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Misdirection (part II of III)

Posted on Tue Jun 8, 2021 @ 9:36pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma
Edited on on Thu Jan 6, 2022 @ 7:03pm

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma's, Promenade deck 4
Timeline: MD04 1100

Previously in Misdirection

And now the continuation


It took some time but the pair reach another batch and Dorian pulled a panel to expose some nonstandard equipment. After a few taps an indicator when green and he unlocked and opened the hatch. Emerging into Geral's office he stood glancing to Geral and Shar'ae. "Got something for you."

Geral stood in shock as Maritza entered from the Jefferies tube. Bolting around his desk he took her face in his hands. She was real...she was alive. He wrapped her up in his arms parting only far enough to kiss her passionately.

Shar'ae watched the pair and a happy tear weld up in year eye.

She melted into him, the last few hours had been exhausting, mentially, physically, emotionally. She forgot they weren't alone and just revelled in the relief that he really was alive. She clung to him, a rock in a storm-wracked sea, her rock. And then she pulled herself together, and stepped back. "I have to get out of here. And not the planet. The nearest federation ship, whereever that may be."

Shar'ae watched the pair and a happy tear weld up in year eye.

Geral brushed stands of hair from her face as he going to her. She was absolutely right but all he his reply was limited. "We thought you were dead."

"That was his idea," Maritza pointed at Torel. "It may give us some free movement if they think I'm a smoldering corpse."

Geral looked to Dorian and his eyes narrowed but Dorian beat him to the punch. "I know you wanted 'cat and mouse games' but from what I heard a thing developed that required a change in plans..."

"Well that explains why Gul Vakor looked so panicked when he heard." He kissed her forehead as he thought. "I'm being watched so I have to stay on the station..."

"What?" Maritza turned to him. "You can't stay. What if they find out what you did in the occupation and decide to do something. Or just take out their prejudices on you. You have to go!"

Shaking his head, taking her face in his hands. "I can't. The Bajorans staying behind think all they all they have to do is pick upna weapon and they can beat the Cardassians like their parents and grandparents did. If I don't help them they will only get themselves killed."

Throwing on one of his carefree grins. "Besides...I have a business to run."

"No!" Maritza put her hands on her hips. "I have just lost my father, valued members of my crew, I cannot risk you too. You have to leave. That's an order!"

"I'm not under your command and I have to stay..."

"Everyone on this station is under my command." Martiza shot back, ignoring the reality of recent events, and I say you go. Mr Torel, remove this man from the station with me."

"He will do no such thi.."

Dorian was actually trying to keep himself from laughing at the tit for tat but fortunately he didn't have to reply as Shar'ae cut them both off in a curt but hushed voice. "Will you two save it for the honeymoon! All we need is a bunch a Cardassians bursting in."

Geral looked from Shar'ae to Maritza and took Maritza by the shoulders. "I'm going to be fine. I've spent years cultivating relations and have several well supplied clients on Detappa Council. Besides, my trade network is the perfect means to get information back and forth and to coordinate the retaking of DS5."

For a moment, she looked lost, the age difference between them obvious. "You can't rely on a few old clients, there's no guarantee the council have any control on this situation. Please come with me. Please."

He looked into her eyes and saw her need. Any other time he was ready to let things run itself and he would fly off to anywhere with her. But this wasn't any other time. "My love...I can't. As a command officer I know you understand why. If I leave, people will die. They need me to temper and guide them through this."

Keeping his eyes looked on Maritza's, "Shar'ae, is the secondary yacht with the evacuees ready to depart?"

"Yes, but there are Cardassians guarding the entrances to the bay."

Dorian chimed in. "I can get her into the bay but we can't use the yacht's cargo lift, that would cause to much attention and the landing struts are to big climb..."

"There was still quite a bit of luggage on the platform when I left the yacht to come here."

Geral looked to Maritza and back to Dorian. "That's a lot of what ifs..."

"Don't worry boss. I will get her on that ship and Captain...I'll keep him safe for you. I promise."

Maritza knew there was no point arguing. "Thank you, Mr Torel."

Moving closer to the hatch to the crawl space Dorian glanced back to Shar'ae. "Shar if you can keep the guards distracted for a few moments."

Shar'ae nodded. "That won't be a problem."

Maritza wrapped her arms around Geral not knowing if she would be seeing him again any time soon, or ever. "Stay alive. I will be coming back."

Kissing her softly. "You better. How about a dinner cruise when you get back as an incentive?"

"Done. So don't let anything happen to your chef either. Losing him would be the real tragedy." She pulled away reluctantly and turned to Torel. "Ready when you are."

As she turned away his eyes followed, taking in every detail...just in case. "Wait!"

"What?" Maritza felt a twinge of dread at the sudden shout."

"Those spots of yours would be a dead give away if anyone saw you. We..."

Sha'rae interupted. "Got that covered." Crossing the office into the backroom she emerged with a pack of makeup. After a quick bit of rummaging she hand Maritza some cover-up and foundation. "That should do the trick."

"Smart thinking." She agreed, squeezing a generous dollop into her hand and then smoothingit into her skin with her fingertips, blurring out her pale spots. "No bioscrambler can undo what the eye sees. How do I look?"

>> tag Geral

Dorian waved to and then followed the Captain into the crawl space and gave his boss a nod before closing the hatch.

Geral stared at the batch for a moment before turning to his long time assistant. "Shar..."

"You don't have to say anything. I will get her and the rest of the evacuees to safety." Poking him in the chest, " safe and don't do anything stupid. You got a good thing going with her so don't screw it up by getting yourself killed."

"You be careful too. I put too much time and effort to getting you trained..."

"Haha. I think it's more the other way around."

Geral chuckled. "Better get going. They're going to need you."

For the second time in a few short minutes he had to say goodbye two key people in his life without knowing if he woud ever see them again. Moving to his office window he adjusted the opaqueness to lookout at the shop below. For a second time in his life he found himself dealing with an occupation...fucking Cardassians.

To be Continued…

Capt. Maritza Soran


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