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Unseen Angels

Posted on Tue May 25, 2021 @ 8:21am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

1,521 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Opal's Quarters
Timeline: MD 5/1400

Opal wasn't sleepy. Opal was hyped and anxious at the same time. She needed to reassure herself that Caleb was okay, but it wasn't easy with the comm channels crammed with people checking in or out and giving and receiving orders. Hoping against the odds that he would be able to talk for a moment or two, Opal couldn't just keep waiting to hear if he was alright, or even where he might be, so she decided to risk trying a call and hoped for the best outcome. She drew in a deep but slightly nervous breath as she took the chance.

It was the most dreaded situation on any station, occupation, so Opal sent out the call with a low priority setting in the actual message transmission, but nonetheless wishing she could demand all the priority of a fleet flag officer! How nice would that be? Just so long as she didn't have to manage the responsibilities of a flag officer to go with the imagined shortcut to speak to Caleb.

As it was, as a civilian doctor Opal had little or no status and had to rely on goodwill to get through to her beloved to try to find out any news regarding his personal safety and well-being. It would do her the universe of good to hear just the familiar and much loved sound of his voice.

It wasn’t Caleb’s voice that answered Opal’s message, but the voice of a Cardassian comms officer. “Communications with this subject are restricted. If you need anything, please contact the proper station authorities,” the bored Cardassian said.

“I'm sorry. Could you please tell me the name or department of the proper authorities I would need to speak to?” Opal answered with ultimate politeness and a sinking dread in her stomach at the words "this subject" instead of Caleb's name or even his job title.

“All communications for Caleb Ryan must go through Gul Hulceen, the station commander,” the bored Cardassian said.

"Thank you," Opal replied and sat looking at her vidscreen silently after it cut off. What should she do now? She couldn't speak to the Cardassian station commander and ask for a chat with Caleb. It sounded as if he were being isolated, or censored in who he could speak to at least. Clearly they were keeping him on a tight leash, and it made her spine run cold.

A moment later, Opal’s computer chirped with an incoming message.

“Dr. Oliver,” Opal answered automatically, and a little bit absently, her mind still deep in thought as to what to do next regarding Caleb and how to reach him. She had been trying to think how it might go down if she went politely to the Cardassian station CO's adjutant and just inquired as nicely and as respectfully as she could, just to find out what had happened to him at least, and if he were being held in bad circumstances.

But then what could she do next? Her mind barely had time to ask herself these suggestions, let alone think them through when she was suddenly on the comm answering someone. She really had no time for normal duties when there might be a possibility that Caleb might need her. Who could this be contacting her now, and how fast could she get rid of them so she could get back to the most important thoughts she needed to process more urgently?

“Hello, Dr. Oliver,” an unfamiliar female voice said. It was audio only, no video feed, and the quality left something to be desired. “We noticed you were trying to get in contact with Commander Ryan and were unsuccessful. Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

“Thank you for offering to assist. To whom am I speaking please, and how might you be able to do this?” Opal was cautious about the apparent secrecy of the person on the other end of the communication, although it might not be secrecy as such, but more just restricted access. She would have to wait for the response to try to gauge more of what was happening.

“You can call me Eve,” the woman’s voice said. “It’s complicated, but with the right equipment and proximity, we’re able to piggyback on the Cardassian internal communications, and use some old Starfleet codes to hack into old communication lines that weren’t removed when they were upgraded. It’s patchwork, and the quality is shit, but it lets us keep abreast on what the Cardassians are up to. We’re working on getting better access. So would you like our help?”

"Yes, Eve, I would like your help very much indeed. Thank you." Opal had only a few moments to assess this situation. The tone of Eve's explanation, particularly at the end, seemed to imply that she wasn't going to keep the offer open while the doctor hesitated. On the other hand, a little voice inside her mind told Opal to be careful because it could perhaps be the Cardassians themselves, trying to trick her into a false move and entrapping Caleb for them. Her heart raced and she felt light-headed, but she knew how to slow her own breathing and set about counting and steadying herself.

"Is Commander Ryan a prisoner? Can you tell me if he's hurt?" she went on, unable to stop herself asking the question she dreaded most.

“Like all Starfleet personnel, yes, he is a prisoner,” Eve said. “He is not hurt, though perhaps that could be a good pretext for you to attempt,” she mused.

"Attempt? In what way?" Opal was still very much at a loss in this one-sided, rather stilted conversation. "Are you suggesting I approach the Cardassian station staff to ask if I might attend Commander Ryan to see to some fictitious injuries? Wouldn't they examine him themselves and see right through that?" she asked, her confusion honest and apparent, as she made no attempt to hide the fact that she had no idea what was being proposed, nor yet precisely by whom.

"To whom am I to propose the pretexts, if we come up with a credible one?" she asked.

“You are his doctor. You can come up with a pretext. Tell them you need to check on his damaged leg,” Eve said. How did she know about his leg?

Opal jerked physically in surprise at the mention of Caleb's old leg injuries. It wasn't just a mental surprise, it was a jolt to her system at a time when she had been very confused and cautious, in fear of every shadow and mistrusting every approach from all angles and personnel. Suddenly here was a real lifeline, a candle guttering to life in a pitch dark room.

Immediately Opal regained resolution and surefootedness again. “I will see to that, thank you, Eve. Take care of yourself and stay out of reach.” It quite surprised even Opal herself to hear how her own voice regained it's steadiness as a result of that one small detail in Eve's comment. She was her own counsellor when she realised how much her fear for Caleb and his welfare had almost crippled her ability to cope as a professional doctor. Or even a reasonable human being! she admonished herself silently.

This is war, and I might not be a soldier like the rest of these Starfleet people, but just because I wasn't trained for invasion and occupation situations doesn't mean I don't have the common sense, the general brainpower, and inner resolve to do my part to help them -- us -- everyone. The civilians here are as lost as anyone. I'm a civilian doctor. These are my patients -- all of them -- whether they are sick in body or in heart and with fear. I have to stand strong and brave at Caleb's side, seen or unseen by the invaders, unseen like Eve, vital. Opal lectured herself in an epiphany moment.

It took just a few split seconds to happen inside her own mind and thoughts, but it unpeeled like a tangerine. Once pierced and begun, the outer layer just seemed to fall away. A revolutionary was born inside the meek doctor, and a resistance fighter broke the surface of her placid nature. The passion she felt for Caleb Ryan was a serious fire, igniting something powerful and fierce inside her, in her need to defend and protect him. It was heady and disorienting, but it was cathartic too.

“Before you go see Commander Ryan, stop by The Lotus Lounge for further instructions. Station security is less...observing there, which Cardassians don’t know yet. We will give you further instructions,” Eve said. And then the connection switched off.

Left with her mouth slightly open, Opal stared ahead of her, absorbing what had just happened. She decided to obediently 'drop by' the Lotus Lounge. She walked in with no idea at all what to expect.


Dr. Opal Oliver
Civilian Surgeon


Cdr. Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan


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