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Left Behind - Aleczandra

Posted on Mon Jun 14, 2021 @ 7:29am by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

365 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangea/Forest
Timeline: MD 04 - 0630

It was getting dark again. Aleczandra was getting tired. Juheni was having a hard time holding on to control. She looked over at Shay, who still carried the silver case with the precious vials of neurochemicals that could keep him in control. But they were limited. Best not use them.

Shay wisely had ceased asking questions of his blood-covered girlfriend.

“I think we’ve lost them,” Zandy said with a tired sigh, stopping and listening to the depths of the forest around them. “We should stop and rest, come up with a plan.”

They found a hollow, and Zandra gathered some boughs to form a camouflage lean to for the night. She didn’t dare start a fire, not until she was sure they had evaded the Cardassians, so they settled for ration bars and water. There was a small stream nearby, so she could refill the cateens and drop in some purification tablets.

Shay nearly collapsed with exhaustion, falling instantly asleep. Aleczandra cleaned and sharpened her knives before replacing them in their wrist sheaths. She washed some of the blood off in the stream. She considered what to do. They were well supplied, at least for now. They were closer to the colony than to the portal complex, both of which she had to assume had been or were being attacked by the Cardassians. But she might find others in the area that she could ditch the boy toy on. She smirked. She wasn’t done killing Cardassians.

Don’t worry, Zandy, Juheni promised. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll get you revenge for your father.

You don’t know Caleb is dead, Mika scolded.

Dead or captured, Kinony added.

They wouldn’t be able to take the station! Aleczandra protested. Daddy will come for me.

They brought a small army, Juheni reminded. I think they would bring enough to deal with the station.

Juheni let himself fade, and Aleczandra fell back into the grass as her personalities rearranged themselves. Juheni would be back to save her if he was needed.


Aleczandra Ryan



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