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Uneasy is the head

Posted on Mon Jul 24, 2023 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Dyson shipyards Briefing Room
Timeline: 2 days before "Shot heard around the quadrant"

With the mission to retake DS5 about to kick off, Annora wanted to address everyone as a group before they boarded their assigned ships. As she approached the room, the security officer noticed the shipyard’s XO, Commander Krigta standing by the door. The Denobulian had been instrumental in helping Annora and the others from DS5 get situated.

“Afternoon sir. Didn’t expect to see you here.”

With a chuckle, he responded to Annora’s statement.
“That’s the nice thing about ranking up. It gets harder for people to say no when you want to attend an event. I just dropped by to wish you the best of luck with your mission.

“Touche Commander. Thank you again for all your help in finding training space for my people. It’s been greatly appreciated.”

Not only had the Commander helped them reserve time on the holodeck and firing ranges, but he also worked with Engineering and Security to cordon off a few decks for training against the station's security force. In one such training, he had even joined in.
“My pleasure. As I said before, I wore Security Gold before switching to Command Red. Plus it was a fun challenge to play OPFOR once again, don’t get too many chances to do that anymore.”

While the holodeck was convenient, there was something about facing off against flesh-and-blood opponents that added to the realism of the training.
“Your team gave us some new tactics to consider, I’m sure they’ll come in handy when we square off against the Cardassians.”

The Commander nodded to a group of passing crewmen before responding to Annora’s comment.
“It’s all part of the job. I look forward to reading your after-action report and updating our tacticts based on some real life data.”

Annora smiled.
“I’ll make sure you get the first copy. On another note, have you heard anything about new Command staff?” With Captain Soran MIA and Commander Ryan a “guest” of the Cardassians, it left Annora as the ranking command officer.

Krigta’s response was fairly quick, almost as if he had anticipated the question.
“I haven’t heard anything. I’m sure the Admiralty have someone in mind. Personally I’d promote from within, at least temporarily, to fill one slot. I know of a certain Lieutenant who has plenty of experience and training for just such a role.”

It was pretty clear from context who the Commander was referring to.
"I'm grateful for the vote of confidence sir, but I'm a soldier not a leader."

He gave a reassuring smile.
"I disagree. You've been through 2 separate service academies and have been in various leadership roles most of your career. All I'm saying is don't be surprised if you're tasked for a higher level role during the transition."

It wasn't something she'd considered, but she had to admit it made some sense.
"I'll keep it in mind sir."

About that time Ensign Mayhew poked her head out the door.
“Everyone’s here Ma’am. You’re up.”

Excusing himself, Krigta took a seat in the rear to sit in on the briefing.



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