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An hour of wolves and shattered shields

Posted on Fri Dec 30, 2022 @ 11:28pm by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

2,820 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma's | Commander's Office

Geral stood looking out over his shop as the few, regulated, customers quickly picked up their selections and departed. The last few days had been harsh to say the least, but hopefully as things settled down the new management would lighten up.

The opening of his new storefront had come to a complete halt, his remaining yacht was accessible but on lock down, and only a limited number of his freighters had been able to dock, their cargos heavily scrutinized, and missing items were frequent. When looking at the big picture though all the difficulties at DS5 was only having a negligible impact to the bottom-line of his empire as a whole.

Regardless of the inconveniences of the occupation, for the second time in his life, he was in a relatively good mood. After all they had managed to smuggle Maritza off the station so the rest was of little concern. He had no doubt Sha'rae was dealing with their contacts in the Cardassian government to get them to honor their rights of passage agreement and get thing back to normal, even if it was a smokescreen to find out what was going on behind the scenes. Yes the Federation had been caught off guard, hardly the first-time for that, but they also had a habit of punching back and retaking what was theirs after wiping the blood from their nose.

He smirked at the thought and returned to his desk and poured himself another cup of Tarelisian coffee.

[Outside the shop]

The past couple of weeks had chaotic to say the least. The burning of the Cardassian Consulate had just been the start of various acts of aggression at the hands of a violent group of civilians. Administrator Turvan had ordered an increased security presence, but it had placed an obvious strain on their available forces. The Cardassians were forced to request more assistance from Xi'Cadians than they had previously anticipated. Cardassia still maintained control over the station, but that control was not as firm as they would have liked.

Glinn Nath strode to the front of the storefront and studied it for several moments. He turned to the Xi'Cadian Security Officers that were accompanying him. "I'm going inside. If I do not come back out in the next 10 minutes, you are to shoot anything or one you see standing." He said sternly as he checked the settings on his disruptor one final time before stepping inside.

More than one customer heard the order and left immediately. One clerk that had been helping a customer juggled several items that had been thrust into his hands trying not to drop them.

"I'm here to see Lasuma." Glinn Nath said, choosing not to divulge any more information. Partially for security reasons, and partially because he didn't feel the need to explain himself to the. . .help.

Watching the Cardassian as he strode past, calling after him. "He's upstairs in his office. Shall I get him for you?"

"Call him down here, now." The Cardassian Trooper said, his patience already running thin having being sent on this errand run.

Acknowledgingthe order with a nod the clerk replied. "I won't be but a moment."

After a short delay Lasuma appeared, motioning the clerk to carry on with his duties before directing his attention to his guest.

"Glinn Nath what can I do for you? I would offer you some Taspar but it seems they came up missing in the last freighter to be allowed in...probably just a shipping error."

"Your presence has been requested by Administrator Turvan. I'm to escort you to him. Considering the. . .difficulties we've been having on the station and the Promenade in particular. . ." Glinn Nath said letting the silence linger for a moment. "He figured it would be best to speak with you directly and in private" He said.

"Lead the way. I'm sure Turvan has more important things to do than worry about a simple merchant so let's not keep the Administrator waiting", he replied cordially.

Glinn Nath merely glanced at the Bajoran as he turned and made his way through the doors back towards the Promenade. "Let's go." Glinn Nath stated to the two Xi'Cadians accompanying them. He made sure to take his time as he made his way back to the Administrator's office. He wanted the citizens to see Lasuma walking with station security. He was certain it would be the source of much speculation later.


"Come in" Administrator Turvan stated from his desk. Across from him was the station Commander, Gul Natomi Kyren. She kept her eyes locked on Lasuma as he made his way into the room. During her time as a member of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, she had become quite aware of Mr. Lasuma and his business activites, both legitimate and otherwise.

"Mr. Lasuma, Gul Kyren and I are glad you choose to come meet with us." He said as he shifted his attention to the Bajoran.

Geral entered the familiar office, thought the current occupants were far from ideal. ~Choose??~ Geral thought to himself as he took a seat keeping his typical business negotiation manner.

