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Out of the Blue

Posted on Fri Dec 30, 2022 @ 7:26am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Civilian Jason Haines

1,798 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Bag End, Pangaea


Alanna felt Jason's presence as soon as she landed the shuttle. She paused just long enough to secure the shuttle and the pad before she ran down the tunnel and into the kitchen.

When she got to the kitchen, the other three were bent over someone on the floor. "What happened?"

"He just...appeared. We thought it was the Cardassians and stunned him," Brianthe admitted. "He's fine. He should wake up in about two minutes."

"Under the circumstances, I think it would be best if we were not here when he did," R'gelis said.

"He knows who we are." Tannis frowned at her cousin.

"You're both right. Wait downstairs. I want to know what happened first." Alanna wasn't sure how he'd react when he woke up. It would depend on where he'd come from and how he got here. "Bri, could you get the med-kit, just in case? He looks a little worse for wear."

R'gelis and Tannis nodded and went downstairs to their respective rooms.

Brianthe went after the med-kit and some food.

That left Alanna to sit beside Jason and wait for him to wake.

Given what he had gone through with the Cardassians, the spiders, and being shot with three different weapons, it was closer to fifteen minutes before Jason started to stir. First there were a couple of twitches, then a groan, and finally his eyes started to open. He tried to move but his muscles worked against him. As he slowly started to exert his will on his body and look up, he saw a blurry but familiar figure.

"Where am I?", Jason croaked out in a raspy voice.

"Back in Bag End," Alanna replied softly. "We've got a medkit and some food. Can you sit up?" She gently probed his surface thoughts to see if she could pick up where he hurt most. She wasn't going to go any deeper. Jason would tell her what he wanted her to know.

Jason pushed himself up slowly to a sitting position with a groan. His face pretty much showed where the hurt was most likely coming from. His nose was quite swollen and his forehead had what looked like a golf ball sized knot in it with some scrapes.

"I think my modelling career is over", he said with a slight smirk.

He tried to stand but couldn't right then.

"Can I get some water?", he asked slowly looking about.

Alanna could sense he was struggling to process everything, but he was trying.

She got him a bottle of water, figuring it would be easier for him to hold and drink. "Here." She was growing more concerned and wondered if she should contact the medic.

He took a drink and then said, with a much less raspy voice, "Thanks".

He put his hand to his cheek and smiled. From there, he took the med scanner from the medkit and started scanning himself.

"How are you?", he asked sounding rather tired.

"I'm good, but it's hard to observe without being able to do anything. Captain Soran was on Pangaea, but she's disappeared." Alanna raised an eyebrow, wondering if Jason already knew that. "I can get Terry Henderson for you. He's at the Marine compound."

Jason let out a 'hrmm' when Alanna mentioned Soran and then looked back at the medical tricorder.

"My mom would kill me if I couldn't take care of a broken nose and cracked rib myself", Jason replied. "I was bored in Starfleet basic first aid because my mom had already taught me it and more. The instructor's stock phrase was, 'Mr. Haines, at least try to look like you are paying attention.'"

He took the small dermal regenerator from the medkit and made two passes vertically on his nose, three passes horizontally, cursed a bit at the pain of it coming together.

"How does it look?" he asked Alanna looking at her straight on.

"Not good." She took the dermal regenerator from him and did it properly. "You won't win any beauty contests until you see a real doctor, but you don't look like you've gone ten rounds with a gorilla."

That made him laugh, but it also made him wince in pain. He took his shirt off to be able to heal his rib a bit better. As he started to pass the regenerator over his ribs he said, "You are going to think this unbelievable, but my Fae friend pulled my bacon out of the fire when I was on the northern continent. He brought me to a place he called the barrows. I could sense two people. One I knew for sure was my mom. The other I couldn't recognize, but they felt familiar so to speak. I wonder if the Fae are doing something with her. George said he couldn't say anything about anything really. It was quite odd."

He rubbed his rib area that was still a bit bruised.

"Your mom?" That was the first thing that stood out. She took the regenerator from him and took out the medical tricorder to scan him for any other injuries. "I'm glad you were helped again. George, isn't it?" At least, that was the name she remembered. "I owe him my thanks." She gave him a quick kiss, then filled a hypospray with a pain reliever.

