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Stations Secured

Posted on Fri Dec 30, 2022 @ 5:27am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Station underbelly
Timeline: (Shortly after the fall of the station)

Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas groaned as he dragged himself along the floor and into the corner of the room. He had managed to avoid the sparse, but still too frequent Cardassian patrols throughout the several levels of the Engineer department. It had become increasingly hard to stay on his feet as he could see the blood seeping through his bandages.

His fight with the Xi'Cadians and Cardassians in the lower bowels of the station had taken its toll on him. He had managed to escape without suffering the same fate as his fellow Engineers, but he could not risk going to Sickbay for treatment. From the scant communications that he had been able to access, he realized that the Cardassians had managed to secure the vital areas of the station: OPS, Sickbay, Security, Armory, Main Engineering, and even the Promanade.

Although they controlled the stations, they didn't have complete control over the station. After making contact with Captain Soran he managed to make his way into the less patroled areas. But before he did, he was able to prohibit access to various portions of Station computer control. As the Chief of Operations, Ta'Gas was one of the few Officers on board who had the ability to shut down complete departments outside of his own. He had hoped that the other people in his department had managed to either escape the station or simply just stay in their quarters. He couldn't imagine too many would willfully choose to help the Cardassians.

He stopped puling himself and simply leaned against the wall. He could feel the pulsing of the power conduit on the other side of the panel. He closed his eyes and just focused on the continuing pulsating. The rhythmic sensation gave him something to focus on rather than the pain that radiated throughout his body. He looked down at his bandage and saw that the bleeding had not gotten better. He knew that he was not getting better, but in fact was getting much worse.

He knew that this very well might be the end. At least he knew that he fought to defend the station and didn't just throw his life away for nothing. However, the irony was hard to ignore: The Station's only Cardassian. . .killed by other Cardassians. He took a deep sigh as he leaned back and felt himself drifting away.

He heard the faint sound of clanging of the surface of the corridor. He figured it was the sound of the plasma injectors behind the deck plating or it could've been a host of things that wouldn't matter to him any time soon once he had passed away. Evidently his body hadn't given out on him yet because he could still hear the clanging noise grow louder and closer to him.

"On your feet, Lieutenant!" A familiar voice shouted to him. Ta'Gas slowly opened his eyes and saw the form of Dorian Gabriel standing over him. Farther down the hall were two more Humans that appeared to be keeping an eye out for. . .for something that Ta'Gas couldn't see or hear from his fallen position.

"Go...go t--..." He tried to said, but his voice only came out as a harsh whisper.

"Go and leave you behind? Not today, we're not about to leave you behind so you play hero." Dorian said as he secured his weapon and began to lift Ta'Gas to his feet.

"No...I was tryi....trying to say Go to hell, Dorian...let me die in peace." The Cardassian/Bajoran hybrid said as he was hefted to his seat.

Dorian just shook his head as he turned to look towards his companions. "Sarah, we good?" He asked the woman at the far end of the corridor. She nodded in response and waved the small group towards her as they began to make their way to the nearest access junction.

"I figured that you would have taken some of the tactical systems offline." Dorian said as they made their way down the corridor. "We're gonna need it when we take this station back from those bastards." He said as they entered the access junction shaft.


Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas
Chief of Operations

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corp


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