"Thank you for the invitation. I was hoping to get this opportunity. Many of the businesses on the promenade depend on my merchant fleet for the supplies to keep their businesses up and running. If I could be allowed to bring in more ships, subject to the typical inspections as listed in the current right of passage agreement Lasuma Enterprises has with the Cardassian government, this would go a long way to getting the Promenade up and running and reassure the stations population..."

"Yes, yes...well, let's get to what's important." Turvan said somewhat dismissively. He turned to Gul Kyren and nodded to her. She stood and pressed a button activating the side screen viewer.

"It came to our attention that a yacht excursion registered to your company was recently stolen." She began. "We noticed that your company had registered 3, but one came up missing during a recent inspection. We assumed that during the chaos of the recent transition, you simply hadn't had time to do a complete inventory of your docked vessels." She said, maintaining eye-contact with him. "Unfortunately, the excursion craft was lost during an unfortunate incident." She said as she switched the screen to show one of the yacht's excursions, which happened to carry Captain Soran at the time, exploding in a bright yield.

"Our initial investigation leads us to believe that there was a. . .sudden and critical issue with the plasma containment apparatus that led to the. . .loss of the craft." She said, carefully examining his reaction. "We wanted to bring it to your attention."

His face passive with a questioning concern, immediately knowing that their story was fabricated. "That is odd? Especially as those excursion craft are stored aboard my yachts. Of the two yachts on the station, one has been locked down by your people and the other was used for the evacuation. An evacuation overseen by your troops."

"Why would my yacht launch one of its excursions..." The only thing he could think of is that something went wrong. If the yacht was threatened somehow.

There was no reason for Turvan and a Gul to let him know about the loss of such a small craft. Such a matter could be easily handled by some functionary...if they bothered to let him know at all. Something had gone wrong. Somehow, they knew Maritza had been aboard and they now had him here to either see what he knew, to put him off guard, or simply to cause and relish in his pain.

Using every bit on his negotiating experience to keep his expression nonchalant he looked to the screen again. The size and brilliance of the explosion couldn't have been caused by the craft itself. Obviously whatever weapon had been used the actual impact had been edited out for If the yacht had come under fire he knew Maritza would surrender herself for those onboard, but she could have been beamed off the yacht. She wasn't surrendering, she was running and they killed her. Looking to the Gul, rubbing his lower lip with his thumb and forefinger, then wrinkling his chin as his waved his hand towards the screen "...They are recent acquisitions. Perhaps a mechanical failure as you say in order to save the yacht and the evacuees."

Turning to Turvan. "If I could get the sensor data from the incident, I could contact the manufacturer for a warranty claim and demand compensation. Would you allow my people to access my remaining yacht to check for any similar defects? The last thing we want would be a similar explosion aboard the station."

"That won't be necessary," Gul Kyren interjected before Turvan could respond. "Our Engineers are already conducting a suffiicent review of the data we retrieved." She said dismissively. She studied the Bajoran's response to the news. She was impressed with out easily could lie such a straight face. But then again, he was a Bajoran, deception and misdirection was a part of who they were as a people. It had served them well during the 50 years of the occupation, why stop now?

"More importantly, there has been a rash of terrorist activity throughout the station." Gul Kyren said, switching the screen from the destruction of Soran's vessel to the various fires throughout the Promenade. "They have led to a massive amount of casualties and destruction of property. I've made this a priority to get it under control immediately." she said as he leaned against the desk.

"It would go a very long way if you would agree to make a joint announcement with me to citizens of the station. A joint statement that violence is not the answer and that it will only cause pain and suffering to innocent individuals." She said with concern in her voice.

His face even and controlled he paused for a quick second before replying, thankful at least he no longer had to look at the image of the explosion. "You give me more credit than I deserve. While most of the other merchants on the Promenade rely on my ships, to the general population I am merely one merchant among many, without the influence you may think I have.

"If I may be frank...the occupation of Bajor, the Federation-Cardassian War, the Cardassian position in the Dominion War hasn't left your people with the best reputation in the quadrant." He shrugged, "You control this station now, but the people here are not remotely accustomed to the...regimented lifestyle that is norm for a Cardassian."

