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Chaotic Reunion (Part V)

Posted on Thu Apr 15, 2021 @ 7:12am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines

1,195 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD04 0800 hours


Alanna came back a minute later. "Communications with the station are down."

Sighing heavily, Tam's expression darkened. Nodding to himself slowly, he finally said, "So. The attack on the station has begun in earnest." Looking over at Alanna, he kept from lashing out, as before. "What do we do now?"


"We get some rest right now", Jason said. "Unless we need to, we should keep our activities restricted to after dark. As far as communications, the Cardassians are jamming things. I have a way to get through it, but given what you said about the planet Alanna, I am not sure if it will work right now. I got through to Commander Ryan and indeed the station is having their own run with the Cardassians."

"I agree. It's dangerous to be anywhere we can be picked up on sensors. This place is shielded. We'll be safe as long as we stay inside. If comms come back online, I have access to both the station and the portal complex." She had to figure out what to do if the portal complex fell. She'd never considered it before, but the way the fighting was going right now, it was a distinct possibility. "I'd like to see if we can rescue anyone else later. I can house twelve, more if they want to sleep on the floor. There are some underground facilities for civilians near the colony. I'm not sure exactly where, though." She ran a hand through her hair. "If we lose this fight, I'm all for a little sabotage."

Tam nodded, agreeing with what he heard. "Why don't you all get some rest. I'll take the first watch, make sure your little hideyhole stays hidden.

"The computer will alert all of us if there's a problem," Alanna said. "But if you want to stay up to monitor messages from the station, go ahead. You can see them from the workroom on this floor or the conference room on the main floor."

Tam nodded. “I, I think I will listen for messages, at least, for a while.” It was clear that the pilot was starting to come down from all the adrenaline and shock of being shot down, among other stressors. His hands were trembling noticeably, and he was starting to get a far away look in his eyes.

"You need to eat something," Alanna said, helping him to a chair. "There's a replicator on the wall. After that, you should sleep." She looked at Tannis and R'gelis. "You, too."

Tannis nodded. "Yes. We have yet to eat today." She looked around and found the small replicator. She replicated three bowls of oatmeal mixed with fruit. She gave one to Tam and R'gelis, then took a third for herself.

Tam allowed Alanna to guid him to a seat, smal tremors could now be seen on his body. When Tannis handed him the bowl of oatmeal, he nodded absent-mindedly in thanks. Slowly, he began to eat.

"I'll get something upstairs," Alanna said. "What would you like?" she asked Jason. She would prefer for the two of them to eat alone so she could ask him more questions.

"What they are having looks good", Jason said. "but if you don't mind, I'd like to clean up some first. I don't want everyone to plug up their noses to deal with me."

"I can get you something. There's a spare bed on the top floor, or a room on the main floor. You can clean up while I get you some food."

Jason smiled. With a nod he disappeared to get cleaned up.

While he was gone, Alanna took a few minutes to hide some of her work. Not from Jason, she'd show it to him later, but in case any Cardassians found her place.

About twenty minutes later he was back, dressed in basic fatigue type pants and a black tank top. He looked refreshed.

"I hope the replicator has plenty of power", Jason said with a smile. "I've been living off ration bars the last two days."

"It does. Generator in the basement. I can make you some oatmeal, or a full meal, if you prefer." It had been a long time since they'd been in the same room together. His life as a beachbum seemed to suit him.

"Oat meal is fine", Jason said with a smile.

While he ate, she told him about Calabam's theory that sun flares mirrored the temporal distortions on Pangaea and her trip up the beanstalk.

"Interesting", Jason said. "Remember when we spoke about opening large portals and needing a power source?"

She nodded. "I do. We'll see what the data shows. So far, there is a definite correlation. And a good reason I don't want the Cardassians to find this place."

"You and T'Gan thought I was out of my mind if I remember correctly", Jason replied with a smirk.

"No. We thought the odds of having someone use the portals to bring a fleet in from another universe was minimal and not worth TI's paranoia. We didn't think anyone would try to take over both the starbase and the planet. I don't think the Cardassians are considering taking their fleet back in time, but I wouldn't put it past them to take troops and tech through the portals, if they can." She waved toward the portal complex. "This does change things."

"Always plan for the obscure", Jason said. "That way you can't be surprised. Regardless, right now we aren't going to be able do much at the portals. We don't have the fire power. I think the best we can do is get any escapees to safety and collect intel."

Alanna nodded. "Agreed. I've got resources here for collecting data from the planet and the portal complex--as long as the computer there doesn't go down. With your help we might be able to tap into their communications, if we can't hold off the Cardassian attack. I have maps of the planet, including the safety bunkers by the colony. With my resources and your ingenuity, we should be able to locate survivors and get them somewhere safe." She wanted to believe they could hold off the attack, but the sheer numbers of Cardassian and Xi'Cadian forces gave her little hope.

"Well, before anything, we are going to have to scout and look around and get a good picture of things before we set out", Jason said. "Unless we have to, we are going to leave the Cardassians alone. Obscurity is our friend until we know there are Starfleet ships around the planet taking on the Cardassians. I know was that we can keep the Cardassians from tracking us in the field, but they will fall slow us down some as you can't move too fast if you want it to be as close to fool proof as possible. But, moving at night will help. We have to keep our heads about us."

(To be continued...)

Jason Haines
Resident Beach Bum

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and Resident Archaeologist
Deep Space 5

Tannis Tarkelion
Romulan Temporal Scientist

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist


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