trying to draw attention to our presence."
"Thank you, also will that make a way to for me to contact Lieutenant P'ril to coordinate with her?" If Matilda were able to do what she hoped would happen it would make things easier, hopefully.
"You'll have access to the comm system. I would just advise against hailing anyone on an open channel."
Annora was still debating whether to contact her past self. At the moment she wasn't planning on it, but a lot could happen in 48 hours.
Matilda headed for the Jefferies tube, to head into the inner works of the station.
Once everyone was safely on the station, Alanna guided the shuttle closer to the sun where it would be more difficult to read them. She had to be careful as well that no one on the planet noticed them--although with the cloak that would be difficult. Then she sent an encrypted message to a woman she met at a science conference a few years earlier. While she waited for the reply, she turned to T'gan. "Are you going to contact the Vulcan captain who helped with the evacuation?"
T'gan thought about that for a moment, then nodded. "It would be logical for her to agree to help. Especially if I inform her that her assistance is needed."
Five minutes later, the shuttle received an incoming message. Alanna checked who it was from and that it was encrypted, then answered. "Captain Michaels, thank you for your prompt response."
A Vulcan woman with long, fair hair appeared on the viewscreen. "That was a compelling message you sent me. I think I need to hear more of this before I know if I can be of any assistance."
Alanna quickly filled her in on what happened to the station and their trip back in time. "If you were closer, I'd let you scan for chroniton particles, but you'll have to take my word for it."
T'mpest waved off the comment. "From our few meetings, you do not appear to be the type of person who would make something like that up." She looked to the side for a moment, then nodded. "I will be there. I do not as yet know what sort of ship I will bring, but I can be there in less than two days. Will that work for you??"
"Yes. And if you can bring any help with you, it would be appreciated. Starfleet won't believe the Cardassians have attacked until it's too late, so you'll need to be careful."
T'mpest laughed. "I am always careful, especially when I am walking a fine temporal line. I will be there on time. Michaels out."
"Why did you tell her everything?" T'gan asked. "Were we not to keep those details confidential?"
"I am one of a few scientists who are aware that Captain Michaels and her ship were pulled into a temporal rift and ended up in the future. She understands the need for what we're doing and will keep our secret."
T'gan nodded, hoping Alanna was correct.
Once that was done, T'gan contacted the Sarek. She chose to send a message rather than call and simply asked if they could come to DS5 as she had some temporal data she wished to share with them and that it was necessary she arrive as soon as possible to discuss the possible repercussions.
The reply came five minutes later. The Sarek would arrive in two days. T'gan nodded in satisfaction and replied that she would be waiting.
"That will bring them shortly before the attack as well."
Alanna smiled. "Good. That's two, maybe three. I don't know any others who could bring a ship, but..." She paused while the thought finished percolating. "I think I should send myself a message."
"For what purpose?"
"I've dealt with multiple instances of time travel on Pangaea and would know how to deal with a message from myself. I think the Marines should be warned of an attack. The earlier me could tell them she heard some chatter from the Cardassians that indicated they were preparing to attack both the planet and station. Means would then have time to get his Marines ready."
T'gan raised an eyebrow as she considered the implications. Then nodded. "It is worth a try, as you would say."
Alanna nodded. She took a few minutes to write the message, add a code word she would recognize, encrypt it, and send it to herself at Bag End. "That should do it. Now, we wait to see how the others do."
Alanna went into her secret office to check on messages and see if there was any new information about the Cardassians and Xi-Cadians. She scanned through the information, saving a few things to another file, then noticed a message from herself. That made her pause. She hadn't sent herself any information to store.
First she verified where it came from, then found the code that proved it was from her. Finally, she read the message. An attack in two days? They weren't ready. Well, the Marines were ready, but she wasn't, nor were the scientists in the colony.
She had to protect the portals, Bag End, and the people in the colony.
The science officer paced her room, mentally planning what to do. First she had to tell Jason. Or try, anyway. She wasn't sure where he was right now, but she could ask him to contact her.
She reached out for him telepathically, but couldn't find him. So, she sent him a quick message he'd receive at some point, then she asked Bri to come in.
The next part had to be handled carefully. Alanna composed two messages to be encrypted and sent to Tannis in the Romulan colony and Colonel Means in the Marine complex.
"I intercepted information that the Cardassians are planning to attack the station and planet in two days. Prepare yourselves."
She signed it Arwen and sent the encrypted file through multiple relays to disguise where it came from.
Now she had to secure her data and Bag End.
Means and most of the stations Marines were still setting up for their training operation. He was at the field command station when an aid rushed up to him. Reading the padd, his head snapped back to his aid. "I want every platoon leader up here NOW!" He had two days; he would deploy his assets along with the training plan with a slight alteration.
(To be continued...)
Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Deep Space 5
Chief Petersen
Security Officer
Deep Space 5
Ensign Matilda Cromwell
Operations Officer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5
Temporal Scientist
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III
Marine CO
Deep Space 5