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A Change in Venue

Posted on Thu Dec 15, 2022 @ 2:28am by Commander N'Evran

494 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Vulcan
Timeline: 30 days ago


The howling wind of the sandstorm raging outside calmed N’Evran as he meditated. He was trying to calm his nerves given the fight he and his sister had just a while ago. Of all the members of his family, his sister was the most ‘disturbed’ by his approach to emotions.

After the Lancelot was decommissioned, given that his sister was close to giving birth to her first child, N’Evran decided to take some time off to come back to Vulcan where she had decided to have the childbirth. N’Evran had been excited to be able to help welcome his nephew to the world.

N’Evran’s excitement had been shattered as his sister chose not to invite him to the naming ceremony. She had said she did not feel it was appropriate for him to be present given his choice not to follow the path of logic. It would be hypocritical she had said.

His reflection was interrupted by the chime of the communications panel in the room. N’Evran went and activated the channel. He was greeted with a familiar face, his former commanding officer aboard the Lancelot.

“Admiral Garrison”, N’Evran said with a smile. “It is good to see you. Congratulations on your promotion.”

“Thank you N’Evran”, the Admiral replied. “I was surprised that you are on Vulcan. I believe you said never again a few years ago.”

“I was under the mistaken impression that there was an event that needed my presence”, N’Evran answered. “Regardless, I doubt you are calling to question my travel destinations.”

“Sharp as ever”, Garrison said with a sly chuckle. “Have you heard of a station Deep Space Five?”

“Only based on fleet charts”, N’Evran replied. “A celestial class station that is a resupply and repair stop near the Romulan Neutral zone and unexplored territory I believe.”

“That’s partially right”, the Admiral remarked. “I will send you a file with more information. I need you to come to Starbase twelve for a briefing. Your experience with Cardassians will be needed. Things at the station are getting a little heated with the Cardassians. The captain there has been having no end of issues with them and there are concerns about escalation.”

“Could this briefing be attended remotely?”, N’Evran asked. “It would be more efficient.”

“Normally I would say yes”, Garrison answered. “But there may be activities after the briefing depending on what is decided.”

“Very well”, N’Evran said. “It will take me three weeks to get to Starbase twelve.”

“That’s ok, the briefing is in twenty days”, the Admiral replied. “It will give you plenty of time to get up to speed on the station. I will see you there.”

With that, the channel disconnected.

“At least I get to avoid unpleasant discussions in the morning”, N’Evran said out loud to himself, smiling.


Commander N'Evran
Executive Officer to be
Deep Space Five


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