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Conditions of Bail

Posted on Sat Apr 8, 2023 @ 10:53am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,083 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Main Security
Timeline: Morning After the Riot


Edward shut the shutters after the last of the punters who'd taken refuge in the box had been allowed to leave by the cardassians. Then he looked around at the staff who'd stayed the night, Rosh Pelin, Jessica and Catia, Blake And Rowan. Rowan had already set to with a broom, clearing the broken glass, Rosh and Blake shifting furniture. The bar, and its alcohol, was still intact, at least. It could be a lot worse.

"I know you're all tired. We won't be allowed to open today, you might as well go home, and we can deal with this mess in the morning." He took a breath. "The cardassians will probably get really nasty now. And i think that the'll be a small war now. It might be best if we close for a while."

"The boss wouldn't like that," Blke pointed out.

"I know," edward agreed. "But she's not here."

"Cardassian's again," Catia sighed.

"We should go and try and bail her out again." Blake offered. "GIven the promenade went to hell, they may let her out, they'll need the space. There's no prison, the brig's just a drunk tank."

"You have a point." Edward conceeded, rubbing at his eyes as a yawn swept through him. "I'll go, eveyone else, go home, get some sleep."

Rosh said. "I'll go."

"Pel, no." Jessica put her hand on the bajorran man's arm. "Its not like last time. Last time, she was held by starfleet, and the Cardassians wouldn't have touched you becuase Tharek wouldnt have done anything to upset Yolanthe. This is different. They have her, and they will relish opportunities to give you a kicking."

"Jess is right." Edward said, "And if we let anything happen to you, Yolanthe would kick all our arses and end right back where she started. I'm in charge since she left, so its my job. Now you all get home."

It still took twenty minutes to chase them out between reassurances he would be careful himself, and then he made his way down to Main Security, where the raised heat of the office was balanced by the chilly nature of the receptionist. Edward gave the harrassed looking Cardassian a nod. "I want to talk to someone about getting Ms Ibalin released. I'm guessing its a bit crowded in there."

Gil Yusaan looked at the individual standing before him. He did not understand the Federation's system of law enforcement. Criminals against the State were allowed to speak with legal counsel prior to their Guilty Hearing and even receive guests. It might as well have been considered a luxury resort considering all of the amenities the prisoners were entitled to.

The Security Guard was about to turn the Human away when he pulled up the file for Yolanthe Ibalin and saw an interesting note within the file. It had been left by Gul Natomi Kyren herself. He figured that this must have been super important in the station Gul had decided to leave direct instructions for a particular prisoner.

He read it for severla moments before looking back up at Edward. "Are you here to tender her Bond for release?" Gil Yusaan asked the Human. "If so, I'll accept payment and begin processing her discharge." He said. In typically Cardassian tradition, he would accept the payment, minus a simple gratuity for himself of course.

Edward sat on a sigh of relief. If they'd settled on bail, that was progress. "Sure. how much is it now?"

Gil Yussan smiled as he pressed several buttons on the padd in front of him and slid it across the desk. "We accept all forms of payment." He said with a smirk as he leaned back and waited for the transaction to be complete before he would go and begin processing the barkeep.

Edward looked at the number on the padd and winced. "Looks like you're getting her to pay for your whole damn invasion." He knew she had the money squirreled away somewhere, but still. He was grateful he could sign this off on The Box's account. He finished the paperwork and added his thumb print. "Pleasure doing business with you." he lied

Gil Yussan didn't like the tone of Human's remark. "Save me the righterous indigination." The Cardassian shot back. "I'm sure there's more where that came from considering how watered-down those drinks are in that viper den she calls a bar." He shot back as he stood and indicated to the other Security personnel to bring Yolanthe to the main foyer.

"You all should be grateful that we allow it to still stand." He said as he received the confirmation.

Edward shrugged. "We're still the only place to get the good Kanar. Ask some of the old guard who were here in Getal's time. I'm sure Yolanthe will be happy to take you through a tasting menu. Unlike most people on the station, she likes Cardassians." He saw the lady in question arrive, under escort. "Hey boss."

Gil Yussan waived in the two Security Troopers who had just arrived. "As a condition of your bond, you will be escorted by members of station security. This is to ensure that you don't try to flee the station prior to your Tribunal." The Cardassian Gil said informatively. "Don't worry, they'll be sure to stay a respectful distance from your quarters when you retire for the evening." He said.

"Do you have any questions?" He asked.

Yolanthe's violet changed to a bright blue on seeing Edward. "Not at all, Yussan. Your hospitality has been excellent. I hope you'll allow me to return the favour." She meant it. Though she wasn't if she was going to spit in his kanar or not for the comment about watering her drinks.

Gil Yussan stood up straight and strode over to the woman. "I'm sure you and I can. . .work something out." He said with a smirk and he examined the shapely woman and ran a finger down the side of her hip.

Under his touch her skin shifted from bright blue to a gentle peach, and she stepped close to the smirking cardassian. "You'll find I'm an enthusiastic negotiator. You better have what it takes to keep up."

Gil Yussan smiled, "Don't worry, I take my job as Security Officer very seriously. So I'll be sure to stop by from time-to-time in order to personally supervise" He laughed.


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Gil Yussan
[NPC by T'gas]


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