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Their blood is on your hands

Posted on Sat Dec 24, 2022 @ 11:24pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Thu Jan 19, 2023 @ 6:12am

2,460 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Main Brig - Commander's Office
Timeline: Early MD 04 pre- "Unravelled"


[Main Brig]

The Cardassian Security Officer walked to the security cell holding the gathered group of Starfleet personnel and yelled towards the Xi'Cadian controlling the cell.

"Lower the screen for unit 12-C & 12-E" The Cardassian said. Moments later the forcefield over the two cell units deactivated, casting the handful of Starfleet personell in a darkened tint.

Chief Petty Officer Giovanni Marek looked up, wondering what they wanted now. He had no doubt they were all lying scum and wouldn't be reasoned with, so he hadn't bothered trying. Yes, he worked in temporal science, but he had no idea what T'gan or Commander Wells were working on. Even if he did, he wouldn't tell his captors.

PO2 Loris and Ensign Hath looked up, the engineering non-com subtly trying to shift in front of the ensign. CPO Ch'vhalar antennas twitched forward, the security nco wanting to know what the Cardassians wanted now.

"Federation Combatants, you have been called to appear before Administrator Turvan for your Initial Appearance. This is where you will learn of the charges being brought against you for your upcoming Military Tribunal. You will have an opportunity to state whether you would like to plead guilty and be sentenced or not guilty, proceed to trial, be found guilty, and then plead guilty." The Trooper said to the handful of crewman.

"Do you have any questions?" He asked

Ch'vhalar pushed off the rear wall of the cell and walked forward. "Yeah. Why don't you kiss my ass?"

Glinn Nath gripped the side of his stun-baton tightly as he gritted his teeth. Nothing would have made him happier than striking the Andorian across the face with his baton and shoving him back into the cell in order to send a message to the others.

But he couldn't.

He had been selected by Legate Turvan to deliver the prisoners. As a result, their safe and immediate delivery was Glinn Nath's responsibility.

"Andorian" Glinn Nath said without the respect of his rank. "I would suggest you save your commentary for your appearance before Administrator Turvan. It may prove to be more useful for your. . .current situation." The Cardassian Security Trooper said, maintaining eye-contact with the defiant Andorian.

Giovanni Marek kept silent, but he was no fool. The Cardassians weren't going to let them go unless they turned traitor, and even then it was doubtful. Maybe they could overwhelm the guards and make a run for it. Or maybe they'd meet some resistance fighters who could help them. Nah. They'd probably die. At least he wasn't going to die a traitor. He wondered if he could give false information to cause the spoon-heads trouble before they figured it out? That could be interesting. If he was going to die, he might as well cause trouble first.

Medical Officer Amoran, Benj, had taken his share of beatings at the hands of his Cardassian "hosts" since the confrontation he had been involved in with the Xi-Cadian Chief Medical Officer who had taken over the Station's Sicky Bay by blackmail, coercion, deceit and even murder, so Benj was under no illusions about how this was going to go down today.

The Bajoran had witnessed that nothing he might be able to do would be of any use to halt their behaviour and bloodshed. These 'pirates' that had taken this station and proved every day and hour since then that they couldn't be trusted any further than they could be thrown, which was literally not even one inch! He also knew that even whilst any promises the invaders might make would obviously be false, they would continue to do anything they liked to terrorise all in their "care" in an effort to get what they wanted and that there was no cavalry on its way nor apparently any repercussions seeming to be biting into them in from the outside. There was no honour, no respect, no conscience and no good characteristics of any kind in these invaders, in Amoran's bitter experiences of them, from the lowest rank to the top of the tree.

It was a pretty hopeless situation to be in and therefore, when there came a hint of giving the demons some disobedience and/or retaliation from the mis-treated hostages, then all reference to "doing no harm" became clearly inapplicable to the Medic. No more of this barbarism and sadistic cruel killing could be allowed to just go by without any form of kick back. He stood up to be counted when given the opening.

[Commander's Office]

Legate Turvan continued to sip from his mug as he reviewed the report regarding the relocation of the Starfleet Officers to the Dyson Shipyard. It was apparent that some did not go along willingly. He observed in between sips.

