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Chaotic Reunion (Part IV)

Posted on Wed Apr 14, 2021 @ 2:49am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD04 0800 hours


Turning to look at Alanna and Jason as they reentered the room, Tam replied aloud, "I think my daughter, Sabina, who is up on the station, is about to do something foolish. As I left her in an emergency shelter, the only thing I can think of," he shook his head. "Is that she is considering breaking out somehow. Though, for the life of me, I don't know why." Then, sending a telepathic message to Alanna, he asked, Everything okay? I felt an odd burst of fear up there.


She wasn’t going to tell Tam what she’d been afraid of. That was between her and Jason. "How old is she?" Alanna asked instead. The she decided she should say something in response to his telepathic question. She tightened her mental shield and replied. "As okay as it can be with the attack." She needed to be more careful not to project her emotions.

Sighing heavily, Tam replied, his voice exhausted. "The wonderfully trying age of fourteen. Not a child anymore, not an adult, but thinks she is." He shook his head slowly.
"I'm sure a lot of people up there are thinking of doing something stupid. Hopefully she's smart enough not to do it." She'd been feeling so much panic and terror from the colony that she hadn't thought of the station. It had to be under attack, too.

Tam nodded thoughtfully. "Oh, yes. She is quite intelligent. Sometimes, I feel far too intelligent for her own good. She's had to grow up alot faster these past few years than she should've. That's my fault." He sent Alanna a brief flash of his family's tragedy. "She is so much like her mother was. So strong willed, highly intelligent, completely brave to the dangers around her."

"How long has it been?" she asked telepathically, wondering how long his wife had been gone. "Kids generally handle fear and tragedy better than adults do. Even at her age, she may still retain some of that fearlessness." She hoped to reassure him that his daughter would be fine. At the same time, she hoped the girl didn't think she could do something to help.

"There are many people on the station who will help her", Tannis added.

"The Cardassians won't be stupid", Jason said. "As long as things don't get too out of hand, the Cardassians won't treat civilians too harshly. They won't want this to be seen as anything other than a military operation. Hurting civilians, especially younger ones, will increase the chances of an extended operation, which they can't afford."

"It would also turn every species in the galaxy against them," Alanna said. "Jason's right. She'll be fine, as long as she stays with the others." Attacking a Federation station would cause enough trouble. She hoped others would come to their aid before long.

Four long years. But, sometimes, it still feels like yesterday Tam gave Alanna a slightly hurt look. His features hardened immediately when he heard Jason's words, followed by Alanna's. "Are you both serious? Were you just born yesterday? Do you not remember what those bastards did to the Bajorans during their occupation of Bajor? Or later, what they later did to Betazed, and my people?! My parents were murdered during the initial days of the occupation of my world, simply because the refused to give their home to a damn Glin! I know, very well, what Cardassians can and will do when they want something." He wanted to say more, but, instead, stormed out of the room, into the large hanger.

"My mother is Betazoid." Alanna called after him. Her tone was slightly cooler than before. "And it's been twenty years since the Dominion War. With a few notable exceptions, we've lived peacefully with the Cardassians since it ended. Until now." She waved a hand in the general direction of the portals. "This is entirely the fault of Hydel Turvan and his cronies. They want Pangaea. If he randomly attacks civilians--especially children--he'll have not only the Federation but the Klingons coming after him. He's not going to risk that. "

"The Romulan Star Empire does not wish a war with Cardassia, but even they will allow only so much," R'gelis said, coming out of one of the bedrooms.

Tam didn't hear any of the following conversation, as he had already left the room. His head was swimming. He could feel Alanna's ire directed towards him, but, right now, he didn't care. All that he cated about is getting back to his baby. If he got to kill a few more spoonheads along the way, so much the better. I'm sorry, Alanna. I didn't mean to dump my rage on you or Jason. It's baby is up there, and I'm not there to protect her. He pulled the small totem that Sabina had bought for him. Raising it to his lips, he gently kissed the top of the statue's head. Goddesses, please hear my prayers. Please watch over your child, Sabina. Please keep her safe and reunite us so that I may protect her. In the name of my mother's ancestors, I pray.

Alanna didn't respond to Tam. She moved closer to Jason. She understood that the CAG was concerned about his daughter, but she couldn't get to the station, nor did she dare try with the number of Cardassian ships that registered on her shuttle's sensors. "I'll be back," she said, heading back upstairs to see what she could learn.

"Tam", Jason said. "Trust me, I've read a lot of information on the Cardassian situation here as I used to be the station's Chief Intelligence officer. Despite the general nature of Cardassians, they can not afford for this to be a long drawn out affair. Their economy can't handle it. The people are not up for more war right now. I also imagine that if this doesn't go smoothly, the D'tapa council will disavow themselves of Turvan and he will be cut off from any reenforcements from Cardassia. That's when we'll have to worry, but for now things will be ok. I'm not a father, so I can't imagine what you are feeling. I am a son however and my father gave his life for me, so I understand that it is a strong bond. She will be ok, as long as we are smart and don't act out of desperation."

Tam was silent for a few long minutes, then sighed heavily. "You're right. I'm sorry for my lashing out like that. It was just everything that has been happening today, the alert, attacks, dogfights, getting shot down, feeling my girl up there. It all just gushed out of me there, when there was a few moments of silence." He closed his eyes and sent an apology to Alanna telepathically. Once sent, he opened his eyes and looked at Jason and asked, "So what now?"

"No apology needed", Jason said.

Alanna came back a minute later. "Communications with the station are down."

Sighing heavily, Tam's expression darkened. Nodding to himself slowly, he finally said, "So. The attack on the station has begun in earnest." Looking over at Alanna, he kept from lashing out, as before. "What do we do now?"

(To be continued...)

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican

Jason Haines
Resident Beach Bum

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer & Resident Archaeologist


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