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After Action Report

Posted on Wed Apr 14, 2021 @ 4:03am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,524 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Cardassian Complex - Planetside & Orbital
Timeline: MD 04
Tags: Cardassia, Turvan, Pangaea, 127th, Prefect

Legate Hydel Turvan stood at the head of the conference table as his subordinate Guls reported on the status of their units after the brazen success of their attack on the station and the planet. Legate Turvan had so much to process and organize in such a short time. He started by separating his forces into three categories: Fleet, Planet, & Station.

The Fleet had been tasked with providing security for all of not just the station and the planet, but the space around Deep Space 5 as well. This was a significant bounty and there would undoubtedly be some counter-attack. If not from the Federation, than from their rabid lapdogs, the Klingons. Turvan had still not spoken with the Romulan Ambassador since the fighting had ended. They were the wildcard in this situation and could prove to be a invaluable ally or a deadly opponent.

The Planet was under the auspice of Gul Denat and were responsible for securing the planet, guarding the portals, and maintaining security patrols within the research complex. The Federation was in the process of abandoning the planet and the complex, but there was no telling what traps or other difficulties they had decided to leave behind. The main battle may have ended, but there would undoubtedly be those who were holding out and continuing to engage in brazen acts of terror.

Then there was the Station. He controlled it, but to hold it would take considerable resources and manpower. Deep Space 5 was the key to this entire mission. Whomever controlled it, would control the Portals and anything else around it. It was the crown prize of this entire endeavour. Being able to step foot upon the station as its new Prefect would be worth the lives that were sacrificed.

He shifted his gaze from the table towards its occupants as they gave their reports, albiet holographically.

"Gul Denat, continue with your report." Legate Turvan said.

"Yes, our forces have succesfully taken the planet of Pangaea." Gul Denat said factually. "However, it was not without its sacrifice. At full strength, the Regiment began at roughly 2,500 Troopers, divided into 3 different Battalions." He said. "Reports are still coming in, but between engaging the Portals, the Federation Complex, and other adjacent engagements, it appears we suffered losses in the amount of 437 Troopers dead or missing." Gul Denat said somberly.

"That does not appear to be a catastrophic loss." Gul Vashur replied unsympathetically.

"That is a loss of 17% of our forces in what should have been a swift engagement. We had the superiority of numbers and the element of surprise!" Gul Denat replied annoyedly. "Those losses are unacceptable if we are to maintain this planet and the Portal Complex from any reprisal attacks or counter-attacks from the Federation." He said, equally aggravated.

"IF we were able to utilize more orbital assets we could have reduc---" Gul Denat began to state.

"We deployed all assets that we were able to spare!" Gul Hulceen interjected. "Not only did we have to deal with a massively armed-space station, but we also have ot shore up our foces for when the Federation attempts to take back their station since we will be the first element of engagement." The elder Cardassian Gul said.

Legate Turvan had heard this argument many times before. Not between these two exactly, but between ground and fleet commanders so many times before. This inter-service rivalry had date back decades in Cardassian history. It had left to several military campaigns turning into complete bedlam due to the inabilty for both sides to see each other as peers and focus on the common enemy.

"Let's move on!" Legate Tuvan interruppted the two bickering Guls. "Meran, what is the status of our remaining forces on the planet?" He said, re-directing the focus of the discussion.

"Yes, I have dispatched the 2-313 Battalion to establish and maintain security around the Portal Complex and will provide necessary protection for the Research Team assigned to study the Portals. . .whenever they deign themselves to come down from their loft thrones above. . ." Gul Denat said sarcastically, looking towards Gul Vashur and her Tactical XO, Gul Hulceen.

"Meran. . ." Legate Turvan said through clenched teeth, his patience running thin.

"I've tasked the 3-313 to develop and be responsible for security around the Research Complex. Particuarlly, Echo Company will be responsible for security of our Command Center." He pointed. "I have tasked a particular element of the 1st Battalion to aggressively seek out any hold-outs who have decided to engage in terroristic acts of reprisal against us." Gul Denat said.

Despite the agreement to a cease-fire, he was almost certain that the Federation would keep their Soldiers on the planet to engage in some form of insurgency on the planet. It was better to seek out and disrupt this faction before it could solidify and cause any harm or disruption.