Gesturing to the monitor. "All of this is bad for you, and bad for business. I can speak to the other merchants about not resorting to violence. If any of the ARE involved perhaps I can change their minds. However, it would go a long way to assuaging their fears, and by extension the rest of the population if we can get the promenade up and running again and not under lockdown. If needs be, I can fund the repair and resupply personally. I just need to get in contact with my people, through the Administrator's office naturally, to make those arrangements."

The more Administrator Turvan listened to the Bajoran praddle on the more he regretted agreeing to Gul Kyren's suggestion of this meeting. The former Intelligence Officer believed that it was much more effective to try to rationalize with the Bajoran before taking more extreme actions. Turvan thought it was a waste of time, but he indulged her since he had entrusted her with running the station. But now, his patience was wearing thin as the Bajoran continued to speak to them as if he were a fool.

"Do you intend to assist us by making a statement?" Administrator Turvan said, steepling his fingers and displaying a flat expression on his face and in his tone. "Mr. Lasuma." He said with enough of an edge in his voice to reveal his mood.

It was clear to him that playing things nonchalant had failed. Given that Maritza had been discovered on one of his yachts before her death they would no doubt assumed he had had a hand in her escape. But as yet they hadn't said anything, though there had been the hint of an accusation. If they took that route, they would have to admit that Maritza hadn't been killed on the station during the initial attack. For whatever reason they wouldn't...couldn't make that admission; not even here. Why was that he wondered.

What did the humans say, Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Geral returned the stare with one of his own. "Fine. You think a statement from me will help, I will give you your statement. In return for Full right of passage to and from this station for my supply ships, which my company should already have anyway so you are really losing nothing, and use of subspace communications for contacting my employees or suppliers."

Turvan's eyes widened at the audacity of this Bajoran. Who was he to make any sort of demands!? His lips reared back against his teeth as he leaned forward to shout a response, but he was interupted by Gul Kyren.

"We believe that will be acceptable." She said, cutting Turvan off before he could voice his true opinion. "We believe that a spirit of cooperation should be encouraged at all times by all of our friends and allies in this trying endeavour." Gul Kyren added as she raised herself from the desk and extended her hand to Lasuma.

Geral stood glancing at the hand she had extended and then to each of them. "Do either of you really believe that anyone on this station or anywhere else for that matter is going to buy the theater you want to push on them."

As the doors shut behind the Bajoran Turvan whipped his chair around and stared daggers into the female Gul. "What was that!?" He asked.

"That, Administrator, is what we called being proactive." She responded while nodding towards the door. "It would be easy to simply go in guns a-blazing and burn his shop to the ground and lock down all of his vessels. All that would do is make him a folk hero to the terrorists onboard the station. Instead, imagine how much he'll be loved once they see him standing next to us in a public announcement." She asked casually.

"How do you know that he is not just playing us so he can continue to ship contraband inside of his ships?" Turvan responded, still not sharing her sense of trust and satisfaction.

"As if he wasn't doing that already? Now, we have narrative that he is working along side of us in exchange for free and open access to his profitable business." She said. "The true battle is about shaping the narrative about who is the hero and who is the villian." She said with a smile. "I know what I'm doing Turvan. This is not my first go-round with uppity Bajorans who forget their station in life." She said sardonically.

Turvan merely nodded as he leaned back in his chair and thought about her plan. "Very well, but I want a tight leash on that Bajoran. The moment he steps out of line is the moment I want the gallows setup on the Promenade and a special place for his head." He said.


Geral's trip from the Station's Ops to his shop had been long and agonizing. With his escort in tow he still had to maintain his control. He wanted to kill the Cardassian next to him but he clenched his fist and his jaw. Upon entering his shop his people stopped, happy that he was back but the reassured smiles vanished as they all saw his expression. Without so much as a glance, he headed up to his office where he dropped to his knees.

They had gotten Maritza off the station, and he had been content knowing that she was free and planning Turvan's downfall. He had thought it was only going to be a matter of time, but then he was shown her being blown to nothing over the planet. Slowly, painfully he opened his hands. He wanted, needed to vent his rage but if he did the Cardassians in the area would surely hear and word would get back to Turvan and Kyren. No!!! He had played these games before so he could do so again. Even if it took everything he had, he was going to make them pay for what they had done.


Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Legate Hydel Turvan
Prefect of the Cardassian Administrative Zone Deep Space 5
Cardassian Empire

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire


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