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Do We Not All Bleed?

Posted on Mon Jun 14, 2021 @ 6:02am by Lieutenant T'Lul & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Benj Amoran

1,656 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD04, 0530

T'Lul was wounded and the green blood, despite the makeshift tourniquets was flowing quickly from her thigh. At this rate, I calculate a 42.632 percent chance that I will survive. It would be disappointing if I could not have my pon farr experiment. She straightened her leg with great pain, though she did not show it. She hoped that by keeping the leg straight that less movement of her muscles would cause less bleeding to occur.

Blood still trailed along the corridor. However, with great effort, she stumbled into sickbay. The Cardassian communicator was still in her hand, as was the disruptor. Feeling more lightheaded, she announced, "Cardassians invading. Killed one. Injured...." And with that last statement, she collapsed onto the floor.

"What?" Lt Amoran was the closest medic to the collapsing Vulcan in Teal Trim when she hit the floor and he instinctively grabbed a regenerator and mediscan to attempt to seal off the bleeding patient's thigh wound which was, he discovered, very deep and horribly mutilated around the original entry point which was no longer a point so much as an area of ground out in a circular mulch where the weapon used appeared to have been forced back and forth and perhaps even around after it was plunged in.

"Nasty" he muttered, working quickly to staunch the bloodflow with temporary repairs which he would later need to "tidy up".

Looking around himself to see who else was nearby, Benj summoned over a nurse and sent him off to raise attention to the Acting CMO that a patient in a bad way was saying there was a Cardassian Invasion going on and that although he might attribute that allegation to her delirium from losing so much blood, he did have to take account of the Cardassian weapon and communicator that she was clutching. Clearly it was his duty to pass on the information for investigation at least?

T'Lul muttered in a near whisper, "Must...go...into...trance."

Benj only managed to hear the last word of her muttering. "...trance.....?? Nooo, not trance.... don't do that miss... er... Lieutenant...." He grasped T'Lul under her arms and got her back to her feet, carrying her to the nearest biobed, frantic not to lose her into a Vulcan Trance.

"Here we are" he said, jollying her as he put her down, not roughly but then again, with no great gentleness as he tried to get her consciousness back into focus. "Let's just staunch this bleeding and then you can explain to me all about Vulcan Physiology..... I'm not very familiar with what happens when a Vulcan loses too much blood so I need you to talk me through this..... hello...."

It wasn't true. Lt Amoran, Benj was more than proficient in Vulcan medicine but he wanted to keep T'Lul with him in her consciousness so he made that all up about not knowing much about her species, in the hopes that she would therefore see it as logical to respond.

He worked fast and adeptly getting her bloodflow and wound under control. He regenerated and patched and set the biobed up to restock her plasma and green blood cells as he tried to get her to talk to him.

Becoming aware of her body healing, T'Lul opened her eyes and wearily looked at the doctor. "Must...inform...Captain. Cardassians...."

"Just try to relax and get better if you can. We can't contact the Captain. Perhaps the Cardassians already have her in custody. You can do nothing more until we can get you stabilised." Benj said soothingly. It was true. There was nothing to be done right now, other than to treat the sick and see how this panned out. It seemed surreal to the Barojan Lt.

"Communications are out," T'Lul protested. "We have to find her." T'Lul started to get up. "I am certain your administrations have been sufficient for me to conduct a basic search."

"You're going to have to let someone else do that Lieutenant. We have people all over the station who can take it on". Benj began.

"No," T'Lul responded, fully sitting up. "I must find her," the Vulcan insisted. "I do not believe that Commander Ryan is acting logically. Or at least, he is reacting too emotionally. The station is at stake."

"Commander Ryan is a very competent man with vast experience and a tough stance on all things that keep the station safe." Benj replied with certainty. He personally had been on the end of Caleb Ryan's displeasure on one notable occasion when his actions had been less that compatible with what the former Security Chief had felt appropriate to that very station safety that the Counselor was referring to.

"He was Station Head of Security. He knows what's what. I feel sure he's acting out of the circumstances he finds himself in right now. Who's to say what he can see or hear or tell that the rest of us are being screened from? I have faith in his abilities and I don't see him as an emotional push over, I really don't." He went on, trying to reassure the Vulcan lieutenant and to persuade her to accept his medical help - which it was clear she really did need.

"Perhaps," T'Lul responded doubtfully. "Nonetheless, he is distracted with his duties and only others, with the communications out, can assist in tasks. I have already been attacked by Cardassians while carrying out Commander Ryan's orders. There is an ongoing invasion. Logically, we must repel it and finding the Captain is part of that effort."

The Vulcan Counselor looked at Benj and asked, "Can I assume my injuries are no longer life threatening?"

"No" the doctor replied folding his arms defensively. "You cannot assume that would remain the case if you get up off that bio-bed and start moving around again. You're only safe all the time you respect the repairs I have begun for you." he maintained with a frown. "You are injured and, life at immediate stake or not, you are not well enough to be part of the invasion repelling force for at least another 24 hrs."

Benj planted his feet ready for the argument but something told him he was going to have to knock this patient out (medically not with a fist of course) before she would concede and allow her wounds to remain patched so they could heal. He thought of moving to reach a hypospray but was aware from her poised body language that she might be out of that bed and gone before he could get back to her side with it. He sighed.

T'Lul tilted her head curiously at the doctor. "I believe that you are exaggerating the situation, doctor. Besides, the needs of the many are greater than the one. If I am even minimally cured, I can do more good for our Starship by trying to solve the situation than staying here." She thought for a moment. "May I take a look at your medical readings of my condition? I do believe that I am entitled to that information."

"You are entitled to see the information but not to diagnose yourself on what you see, since you are not a qualified, authorised physician" He agreed partially but not fully. "I am not a person given to exaggeration. If you wish to risk your health, your recovery odds and perhaps even your life to go off on a wild goose chase, I cannot stop you physically but I can argue that it would be medically very unwise." He showed her the stats, results and readings as he was speaking.

"Again, the needs of the many outweigh the few, or even the one." She digested the readings as they came in. "If I read this correctly, if you were to inject a pint of blood into me, which would take approximately 12.3213 minutes, by my calculations, I should be well outside the danger zone. I will leave as soon as that is completed," T'Lul replied simply and logically.

"A blood transfusion would help - but I insist on two units." Amoran acknowledged. "You'll wait for the intravenous infusion to be fully completed?" he asked careful not to agree until she accepted his terms.

"If that is what it will take, doctor. I hope that your delay will not be the difference in this invasion, however."

"It takes very little time Lieutenant, far less than it would take to bring you back for another half way through whatever it is you want to do next." Benj responded, his fingers darting deftly over the flashing LCARS controls and setting the bio-bed to deliver the two units needed and finally agreed. True to his work, the infusion was quick and efficient and it wasn't long, relatively, before the Vulcan Counsellor was fully recovered, regenerated, refilled and ready to go.

Benj signed off her Medirod and handed it to her. "There'll be a record of all this on your Medifile if you should lose this during your adventures so don't worry, I can copy you off a replacement if you need one" He smiled at her and opened his arm outwards indicating the door. "You are now discharged and safe to leave. Good luck out there! We're all going to need brave people like you more and more now. Stay Safe and return in one piece!" he wished her luck and turned back to his work wondering how much his work and medical support would help her, hoping it might make all the difference, optimistically, as was his nature.

T'Lul rose from the biobed. "I will do everything I can to achieve the objective. Thank you for your understanding, doctor." With that, the Vulcan headed out, wondering where a logical place to start searching for the Captain might be.

A JP between:

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor


Lt Amoran, Benj
Medical Officer - DS5


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