"Of particular focus will be the search and detention of Commander Ryan's daughter, Aleczandra, or. . .Zandy as she has been referred to. She clearly has received significant combat training. I would not be surprised if she had been radicalized by Commander Ryan and purposely deployed agianst our forces on the surface." Gul Denat said.

"Nonetheless, she will be dealt with deadly effici--" The Cardassian Commander stated coldly; however, he was interuppted before he could.

"Alive, I want the child captured alive, Meran." Legate Turvan stated specifically. "She will be of much more value to us and our goals alive than lying on a cold slab within the morgue." He directed. The ferverent stare in his eyes indicated the seriousness of his directive.

"Very well, Legate." Gul Denat replied. He knew there was more behind that statement; however, now was not the time to question him before the other Commanders.

"Gul Vashur, report on the Fleet." Legate Turvan said.

"Yes Legate, as you are aware, the combined Cardassian and Xi'Cadian fleet totaled 26 vessels. We were able to equip the Transphasic Warp Drive to the vessels in a relatively rapid period of time. However, it was not without significant strain and tear on numerous vessesl within the fleet." The Commander of the 127th reported.

"Of the 26 vessels, all successfully made it through the Typhoon Expanse within the pre-determined period of time. However, once we arrived, 6 vessels had to fall back to the rear of the formation to perform vital repairs to their primary propulsion systems. Another 4 vessels experienced intermitten problems with their tactical systems." She stated.

"That left us with approximately 16 vessels to engage the station. We were able to fend off Deep Space Five's compliment of Broadsword Fighters thanks to our deployment of four squadrons of Hideki-Fighters from the Ghemor Carrier vessel. However, it was costly: Between engaging Deep Space Five and deploying assests to assist the . . .ground effort. . ." She said as she cast a long glance towards Gul Denat.

"We lost approximately 37 fighters in the engagment with the station and with Federation ground resistance. We are left with approximately one remaining squadron onboard the Ghemor." Gul Vashur continued to report to the gathered group. "In addition, we lost the Warships Koranak, Vasheen, Turk'mell, and the Beldon was seriously damaged she listed.

"We purposely kept the Tekeny in reserve. However, that Carrier only has 4 squadrons to deploy. I don't have to remind you that will be an insufficient number to fend off a well-concentrated counter-attack." She said with a certain heaviness to her voice. She knew that while seizing the station would be a significant accomplishment, it would not amount for much if they were unable to hold it.

Legate Turvan nodded as he took in the report. "I'm well aware of that, Gul Vashur. For the time being, we need to solidfy our remaining forces and bring our Capital vessels back up to optimal efficiency. Deploy the Xi'Cadian Cruisers to the edge of the sector as our first line of detection. I want Gul Dulvet and the Arvawn to take point and oversee the appropriate deployment." Legate Turvan said.

Gul Dulvet nodded at the instruction. He recognized how important it would be to have the Arvawn leading the Xi'Cadian vessels in the patrol. While the Xi'Cadians certainly possessed great zeal and enthusiasm, it was not secret that they lacked the experience in combat with the Federation that Cardassia had. Gul Dulvet, while older than many of the Xi'Cadian Commanders, had served during the Dominion War and was well aware of Starfleet tactics.

Gul Dulvet recalled his experiences in the war against the Klingons as well. He took a certian it of pride when he was ordered to completely obliterate the Klingon research compound on the planet surface. It was delicious payback for the atrocioties committed by their kind before and during the last war. He was more than angered when he learned that the ionization field prevented his vessel from performing an orbital bombardment of the facility from space. Dejectedly, he had to stand by and allow the dispatched Hideki Fighters have all the fun. If he could, he would've led an entire detachment to the surface to wipe out the Klingons with his bare hands. However, he would have to suffice with the replay video of the burning Klingon bodies fleeing from their destroyed compound.

"Understood, Legate." Gul Vashur replied. "I will maintain the Cardassian segment of the fleet within close proximity of the station for standard patrol while they complete repairs to damaged systems.

"Finally, I want to know what is the status of properly locking down and securing the station itself." Legate Turvan said as he turned his attention to the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau Officer, Gul Natomi Kyren. He had specifically assigned her and Gul Hulceen in a supportive role, to overseen the station as its Operations Administrator. It was an important task, but most importantly, he needed someone who could see between the lines and recognize the internal threats that existed from the mostly civilian population. Only a fool would have believed that the Federation would not attempt to inspire some form of rebellion or counter insurgence from within the safety of the massive station.

