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Vae Victis

Posted on Sat Apr 17, 2021 @ 6:08pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

959 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5 Promenade
Timeline: MD 04 0900


Geral was still fuming at the announcement. Whatever the Cardassians had plotted they had played their hand perfectly. Somehow they had managed to hit the station from the inside and the outside at the same time. He knew it was the portals they were after and form the look of things they were going to get what they wanted.

Even though the Commander had said for people to stay in their quarters
he had more to worry about than himself. He had left his new shop secured and undamaged and was approaching his primary storefront on the main promenade. There were Cardassians everywhere and they were actively checking those moving about.

"You! Hold there. Who are you and what is your business here?!"

Keeping his hand visible he looked and the Cardassian soldier. "My name is Geral Lasuma. This is my shop. I came down up to check on any damage...and to open for business as long as my employees don't evacuate."

The Cardassian scrutinized him careful. "Very well," waving him on.

Geral looked over the storefront. Fortunately the only damage taken was from stray weapons fire...nothing some patching and paint wouldn't fix. He unlocked the doors and entered even as a small group of employees made their way through similar screenings. Looking back to the Cardassian as he motioned his people in he saw him reporting something to one of his comrades, only to see the that same person look at him running off into the promenade.

After reassuring his people he made his way to his office...he had clients that were going to be effected by this...incident.

He wasn't there long before there were shouts and protests from out front, and then a Cardassian Glinn, flanked by two soliders armed with phaser rifles, pushed his way into Geral's office. "You are the owner of this shop?" He looked around with distaste. "You will come with me."

Geral stood slowly, "No need for force." Looking passed the Cardassians, "Told you to cooperate with the and I meant it. If the Blink wish to see me he may. Now get back to work."

Returning to the Glin bowing his head slightly, "My apologies, can I get you and your men anything? Surely you would like to celebrate your success?"

The Glinn narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "There will be time for that when certain people are accounted for."

"Certain people? Sure I'm not wanted for anything? Unless two of your Council members are concerned there orders won't get to them because of"

The Glinn remained impassive. "You are a known confident of Maritza Soran. It is not unreasonable to assume she has contacted you, or will attempt to. For the sake of your staff, I suggest you assist us in locating her."

With a relieved expression Geral grinned. "Seems your information is a bit dated. Yes, the Miss Soran and I had a relationship but she put that to a rather spectacular end not far from here, right on the promenade for all to see. In fact I have her to thank for the detention of my transport ships in Federation, Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian, and even independent space. Her meddling cost me quite a bit of latinum in order to compensate a number of clients.

"I don't mean to hamper your efforts but I have not seen or spoke in some time. Not that I didn't try. She could be very....spirited. Unfortunately she'd probably toss me out an airlock if she could, Glinn ...?"

"Vakor," the cardassian replied.

"Glinn Vakor, I just want to run my business, make a profit for myself and my partners", giving him a subtle nod, "and enjoy life. As a matter of fact I have two oceanic yachts on the planets surface for relaxation and recuperation. I could redirect them to the equatorial areas to take advantage of the heat and arrange for some...companionship. If that would be of interest."

"Are you attempting to offer me a bribe, Bajoran?"

"Not at all. Knowing how Cardassians enjoy the heat it's only good business to ensure customer satisfaction. Though as the new government controlling the station you would be eligible for"

The Glinn sat down in one of the chairs at Lasuma's desk. "You know Captain Soran well enough. I suggest you tell us where it is likely she is hiding, or you will face consequences."

The Cardassian was right about one thing, he did know her. She could be tender and compassionate but she could also get fierce and hard as duranium. Above all she wasn't stupid. "Glinn Vakor, as I tried to explain I haven't seen not heard from her in some time. Being Bajoran you know I am familiar with what Cardassian consequences can be. However believe me when I say this. The Captain and I did a lot of things together...but playing hide and seek was not mine of them. I would help you but I cannot tell you what I do not..."

Geral's reply was cut short as one of the Glinn's troops burst into the room. "Sir...". A look of genuine worry on his face.

Vakor turned, looking irritated. "What?" He hissed.

Swallowing hard. "We have detected Captain communicator... it's emergency transponder becon. She was..."

"Yes? Where?" Vakor spat.

Geral's heart was pounding in his chest and it took every fiber of his being to keep his face clear of any major concern.

"It appears that she was found in one of the shuttle maintenance have and...and was..."

"What? Spit it out!" The Cardassian looked ready to slap his subordinate

"...incinerated sir."

To Be Continued...

Glinn Vakor
[NPC by Soran]

Lasuma Geral
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises


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