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A Civilian Job

Posted on Sat Dec 10, 2022 @ 1:01pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon

1,154 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: Day 6, 11:23 hour


Ace sighed pleasantly. Knowing that he had the choice between Andi Williams and Silje was definitely one of the better perks of being stuck on the station with all of the spoonheads. Somehow, though, something felt off about those choices, especially with Bri being somewhere unknown.

Less pleasing was that somehow the Vulcan Counselor, T'Lul was acknowledged as the leader of the rebellion. How that happened, even he did not understand. One moment they were talking about knocking out power and the next Andi and T'Lul were talking about creating communication devices that could not be traced and encrypted, as well as listening devices for the eavesdropping on the Cardassians. I'm the assistant Chief of Ops! I should be doing these things! Well, let it be on the pointy ear counselor's head when everything is righted. I'm sure that the Captain will have something to say about it, even if she is higher ranked.

In the meantime, there was little to do but to report to T'Lul whenever he could. But to be of use, he had to be able to acquire information. Perhaps he could hide in plain sight. He beamed a smile and then laughed. "Yolanthe!" Yes, Yolanthe has a host of staff. I could slip right in and nobody would be the wiser, as long as Yolanthe has no love for the Carassians. I doubt she does and I've spent some good latinum there. She could return some in the form of a salary.

Ace put on some tight shorts that highlighted his ass and thighs. He then threw on a grey muscle shirt. Ace was not overly muscular, but his body was something no woman he knew ever refused to look at. With high hopes, he headed over to Yolanthe's recreational area and upon getting to the entrance, inquired as to Yolanthe's whereabouts.

A few minutes later, a human man in his early fifties came out from the back of house. "I'm afraid Yolanthe's not available. I'm Edward, the assistant manager." He held out his hand to the former lieutenant.

Ace took Edward's hand and conspiratorially asked, "Do you mind if we talk somewhere a little less public?"

"Can I ask what this is a bout?"

"A job," Ace replied in a whisper as he dared to take a small, cautious glance over his shoulder.

Edward gave him a frank once over, then stuck his fingers in his mouth and let out a piercing whistle. The two servers pulling chairs off tables stopped what they were doing and came over, and the dabo girl polishing the tables set her cloth down and joined them. "You got any experience working bars? or tables? dining or gaming?"

"I can work women," Ace replied with some snark and a knowing wink. He shuffled his feet thoughtfully as he put a finger to his chin. "I also have a fair amount of experience at the dabo tables, playing not running them, of course, and other gambling activities." A devilish smile creeped across his face, "Anything that attracted the women, you know?"

"I know," Edward smiled. "But what about the men?"

"The men?" Ace asked, as if Edward had three heads. "What about them?"

Edward lifted a bushy eyebrow in surprise. "Well, The Box offers equal opportunity service. You say you can 'work women'." There was an unimpressed note at Ace's choice of words. "Can you work men too? And can you handle it if our male punters take a shine to you. I'm not saying you can't put the guy through the nearest wall if he puts his hands somewhere he shouldn't. But can you handle people looking? people flirting?"

"People can look all they want at this," Ace puffed with pride. He even thrust out his hip to show off his ass. "I can't say that I've ever had a guy interested in me and I can't say that I'd be interested in any of them, but the reality is that I need to stay undercover so I can stay here and get this station back."

"Ah," said Edward, looking to the others. They shared long looks between them, then small nods. "Alright then. You can start on the Dabo tables. But we don't want to know anything, and you don't do anything inside these walls but work. Fair?"

"What else would I do? I'm just looking and listening for information. Besides, do you really think I'm the brains of the operation?" He raised his eyebrows at Edward and waggled them before continuing, "And where is Yolanthe?" he asked, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "You would think that the Spoonheads would need her here."

Edward's expression got even more grim. "You'd think. Especially given her previous lover. But the Cardassians have her under some sort of arrest. Beyond that, we've got no information."

Ace wrinkled his nose, "Wait, you mean that she was doing the horizontal bop with a Spoonhead." He shook his head distastefully. "No accounting for taste." Switching topics, he asked, "Alright, so when do I start and what uniform are you going to put me in?"

"Well, no time like the present." Edward nodded his head at the dabo girl, and one of the servers. "I'm sure Rowan And Catia can find you something suitably tight and objectifying. Shame the granny brigade all evacuated. I would have enjoyed watched you negotiate their attentions."

"Hey, if some granny wants to tip me hard, who am I to complain?" Ace asked with a laugh. "And make sure that you get a holo of this for Bri, the two of this are going to have a great laugh over this when we get this station back."

"Well, when we get this station back, if blanche and her cronies come back, I'll let them know there's fresh meat for them." Edward laughed. "In the meantime, Catia will show the ropes for Dabo. If that goes smoothly, we'll give you a try at Tongo."

Ace gave Catia a small wink. "Catia is welcome to show me the ropes as long as she wants and she can try me at anything that she likes."

"Keep that up and you won't work here long," Edward muttered. "We take shit from the punters, not from each other. If you're going to be a caveman, you'll get moved on."

The Assistant Chief Operations Officer sighed. "It was not shit, but I get your meaning. Fine, no flirting with co-workers." With a genuine and gracious smile, Ace continued, "I do appreciate what you're doing for me and the station. When this is all over, I won't forget it."

Edward smirked. He'd done his own time in the lewd outfits of a dabo boy and knew just what attentions they could bring. "Not even if you try."


Lieutenant Ace Cannon
Assistant Chief Operations Officer


Edward Stapleton
Asst. Manager
Bocx of Delight
[NPC by Soran]


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