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Special Delivery

Posted on Sat Aug 12, 2023 @ 1:29am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5
Timeline: MD 11


Despite having been undercover, Silje still tried to avoid the Cardassian patrols prowling around the station. While one would have to dig deep to find any Starfleet connection, she wanted to keep the risk factor as low as possible. Until she received confirmation one way or another about Starfleet’s intentions for the station, she was going to continue gathering information that could be used against the occupying force.

It was mid afternoon when she passed by Bastille’s Bookshop. An arrangement had been made with the owner before the occupation, and thankfully the Cardassians allowed them to remain open with minimal interference. She paused by the main display window that contained new releases and recommended titles. In the middle was the title, ‘Shadows in the mist’ by Amber Rivers. The title wasn’t as important as the author which coupled with the change in border design gave her a good idea of where to look for the information.

Continuing on her way she headed into the arboretum. It was a bit busier than she would have liked, but as far as anyone was concerned she was just another civilian out for a stroll. Just past the the signboard she stopped; taking a sip of water to cover her search for the next clue. Finding the desired symbol she continued up the path, making sure to stay to the left. After the third split, she soon came upon a Xtupta tree across the stream. Barely visible at the tree’s base was a matching symbol to that on the signboard. Searching the water, she soon found the drop location and pulled the container out of the stream bed. Unscrewing the lid, she was relieved to find the contents still intact. Slipping the container into her waistband, Silje erased the symbol on the tree before retracing her steps. One patrol was encountered shortly after leaving the arberetrum, but after a quick look at her ID they left her alone.

Continuing on, she soon disappeared into the depths of the station, taking a circuitous route to her new destination. Silje finally emerged in an area that even before all the trouble began received very little traffic, due to planned renovations. Various warning signs including, authorized personnel only, variable gravity area, and vacuum hazard, warned anyone who might stumble upon the area of the pitfalls that lay ahead. The area had been turned into a makeshift camp for several members of the station’s crew that decided to remain aboard. While aware of the location, this was her first time on that deck. She was still searching for an entrance when a hatch she hadn’t noticed popped open and someone stuck their head out the opening.

“Apologies for the delay. We had to make sure no one else was around. What brings you down to our hidey hole.”

Silje pulled out the data rod.
“Not entirely sure. I’m just the messenger. How’d you know I was here, or should I ask that question?”

The still unidentified face grinned.
“It’s mainly engineers and scientists down here, with a handful from security and ops. We have our ways. Follow me and we’ll see what secrets our friends from up top have revealed.”


Silje Carter: NPC Security Officer (Undercover)


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