"For the most part, re-location was without conflict. . .mostly." Gul Natomi Kyren from where she stood at the conference table. "There were a handful of detainees that attempted to overpower our Soldiers and take their weapons. They were dealt with. . .appropriately." She responded. "I've ordered their detainment until we are able to dispose of them without much attention." She added.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Legate Turvan said as he set his mug down. "I took the time to read the incident reports regarding the violent outbursts from the detainees. We cannot allow such behavior to go unpunished, but more importantly we must demonstrate to the Federation that we are not merciless monsters." Legate Turvan said as he pressed the comm button.

*COM* "Bring in Mr. Ryan." Legate Turvan said as he looked towards the doors. Moments later, the doors slide open and two Cardassian Security Troopers escorted a rather non-excited Human into the office that he was quite familiar with. One guard stayed within the room while another stepped out and stood guard behind the closed door.

Legate Turvan took notice of Ryan's expression as he began to talk. "Good day, Mr. Ryan. I'm certain you are familiar with your surroundings." He said with a slight smile. "I trust that your accommodations have been to your liking?" He asked.

Ryan's comment was brief but something of a cross between irony and wit as was his wont.

Hydel chose to let that comment slide without response. "Several of your Officers have engaged in disgraceful acts of terrorism against the Cardassian government." The Cardassian began. "I have conveyed a Military Tribunal for five such offenders." He said as he slid a padd across the desk towards the Human Officer.

"As their Commanding Officer, I am offering you the opportunity to review their case files prior to each of them being placed on trial, found guilty, and proceeding to their scheduled executions." Turvan said matter-of-factly. "However, I have the discretion to commute such sentences if i receive mitigation evidence on their behalf." He said as he reached for his mug again and took a sip.

"Considering the circumstances, such mitigation would fall into the realm of information on unlocking the Portals on Pangaea." He said.

Before Ryan was able to reply. The chime for the doors beeped and Turvan looked to see Glinn Nath standing outside with the assembled Starfleet crewman.

"Enter" Turvan said. "Have the Combatants take their seats over there." He pointed to the far corner of the office which had formerly been a lounge and seating area. The couch and other decorations had since been destroyed and had since been replaced by a more spartan appearance of simple chairs.

"I was just finishing my explanation of this Initial Appearance to Mr. Ryan." He said as he stood. "I'll give him several moments to speak with his subordinates before we begin." He added.

"Ah don't need to speak to them." Ryan drawled. "This isn't a trial. This is a hostage negotiation. You're holding my people hostage like a toddler wanting more candy. I don't know why the portals won't work for you. Hell, we don't really know why they work for us."

Administrator Turvan nodded to the Cardassian standing next to Mr. Ryan. The Cardassian took a step towards the Human and rammed the butt of his rifle into his mid-section, causing him to fall to his knees.

Turvan stood from his chair and addressed the entire room. "Since you have chosen to act in an uncivilized matter, then I have no choice but to respond to you in an uncivilized manner." He said as he looked down at the coughing officer.

the human dropped like a sack of potatoes, wheezing through the pain. "Sonofabitch," he muttered with a wince and he straightened up

He waited for Ryan to return to his knees before he addressed him again.

"For the last time, do you wish to present any mitigating evidence to this Military Tribunal on behalf of your subordinates?" He asked, his patience long since wearing thin.

Ryan looked over at the crew Turvan was holding against him. "I can talk you through the accord that the fae left with T'khellian. Once I know my people are safely with Starfleet. Cowboy's honor," his weak laugh was punctuated by a cough that left bloody spittle on his hand.

Turvan had no idea what a. . .Cow....boy was, but was fairfly certain it was an homage to something that the Human felt an affinity towards. It would suffice for now. He sighed contently at the agreeable resolution.

"See, that wasn't so difficult, now was it? Look at what can be accomplished when we all embrace the spirit of cooperation!?" He said in a self-satisfactory tone.

"Fine, I will have them placed on a transport to the Dyson Shipyard." Turvan replied as he gestured for the Security Trooper to take them from his office.

