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Getting Things Set...

Posted on Sun Apr 11, 2021 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Major Mot Rixx
Edited on on Sun Apr 11, 2021 @ 9:56pm

1,224 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, MXO's office
Timeline: Day 3 09:45 hrs


Mot was sitting at his desk, compiling a list of the Marines that would be remaining on the station after the Colonel leaves with the rest planet-side. After a few moments, he had a list of sixty, roughly a company-sized group, that would be on the station.

Of that number, five were in sickbay, for various injuries sustained from training, two were on maternity leave, one was about to leave on personal emergency leave, to attend a family crisis, and six more were still on special detail at the Box of Delights, paying for their misconduct on the evening that he arrived.

He paused to think about the bar's owner, Yolanthe. While he had never met anyone of her species before, there was something about her that he found quite interesting. He was thinking about heading down there after duty hours, to have some dinner, possibly a drink or two. He hoped...

Pausing briefly to talk with the Sergeant at the front desk, Annora headed to the Major's office. Finding him apparently lost in thought, she considered how to make her presence known.
"How does one get the attention of a Marine?" she asked herself, coming up with an answer soon after. "Take them back to their roots."

"Room, Ten-hut!" she announced in an authoritative voice.

Mot nearly jumped to his feet,then realized who had just shouted the command. A rueful grin crossed his face as he settled back onto his chair. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He indicated one of the empty chairs opposite his desk as he spoke.

"A little, yes. Doesn't every Marine dream of such an action?" She returned the grin while taking the indicated seat. "Don't worry, I won't make a habit of it."

Rixx chuckled softly as he grabbed a PADD on his desk and handed it over. "Here's a list of the Marines and equipment that will be remaining here on the station once the Colonel heads planet-side."

Scanning the list, Annora focused more on the personnel side of things rather than equipment.
"I think several dozen Marines will be sufficient to help deal with any surprise threats in the next week. I know the Colonel was talking about starting a more formal partnership once he gets back, but I wouldn't be opposed to starting off with just a handful in the meantime. Maybe as some sort of pilot program."

Mot nodded in agreement. "I was thinking along the same lines, Lieutenant," he paused briefly before continuing. "While we are in informal meetings, such as this, would you mind if I referred to you by your name? In here, you may refer to me as Mot."

They had a similar policy within the security department. While there was certainly a time and place to stand on protocol, it was equally important to know when to relax those standards.
"If you're OK with it, then so am I. You have any specific thoughts about the partnership?"

Mot smiled a friendly grin. "Well, i was thinking of having a three man detail from my Marines, begin doing patrols of vital areas, possibly one down in the Promenade, for show. The civilians, especially children, I've found, like to see warriors. Of course, all of the law enforcement maters would fall to you and your people. Mine, basically added muscle when and where you need us." He paused before asking, "Your thoughts?"

While some in the department might take issue with the slight implication they weren't warriors, Annora knew what he was getting at.
"Standard security patrols are usually two people, with a few four person teams on each shift. Of course that excludes any of the Strategic Response Teams. I was thinking more of having the Marines integrate with the security teams, then having them operate independently. The Promenade is certainly a hot spot for activity."

Mot looked thoughtful for a few beats, then nodded. "That sounds like a better idea. Also, to cut down on confusion, my Marines that are integrated into your security teams will answer to you. Unless, of course, in the unlikely event that we are boarded by enemy combatants." He chuckled at his own silly idea. "I do, however, still suggest that my heavy weapons Marines be stationed at vital areas."

"When you say stationed in vital areas, do you mean on active patrol or waiting on standby should the need arise for more firepower?"

It was an important distinction she felt needed to be made. The security teams primary mission was that of law enforcement, therefore they weren't usually armed with anything but a standard hand phaser.

Shaking his head slightly, Mot replied. "On standby only. It wouldn't do well, from a PR standpoint, to have fully armored Marines walking through the Promenade, carrying either a rapid fire cannon or pulse phaser minigun." He grinned slightly. "I'm sure the pacifists out there would start chanting that we're just war mongering savages."

"Now there's a headline for ya'. Starfleet Marines march though the promenade of DS5 in full battle rattle. Details at 9."

She had a feeling even some of the non-pacifists would take issue with such an action.

"We have a six person response team on standby during each shift. They're located in a back part of Deck 360. We just stood up a fourth team, and hope to have at least two more in short order. They stay out of sight when not needed, but carry a full load out to help deal with any major threats. Most recently they were sent to the Box of Delights when the Cardassians and civilians tangled. Petty Officers Hayde and Lecesse are the Senior NCO's in charge of the teams. I'll put you in touch with them. I'm sure they wouldn't turn down an offer of more help."

"Ah, the Box of Delights." Mot smiled as he repeated the name of that establishment. "I still have my offending Marines parceled out there, repaying their debt to the lovely owner." He thought again briefly of that stunning woman. Then, he turned his attention back to his guest. "That would be fine, I look forward to hearing from them."

Annora chuckled at the Marine's mention of his men paying off their debt to the establishment.
"Sounds like a punishment my Drill Sergeants would have cooked up. Spend your free time, volunteering, at the establishment you trashed during a fight. Anything else you had in mind concerning joint operations?"

Mot took a few beats to consider the question, then slowly shook his head. "No, but, as I'm still getting to know the station and it's general vibe, it's difficult to come up with more planning. Maybe, we should circle back to this in a few weeks, after I get my feet under me?"

"I understand. There's no need to rush into things. Glad to have you aboard Major. If there's nothing further, I'll take my leave."

Mot stood and came around to the front of his desk, extending his right hand and giving Annora a big, friendly grin. "I look forward to working with you, Annora. Please, my door is always open to you."

She shook the Marine's hand before heading towards the door.
"Same here. See you around Major."


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Major Mot Rixx
6th COG, 21st MEU, 9th MD


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