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Loose Lips

Posted on Thu Dec 22, 2022 @ 3:01pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

650 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5/ Deck 400
Timeline: MD10


Running a restaurant always required a certain level of flexibility. Whether it was tweaking the menu to keep up with changing tastes, supply chain issues, or even various policies having an effect on the day-to-day operations; Saul Hogan enjoyed the challenges that came with running a sandwich shop on DS5. The Cardassian takeover of the station, however, was a flexibility-requiring event that required more effort. Aside from a large portion of his clientele no longer on the station, there were strict curfews, searches of most cargo going in and out of the station, and a generally depressing feeling among those still aboard DS5.

Despite everything, Saul didn’t keep his shop closed for too long. There were still clients to serve, even if some of them were the aforementioned Cardassians. It also allowed him to help out the resistance by keeping an ear out for any intel dropped by careless patrons. With Federation comm channels blocked, it became harder to get an accurate picture of what was happening outside the station. For the first week, the restaurant was a safe haven for resistance members, but as the Cardassians tightened their hold on the station those meetings were less frequent.
Saul opened his restaurant at 10 A.M. as always and waited to see who would show up. In the meantime, he had an adventure novel he was only a quarter of the way through. A few regulars trickled in, but it wasn’t until the afternoon that things got interesting when a group of Cardassians barged their way in. The Glin that appeared to be in charge of the group, wasted no time in making their wishes known.
“Five of your tuna fish sandwiches, one with extra peppers, and a round of drinks for everyone. That human drink I’ve come to like.”

Unsure just which drink was being referred to, Saul pulled several bottles down from the shelf. The Cardassian studied the collection briefly before pointing to a large bottle of Vodka.
“That one, and keep it coming. We’re celebrating today.”

Passing the order back to his remaining staff Saul filled up 5 glasses, setting them down in front of his patrons. After a moment's hesitation, he placed the bottle in the middle of the table. Once the food arrived, the Cardassians were left to their own devices. Experience had taught the security officer turned restaurateur that people were more likely to let their guard down when others seemed to be ignoring them. Of course, the alcohol helped add to their false sense of security. Sure enough, after their third glass, the group started talking.
“Can you believe the nerve of the Federation? Declaring war on the mighty Cardassian Union! We took this station with minimal casualties and we’ll do it again if needed.”

One of the others refilled everyone’s glasses.
“A toast to Central Command and their brilliant plan to regain our glory on the galactic stage.”

The group continued to talk and boast a bit before making their way back into the corridor. Once they felt it was safe to talk, Saul and the others discussed what had just transpired.
“I wouldn’t expect the fleet to come warping to the rescue quite yet. It’s quite possible they’re still hoping for a diplomatic solution. However, this does change things a bit.”

“Such as?” asked Wegom.

“There are those planning to actively resist our new station masters. A formal declaration of war may change how forceful their actions are. We just need to get word to them without raising suspicion. The resistance has understandably kept a low profile the last few days. Pauer, think you can make it to the arboretum without being stopped?”

She nodded.
“That’s not too hard. Why?”

Saul handed her an isolinear chip in a small case.
“Great. In that case, I have a mission for you.”




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