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Let Slip the Dogs... Part 2 of 2

Posted on Mon Mar 27, 2023 @ 11:57pm by Commander N'Evran & Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian T'gan

2,721 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Starbase 12
Timeline: Current Day

Nodding to those from the DS5 he turned to face the senior officers. "I am Charghwl"IH of the House of Soval, and Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5," Motioning to the woman beside him, "and this is General Vashara of the House of Varal. I bring you greetings from the Empire. The Cardassians committed an act of war, not only, against the Federation but the Empire as well. My forces gather as we speak for the retaking of the station and the destruction of the Cardassians."

...Now the Conclusion

N'Evran looked at the Klingons, then to Elbagir, and then cast a sideways glance to Admiral Garrison. Garrison gave him a look that N'Evran learned long ago meant patience. As this now also became a diplomatic affair, the Admiral's response had priority.

Von Scleiman's eye twitched, but the two flag admirals had much better poker faces. "Ambassador Charghwl"IH," Elbagir began. "Your offer of assistance is appreciated, but we merely wish to push the Cardassians back to their own space, and whilst Starfleet recognizes significant loses in the Klingon area of the colony, I fail to see how your goals can be achieved without escalating the situation far beyond acceptable levels."

Scanning the room his eyes met several before he returned his gaze to the Admiral that was trying to brush him aside. "The Federation has repeatedly negotiated with the Cardassians and the Cardassians have repeatedly attacked the Federation in both outright offensives and in covert operations. When will the Federation learn? Push them back if you wish, and while I have no intention to invade Cardassian territory know this…”. His fists hitting the table as he leaned forward,” …Turvan will pay in blood for what he has done!

Straightening up he took a calming breath. "I do not need to remind you, Admiral, that Deep Space 5 is in open space. On a diplomatic front the Cardassians have no rightful claim to that area, historical or otherwise and no one could deny the Federation's right to take back what was obviously Federation property.”

Circling the room a bit he worked his way closer as he continued. "The Empire was not notified of this…gathering and yet here I am. How much longer before the Cardassians know of your preparations? I have come to you with an offer of assistance any ally would but make no mistake, I may have worn your uniform in the past, I am not under your command.” His eyes briefly darted to the image of Lieutenant Tessaro before returning to the Admiral, “I have the approval of the High Council & I will act. Now you can take advantage of my forces and coordinate an offensive that will ensure certain victory. Or you can sit here waste even more time debating politics while the quadrant watches you assemble whatever token force you feel is politically appropriate.”

Hilliard Braxton audibly blew air through his nose in a frustrated manner. He tried to speak, but he found that his mouth just hung open as he struggled to find the words to properly describe what he thought about the Klingon's presumptuous spiel.

"Just how desperate for war are your people?" Braxton finally managed to articulate. "Your decision to act regardless of the consequences is what led to you going to war with Cardassia, and then when that wasn't enough, you turned on us!" The Chief of Staff said as he stood from his chair.

"The last time your government charged into battle with Cardassia, you pushed them into the oh-so-welcoming arms of the Dominion and the Breen." The Human said. "And yet, once again, your government wants to race into yet another costly, bloody, and wholly unnecessary war." He said.

"If you send your task force to Pangaea and engage the Cardassians, will you take on the Xi'Cadians as well? When exactly will your government's blood-lust be satiated?" Braxton asked accusatorily.

Braxton knew from his countless conversations with other Council members that there were elements within the Federation Council that would love to see the Klingon Empire over-commit themselves to a costly war that would lead to them being weakened in other sectors of viable space.

His eyes narrowed at the bureaucrat. "Take your seat pup before I put you in it! I have no problems with peace. During my time in Starfleet it was my duty to ensure that peace was protected, even at the cost of my life. In fact, for a time, I was stripped of my Starfleet rank for protecting the lives of others.

"When it comes to the history of the Empire...I do not care what you may have read in some history class, but I lived through those events so don't you presume to lecture me...unless you are prepared to pick up a blade.

Casting a hand into the air. "There is no mysterious power from another quadrant for the Cardassians to run to. As for the Xi'Cadians, their leadership is being controlled and manipulated by the Cardassians. Drive out the Cardassians and in time the Xi’Cadians fall in line all by themselves. Now you and whoever is holding your leash may be content to cower like Ferengi to whoever rises to challenge you, but there are those who understand that the Cardassians are little more than cantankerous targ. From time to time it has to put in its place. Drive them back behind their borders, restrict their passage within Federation territory and you will have peace again. At least until the plot something again against the Federation."