As the trio were removed from the office, Turvan made his way around the desk towards the slightly wheezing Officer. "As for you. . .talk" He said.

"Its simple. Pangaea was given to T'khellian by the fae. to her and her heirs. That means Captain Soran. You want the portals, you need to get yourself in the line of succession." Ryan started to laugh, pained and breathy. "Good luck with that. Stubborn woman will eat her own foot before she'd agree to that. If she's even still alive to do it. You're doing all this for nothing."

Turvan's fists balled together angrily. "You think that I'm some kind of fool!?" He said as he towered over the Human. "Across the entire galaxy, you expect me to believe that the only person who can operate this ancient artifact is just oneTrill?" He said as he stepped around him.

"How else did those damn Vulcans just casually stroll through the portal so many times?" He asked angrily.

Turvan sighed inwardly as he kneeled next to the Human Officer. "Ryan, look..." Turvan said in a lower tone. "I don't enjoy this kind of unplesantness. I want to bring peace and stability to everyone involved in this unfortunate affair." He said in a more reasonable tone.

"Otherwise, I..." he paused slightly as if he was searching for the most compassionate words. "Otherwise, I will eradicate everything on Pangaea so that there will be nothing of value remaining. . .including whatever hole in the ground your daughter has found for shelter." He said through clenched teeth.

"Because if I cannot accomplish my mission, then I will ensure there is nothing for Starfleet to recover." He said.

Ryan swallowed, took a breath. Paused to think. Conflict flickered in his eyes. Then he closed them, decision made. "Ah told you what we know. We don't know how those Vulcans came through. Every time we've gone down, the sentinels challenge us that we have permission from the Queen. And they know if we lie, we tested it. We don't know how. So right now, yes, there's only one woman that can operate it. Ah'll release Dr Wells notes to you, but they'll say the same thing. Don't bomb Pangaea." There was a note of desperation in his voice. "Soran's here somewhere. Either the station, or on Pangaea. Just as my daughter's down there, she has people she cares for up here. She won't let them suffer, not if there's an alternative. If you can find her. She won't want more blood on her hands. You could...reason... with her."

"You can't reason with a corpse, Ryan." Turvan said pointedly as he stood and walked away from Ryan and back to his desk. "Soran is dead...or did you not hear the recent public announcement?" He asked. **

"Regardless, I want more than just Dr. Wells' notes, I want every file this station has on the Pangaea portals unlocked." He said, casting a glare downward to the man. "Or else I will begin hunting down every last terrorist that you call a fellow Starfleet Officer on this damned station with extreme Cardassian efficiency." He said in a grave tone.

Ryan looked shocked. He hadn't heard the announcement. Then the human slumped where he knelt. "Anything you want. Just leave Zandy alone."

"Fine, I will expect for my Science Team to have full access by the end of the day." Turvan said as he looked at the man. He recognized the look in the Human's eyes.

It was a look he had seen in the eyes of many Federation Officers during the Federation War. It was the look of defeat. However, the Human was still a threat to Cardassia and their plans for the station and the portals. He knew that keeping him onboard would just encourage more uprisings from the various terrorist cells still within the confines of the station.

Killing him would do nothing but make him a martyr. Sending him to a labor camp would be out of the question as the Detapa Council would undoubtedly release him in order to curry favor with their Federation handlers. No, Turvan knew the best way to rid himself of the Human Commander was by sending him back to Dyson Shipyard.

Turvan took some pleasure in knowing that he would be separating the man from his daughter. The fear of not knowing if your only child was still breathing caused Turvan to smile briefly.

Turvan picked up the Padd he had been reading and pressed several buttons into it as he walked over to the still-present Security Trooper. "You can take him back." Turvan stated.

"Find joy in your actions, Mr. Ryan, you personally saved the lives of thousands of civilians and hundreds of Starfleet personnel." He said as he returned to his seat again.


NPCs by Soran, Telamon, T'lul, Wells

Ryan npc'd by Soran,

Chief Petty Officer Giovanni Marek
Temporal Science
NPC by Alanna Wells

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