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A Lesson in Being Fae

Posted on Tue Nov 22, 2022 @ 1:09am by Civilian Jason Haines

931 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: The Fae Barrow

The crack of wood fire brought Jason’s eyes open. He looked about as the smell of woodsmoke assaulted his nose. It was a familiar setting. A somewhat cozy room with a fireplace a decent sized couch and another stuffed chair. His mother’s family home in Ireland was large, but it had many cozy rooms.
On the couch was his mother and six-year-old version of himself was cuddled up to her with a book. His father was tending the fire in the fireplace.

“Alright wee lad”, she said, closing the book. “Time for bed.”

“Just one more mom”, he pleaded.

“It’s late”, she replied. “You need your sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.”

“Ta sa val?” (What will it matter), his father said in Andorian, not wanting Jason to realize he was going against his mom’s decision. “Rad fer jahl.” (He’ll sleep in the lift.)

His mother scowled at his father slightly.

“Please”, Jason pleaded looking at his mom with puppy dog eyes.

“Alright”, she said, opening the book. “Jack and his Comrades.”

Jason smiled as he stifled a yawn.

“Mom!”, Jason exclaimed, bolting up, which caused him to spit out some of the foul-tasting onion concoction that George was forcing down his throat.
Coughing he looked around, the place felt familiar.

“George”, Jason said, his eyes focusing on the goblin. “What’s going on?”

“Drink”, George answered forcing the cup in his hands.

Jason smelled the brew that Cobweb had put together and wrinkled his nose.

“Drink”, George demanded.

Jason drank down the nasty tasting liquid and set the cup down, groaned and asked, “What was that?”

“You are better not knowing”, George said with an evil grin.

Jason raised his eyebrows. “What happened?”

George laughed and answered, “As usual, you almost got yourself killed and I pulled your tuckus out of the fire.”

“Oh, that’s right, the Cardassians and the spiders. Thanks.”, Jason said as he looked about.

“Don’t mention it.”

“This place feels familiar”, Jason said, taking a handful of dirt from the floor. “Where are we?”

“The barrows between the land of the Fae and your dimension”, George answered.

“I’ve been here before”, Jason said remembering the dream he had early in his time on the station. “Well, not right here, but in the barrows. In a dream.”

“Interesting”, George said.

“That’s for sure”, Jason said, pondering something the woman in his dream had said.

‘He is not ready’. What was he not ready for? He was once again near the land of the Fae. Was he ready now?
He put his hand on the floor and his eyes grew wide.

“I can feel my mom!”, he half shouted.

“I’m not surprised”, George replied. “This is part of the land of the Fae and you are part Fae.”

“I feel someone else familiar”, Jason said. “I can’t tell who it is. I wonder.”

“Don’t know”, George replied not being able to say anything about the situation.

He looked at George getting a funny feeling.

“You are lying”, Jason said to the Goblin.

“Technically, I am not lying”, George answered. “I have no idea what you are sensing.”

“I see Jason”, said. He went to stand and noticed he was naked. “Any possibility you can get me some clothes?”

George snickered, “I wondered when you would notice.”

With a snap of his fingers, the clothes the Cardassians took from Jason appeared. He quickly got dressed.

“I’ve got to look for them”, Jason said out loud, not really to George.

“You can’t”, George said.

“Why not”, Jason asked.

“You’ll get lost and there are Fae looking for you, regarding your mother, remember”, George reminded him of the discussion they had nearly two years ago.

“Well, help me find them then”, Jason replied.

“I can’t”, George replied.

“Why not?” Jason asked starting to get frustrated.

“Look kid”, George said putting his hands to his hips like a scolding parent. “Now you are completely aware that you are part Fae. At least one other Fae besides me realizes that. Words have power and promises are law in the Fae world. So, be careful what you say and who you make promises to, especially on the station, the planet, and in the land of the Fae. Otherwise, you will get in trouble.”

Jason listened intently as he could tell George was quite serious about what he was saying.

“The reason I can’t help you in those tunnels as I made a promise in payment to get you here”, George said. “I can get you back to the planet near the tree your lady friend has. Something tells me they are going to need you there. I’m not sure why, it’s a gut feeling.”

Jason nodded as he had many times followed his gut and it was the right choice.

“Oh, you could probably use these”, George said.

With a snap of his fingers, Jason’s staff, 'spy boots', and transparent aluminum dagger were on the floor. Jason smiled. He took them and said, “Thanks George.”

“Don’t mention it and keep your head down”, George said. “I’m getting too old for this crap.”

George snapped his fingers and Jason appeared inside Alanna’s tree-fort. Brianthe and the two Romulans who were talking at the table, jumped to their feet. Before Jason could say anything, all three of them drew weapons and fired. Heavily stunned, Jason fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.


Jason Haines
Resident Beach-bum
Deep Space 5


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