"Peace. . ." Braxton said in a questioning tone. ". . .at least until your government decides to attack us again." He said provokingly.

"Just which side were you on when your government decided to pick up a Bat'leth against us and slaughter our defenseless colonist on Alijon Prime?" He said, needling the broader individual.

"You'll have to forgive me Ambassador, if there are those of us within Federation leadership that remember the Klingon invasion of that settlement and the plethora of graves that had to be dug as a result." He said solemnly.

"There are many, much higher ranked than me of course, that are a bit hesitant in giving an eager Klingon raiding party the greenlight to invade yet another planet." Braxton said referencing the Federation world within the Alijon system that was the center of a violent Klingon invasion during the last war.

There was fire in words and that at least he could respect. "That was a different time under a different High Council. One that had been under the influence of a Dominion agent. So, save your hatred for the Dominion. If you are going to lay blame for the past, make sure you are blaming the right people or as I said before...pick up a blade."

He was done with the politician and turned his attentions back to the Admiral. "My apologies Admiral. Most of us here have dealt with Cardassians, have served with or known Bajorans and have heard about how Cardassians treat those they conquer. The people on both Deep Space 5 and Pangaea need our help. They will resist, but without aid eventually the Cardassians will overwhelm them. The Cardassians will want to show everyone that they are being benevolent and open. Perhaps a foreign diplomatic delegation returning to the station could allow us to coordinate effort on the station when we attack."

N'Evran was growing frustrated with the useless posturing and said, "With all due respect to you Admiral and pardon to the esteemed Ambassador", he said. "With your permission, I actually have devised a plan that I believe has a high probability of defeating the Cardassians and driving them away."

Elbagir nodded, "Let’s hear it, Commander." So far she'd heard a badly disguised call for military expansionism under the guise of protecting resources, and a potential crusade of vengeance. Neither were ideal, and she doubted she would hear worse.

“Thank you, Admiral”, N’Evran replied to Admiral Albagir with a polite nod. He looked around at everyone in the room and on the view screen.

“Fellow colleagues, for those who don’t know me, I am Commander N’Evran”, the Vulcan began. “Everyone brings up valid points with the situations we face. We do face a political, economic, and military situation tied into one. I will try to be as brief as possible, but this is a complex situation. I ask you to please keep your questions and comments to the end. I do not wish for us to get side-tracked.”

He paused briefly before continuing, “Politically and economically, we have four factions, all with their own designs that we are facing beyond the Federation and Klingon Empire. The Cardassians, the Xi’Cadians, the relatively unknown Fae that exist on the planet, and potentially the Romulan Empire as we are near their back yard so to speak.”

He cleared his throat briefly.

“We are aware of the intentions of the Cardassians on Deep Space Five and the planet below”, he said. “What we don’t know is the intentions of the D’Tapa Council and whether or not they support this action. They have been relatively silent on the matter. The Xi’Cadians have allied with the Cardassians in what most likely is a desire for their own power in the sector. The Fae, we have had no contact with. I bring the Romulans into this as we are extremely close to their territory. Although the Romulan Senate has not spoken of interventions, I would not rule out the Tal’Shiar trying to either take control of the situation or ally with the Cardassians, which they have done before. It has been sometime since the initial attack and they may become impatient with the Federation’s lack of action. This is speculation, based on history however.”

He paused and activated a star map of the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

“My proposal is this”, he said bringing focus to the section of the Alpha Quadrant that was the border of space that was traded with the Cardassians during the struggles with the Maquis. “First, we need to get the D’Tapa Council to either support this action or denounce it. There are two Cardassian colony worlds that are not highly as advanced as some others, Agorus Prime and Gorvalan III. In addition, they have a mostly automated dilithium mining facility on the edge of the Maquis zone. With a small task force, we destroy the communications satellites of Agorus Prime and Gorvalan and then the mining facility. This will get the attention of the D’Tapa Council, with minimal loss of life, and make them decide whether they wish to help or hinder us in this situation.”

Once again, he paused briefly before continuing to speak.