"Thank you Legate, things are proceeding accordingly on board." She said from her new surroundings of the Station Commander's Office. "We have begun deploying our forces to secure the most vital areas of the station including Operations, Engineering, and Armory." She stated. "Starfleet is still in the process of evacuating the station and we have continued to honor the ceasefire." She added.

"Within the next 8 hours, we will have properly secured the station; unforunately. . .there is still the situation of its significant repairs." She added hesitantly.

"What do you mean? Gul Vashur was able to seize the station without significant damage to the super-structure." Legate Turvan asked.

"Yes, Legate; however, prior to our beaming aboard, Starfleet initiated several sabotage routines throughout the station." She replied. "While we control the station, we are in the midst of trying to restore primary weapons, various computer functions, as well as temporal science archives, among other departments." She addressed.

"Wait. . .temporal science?" Legate Turvan asked rhetorically. "We need that data to properly operate the portals! The Federation undoubtedly has troves of information on how the portals operate and how to facilitate passage!" Legate Turvan stated pointedly. "We need that information retrieved immediately!" He nearly shouted.

"I'm well aware of that, Legate." She said disarmingly. "However, we must deal with the various critical issues in a realistic fashion. I cannot deploy all hands to all problems." She retorted. "More importantly, my priority has been to fully restore weapons and defensive systems in antiicpation of any subsequent counter-attack by the Federation or their Klingon allies." She said. "That is most assuredly everyone's priority." She offered.

Legate Turvan grounded his teeth in annoyance. He hated how she was right. If he did not know any better he would have sworn that she was mixed with Vulcan lineage.

"Fine. . .what is the status of locating Captain Soran." He asked, shifting the conversation.

"She still remains missing. It appears she was not on duty because she was on bereavement leave." The Intelligence Officer stated.

"Bereavement? For what?" Legate Turvan asked.

"It appears her father, Darag Rell, the head of the Trill Symbiosis Commission died unexpectedily less than 72 hours ago." She replied. "His body and her mother departed the station shortly before we arrived. She was prepared to leave as well; however, station departure logs do not indicate that she had boarded any of the documented vessels." She said with a professional detachment.

"May wonders never cease. . ." Legate Turvan said. It appeared that she was not on duty because she was not capable of handling the task of commanding the station. The loss of her father, whom Hydel assumed she loved dearly and was very close to, would undoubtedly affected her judgment. However, she now had to grapple with the fact that the station had been taken right from beneath her feet. It was receipe for self-doubt and lack of overall confidence in one's self. He would absoultely capitalize on it.

"I want her found. If she is foolish enough to remain onboard, then she will accept whatever consequences come with it." Legate Turvan ordered. "Gul Kyren and Gul Hulceen, once the station has been properly secured, I will transfer myself and my staff onto the station to continue overseeing Cardassia's mission. Everyone else, you have your orders, carry them out for the honor of Cardassia!" He said with a salute that was promptly returned by the surrounding Guls before they were all dismissed.

Hydel closed the communication link with the station and his subordinate Guls. Once he was certain that the line was clear he turned and made his way across the Command Center and into his private office.

He waited for the doors to seal shut behind him before leaned over his desk and allowed his shoulders to slump and he let out a loud sigh. The sigh was loud and forceful. But more importantly it was a sigh of release. Hydel was releasing the months of stress and anxiety that surrounded him as he planned, prepared, and executed this daring misison. a daring mission that was sucessful!

He stood in victory over the Federation, their station, and now the most powerful discovery in the Alpha quadrant since the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole. He pounded his fist exuberantly on the desk as he began to laugh. He laughed at the smugness on the faces of Soran and her Officers as they drove Hydel and his people out of the Cardassian Embassy and off of Cardassian soil. Now they wouldn't be so smug as Hydel returned to the station. Not as some diplomatic bueraucrat, but as the Prefect of the Cardassian Administrative Zone Deep Space 5.

Legate Hydel Turvan
Prefect of the Cardassian Administrative Zone Deep Space 5
Cardassian Empire

Gul Meran Denat
Operational Commander Pangaea
Cardassian Empire

Gul Kalena Vashur
127th Tactical Wing

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Remul Hulceen
Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire


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