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Sentry & Avenger

Posted on Mon Jul 31, 2023 @ 12:27am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Dyson shipyards Briefing Room
Timeline: Following "Uneasy is the head"



Taking a deep breath, Annora entered the briefing lounge.
“Room Attention!” came the command from Chief Petersen.

While a bit unexpected, it made some sense. The room was filled with not only DS5’s security staff, but many others who had evacuated to the shipyard. This was the first time Annora was addressing the whole group an official manner. It had been about a month and she still wasn’t used to the idea of being the de facto CO for DS5. Approaching the podium she looked out at the sea of yellow, which was broken up by green, red, and blue uniforms of the rest of the crew.

“As you were.” Annora set down her Data Padd with notes as everyone took a seat.

“I’m going to keep this brief, as most of us are heading out in a few hours. First off, I’m thankful for your patience during the last several weeks as we’ve essentially been in limbo. I’m also grateful that you’ve all stayed out of trouble while here on Dyson. Or at the very least, your supervisors are good at covering for you.”

She was pleased to hear some laughter ripple through the group at her last comment.

“I had an instructor tell me that security served two main functions. Our principal role is to serve as a sentry against threats to our assigned facility and those living and working there. When that fails, we are to become avengers. We have our chance to avenge the loss of DS5 and return to being her sentries.”

The room erupted into cheers at the promise of retaking the station. Once the cheers quieted down, Annora continued the briefing.
"As a reminder, the first two waves will consist of multiple squads made up of 2 to 3 fire-teams of 4 people each. Their initial goal is to establish a beachhead and then start moving forward. Subsequent waves will have larger groups as we continue to push back the Cardassians. Each squad will have a primary objective and multiple secondaries. If your primary objective is blocked, move onto a secondary. There is an overlap with objectives to maximize the chances of success. Ideally we will be spread out among the squads, as you're all more familiar with the station's layout than the others tasked for this mission."

She paused briefly to switch thoughts.
"While we can't communicate with anyone still on the station, we're hoping they'll know when the assault begins and offer assistance. Feel free to utilize them as you see fit. For those coming later to help with infrastructure and computer systems, we'll do our best to minimize any collateral damage. Any questions, comments, concerns?"

She spent a few minutes clarifying things before wrapping up the briefing.
“Commander Krigta, you have anything to add?”

The Denobulan stood up and faced the group.
“Just briefly. First off, I’m sure I speak for all of us here at Dyson when I say ‘good luck’. Hopefully this conflict will end once DS5 is back in Federation hands, but I have a feeling that will be up to the Diplomats more than the soldiers. Secondly, Lieutenant Annora Tessaro front and center please.”

Annora moved from the podium off to the side, to the middle of the floor where the Commander was standing.
“Lieutenant Tessaro, on behalf of the station’s Command Staff, I am delighted to commend you for exceptional leadership and dedication to ensuring those under your command were taken care of. Once their physical needs were taken care of, you promptly shifted to preparing for the mission you’re about to embark on. That was done without any directives from on high, or even confirmation such a mission would occur. Despite unexpectedly finding yourself in this leadership role, you rose to the occasion with unwavering determination and I believe that will be a major factor in your favor upon reaching DS5. Therefore, I am proud to present you with this coin.”

Annora snapped to attention as she turned to face the Commander. After shaking his hand, she quickly transferred the coin to her left hand before saluting Krigta who promptly returned the salute. An applause broke out once again before a blushing Annora held up a hand to quiet them down.

“Thank you Commander, and thank you all. It helps greatly to have a good group under me. As I hinted at a few minute before, your policing of each other has been a tremendous help. If there’s nothing else Commander.”
Krigta shook his head in response.
“Good. Room, dismissed!”

It wasn’t until the room started emptying that she pulled the challenge coin out of her pocket to examine the design. The front side had Dyson station’s logo while the back had the logo of Starfeet Security.

“In my opinion Lt, the coins are a dying tradition that should be revived. I knew it’s one you’d appreciate, so when Captain Voss agreed to a formal recognition, I knew just the method.”

After turning the coin over in her hand a few more times, the security officer slid it back into her pocket.
“Thank you again sir. It will be a nice addition to my collection, and I agree they should be more utilized. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a few last minute things to do before we ship out.”

He motioned towards the door.
“Of course, don’t let me stop you. I’ll be monitoring the assault as best I can from here, but I do expect a personal call when you can get away from your victory party.”

She gave a quick salute in response.
“Aye sir.”



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