“Xi’Cadia is being used as a staging ground for the Cardassians as at the moment, it is the only planet the Cardassians can get to through a small section of the Alpha quadrant without violating Federation Territory. Starfleet Intelligence believes that there is beginning of an uprising against the current government on Xi’Cadia. I believe if we move a section of our forces and blockade Xi’Cadia, it may encourage the insurgents to become more of a thorn for the government. A number of Federation vessels have either been mysteriously been destroyed or disabled in this section over the last year, so we should be prepared for surprises placed there by the Cardassians.”

He scratched his chin briefly and then said, “Finally, that brings us to taking back Pangaea and hopefully Deep Space Five. Although this concept is simple, the execution will not be. The first thing we need to do is knock the station out of geo-synchronous orbit with the portal complex. Despite the station’s formidable defenses, I think several small, well placed, EMP torpedoes can knock out the navigational array long enough for the station not to be able to defend the portal for at least two hours, without causing the station to freefall. This will give us time to land forces on the planet and engage the Cardassians at the portal complex. There is a possibility that some of the 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit, 9th Marine Division assigned to the station and portal may be able to assist as not all of the Marines have been accounted for. They are either MIA-KIA or in hiding.”

Looking at Charghwl’IH, N’Evran continued, ”Ambassador Charghwl'IH, should the Klingon Empire be willing, I believe with a Federation Fighter escort, a combined force of Klingon and Federation ground forces could be landed near the complex and handle the Cardassians. We cannot beam in as the use of transporters to the planet have questionable results at best. If we cannot re-capture the portal, I recommend us destroying it through fighter and capital ship bombardment as leaving it in the hands of the Cardassians would present an immense danger to the very existence of the Federation and anyone the Cardassians consider an enemy. Questions?”

It was in interesting proposal, both from a military and political standpoint. A small strike elsewhere to truly test the resolve of the Cardassian government before launching an all-out attack on DS5 & Pangaea. Annora perked up at mention of one of Starfleet's oldest opponents, the Romulans. While she wouldn't call herself an expert on their current politics, she had made it a point to study current state of affairs with the Empire.
"It's a solid plan to try and limit the scope of the engagement. However, I'm not sure it's wise to knock the station out of orbit in order to focus on the planet. If at all possible it should be simultaneous, or as close as we can make it. To do so otherwise would give them that much more time to prepare for an attempt to retake the station. Is there a way for us to at least get a strike team aboard before we knock the station off course? We could at least link up with those still on the station and cause enough chaos to keep them off kilter until more help arrived."

Charg nodded in agreement. "The Empire stands ready to assist in any and all of these operations. A wing of K'Vort class Birds of Prey can get within the atmosphere and land personnel or other equipment to overwhelm the Cardassians and retake the planet. Also once blow the planet’s interference they can scan for and find any surviving Marines.

"I too believe those on the station would a great asset. We must make every effort to contact them. Find out what they have already done to hamper Cardassian efforts, assist them if possible, and to coordinate efforts.

"Finally, I may also be able to find out the Romulan position. Lord Da`nal, who actually served on DS5 for a time, has maintained relations with the t'Vaurek family on Romulus. It may be possible to get a clearer picture of Romulan intentions by that route than through official channels."

T'gan's patience was gone. "The Romulan Ambassador to DS5 is on Pangaea," she said, loud enough for those around her to hear. No one seemed to care about the planet, or who was there.

"They don't seem to care about the Vulcans, either," the woman beside her replied. "When this meeting is over, I would like your help getting in contact with Dr. Wells and the Romulan delegation on the planet. Perhaps I can be of assistance there."

T'gan nodded. "I'm sure Alanna will appreciate hearing about this meeting, too."

There was a quiet for a moment, with Elbagir, T'Vael, ch'Razinn and van Scleiman, all exchanging glances across the screens, obviously communicating in a private channel. After a moment, von Scleiman leant forward. "Alright then. It looks like everyone is going to get their wish today. Fatima, Garrison. You have my go ahead. Let’s get our station back."


Flt Adm Fatima Elbagir, Secretary von Scleiman
NPC by Soran

Admiral Garrison, Starfleet Intelligence
NPC by N'Evran

Commander N'Evran
Aide to Admiral Garrison

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to DS5

LT Annora Tessaro
Security Chief DS5

Temporal Scientist
Deep Space 5

Vulcan Ambassador


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