Jason smiled after she kissed him and he kissed her back. When she hit him with the pain reliever, it was indeed a relief, but not as much of one that he would have liked. His concussion would take a bit more time to resolve.

"My mom is a long story", Jason said with a bit of a weak smile. "Turvan didn't go for it all, but I think I planted a few seeds of doubt. I also think the Xi'cadians can be turned against the Cardassians. What's been going on here?"

"Slow boredom. We've been careful when we go out. So far, we don't think they've noticed. Tannis and R'gelis said the remaining colonists are getting restless, but they're afraid to do anything. The Marines have set up camp. They say the portals stopped working before they evacuated." She paused. "Were you here when we got that information? Days are blending together. Oh, and Brianthe says the civilians on DS5 are passively resisting."

Alanna was relieved he was alive, but concerned with how beaten up he was. "I think Turvan deserves to be flogged in the square at noon and left in the stocks for a full day so everyone can witness his shame." She hesitated. "I know Soran is on the planet, but she's disappeared. Doctor Telamon and Morgan know. They're helping refugees and keeping an eye out for her."

"Well, I am glad the doctors are here", Jason said. "I am sure we'll need them before all is said and done. As far as Soran, we'll find her. She may have found a cave to hole up in."

"Possible, but the shuttle can't pick up her life signs. It could be the mineral content of said cave, though." She shook her head. "Right now, you need food and possibly a nap--and a shower. What's next on your agenda?" She had no doubt Jason had something else planned.

"Besides eating and resting", Jason said. "I'm not sure. I need to think and the way my head is ringing, not so easy right now."

"Okay. Shower first or food?" Even though he always found a way to get out of scrapes--or George pulled him out--she was still worried. She could do some database searches while he slept so she could check on him every couple of hours.

"Oh, definitely food", Jason said with a smile. "Assuming I don't fall asleep in it."

"Bri should have something ready for you." Alanna smiled, more pleased than she would admit to see Jason. "Come on. Food first. Then sleep or a shower, depending on how you feel."

Jason nodded and followed Alanna to where Brianthe, R'gelis, and Tannis were.

"Nice shooting", Jason said with a smirk.

"At least we keep our phasers on stun," Bri shot back. She filled a plate with food and set it on the table for Jason.

The two Romulans watched Jason, but said nothing.

Jason laughed and replied, "Well, you definitely did the right thing with everything going on. And thank you for the food. It is very appreciated."

He took a bite of the piece of fruit on the plate, chewed a moment, and then continued, "I told Alanna, so I will tell you. I wasn't that successful in my trickery, but I did plant a few seeds of doubt and I noticed that the Cardassians are treating the Xi'Cadians poorly. It may be something we can exploit."

Alanna nodded. "I've been monitoring communications. The Cardassian government isn't happy with Turvan. So far, he's failed to secure the station and the portals. I think I can plant some rumors on the station. I have a few contacts there."

Bri nodded. "Paula will help with that. The Cardassians leave her alone, but there are a few Xi-Cadians who wander through the arboretum. I think she'll enjoy spreading rumors."

"We can pass falsehoods to the other Romulans. Some of them have allied with the Cardassians," Tannis added. A'

Alanna had been quiet. "There was a recent Cardassian transmission that was critical of the Xi'Cadians. I think I could bounce it off something and have it come back unencrypted. If it looks like some sort of stellar phenomenon caused the problem, I could get away with it." She glanced at Jason. "Wanna help?"

"Yeah, after a quick nap", Jason said. "I'm not in a really good condition to do things right. Give me a couple of hours."

She smiled. She wanted to hear more about what happened to him, but that, too, would wait. He needed to take care of himself first. "You've got as long as you need."

"Ok", Jason replied with a nod. "Give me three hours and I'll be good to go."

He got up and started for one of the rooms. Alanna could sense he was worried, but he didn't seem talkative at the moment.

"You can take the small room upstairs," Alanna said. "It'll give you more privacy while you sleep." She was going to give him at least four hours. He looked like he needed it.

Jason looked at Alanna and gave her a smile. Despite being very disappointed that his plan didn't go exactly how he had envisioned, he had to try and stay positive. With a nod, he disappeared upstairs to get the rest he needed.


A Joint Post By
Jason Haines
Resident Beach Bum

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer & Rabble Rouser
Deep Space 5


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