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Second Dates, Part 2

Posted on Wed Apr 15, 2015 @ 1:24pm by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

751 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Acropolis Greek Cafe
Timeline: one hour after Second Dates, Part 1

A few minutes later, Amanda now in a black dress that was cocktail length on Rianni, cocktail waitress length on her, they stepped into the Acropolis, heading straight to their reserved table. As Rianni pulled out her chair, it was hard not to notice how much.... pull, for lack of a better word, Rianni had. The place was packed, but she had managed to get them the best seats in the house on almost no notice, so she had to ask, "So, uh, not to pry, but how did you manage this?" She asked, "I mean, getting a place at the Acropolis is easy at Breakfast, but at night, during the dinner rush?"

"Oh, that!" Rianni laughed, "Yeah, Papa Gregori owns half of this place, the man working the grill, my Uncle Theo, he came here from New York City when Papa did, and they opened the Acropolis."

"Oh, that's wonderful." Amanda smiled, even though it was starting to become intimidating how many connections and how much wealth her lovely companion had. That was when something caught her eye, "That girl in the painting... is that...." She pointed behind them to a beautiful fresco of a woman stepping out of the water.

"Oh, yeah, that's me." Rianni giggled, "I was eighteen when I posed for it."

"It's.... beautiful." Amanda smiled, though seeing a nearly nude picture of her date over their table was a little uncomfortable for her, "So, we should order."

"Right?" Rianni laughed, motioning for her Uncle Theo to come over to the table.

Thirty minutes later, twenty of which had been spent talking to Uncle Theo, the food was finally there and the subject had turned to their respective days, Amanda was finally comfortable again, "So they were all making fun of this poor little t'Vaurek girl, Eviess, and I think it got her so stressed out that she got sick." Amanda recounted, now remembering that the other t'Vaurek child, Argellian she believed, had told her his sister was sick, her mind had been so focused on seeing Rianni again.

Rianni giggled, "Or, if she's anything like me, after they made fun of her her mind went into 'frack you, I'll show you' mode. And since my mama says I got that stubborn streak from Dad's side of the family there's a better than average chance she is a lot like me, chances are she ditched class to go find herself a fairy."

"You can't be serious." Amanda snickered, then stopped, "But it makes sense now that you say it. I mean, she probably feels the only way she can regain any sort of standing is to prove them wrong. The pecking order in school age children, it's like the jungle and she had to re-establish herself as an..."

"Whoa, hey, the psychology, huh?" Rianni laughed, "Go slow, I'm dumb!"

"I doubt that." Amanda smiled warmly, "And I think you're on to something, Rianni. So what should I do? I mean, do I confront her about it? Tell her parents?"

"No!" Rianni answered immediately, though it felt like she was jumping in front of a bullet for the little cousin she'd yet to meet, "No, if you tell my aunt she's going to come down on her like the hammer of God, not good. Maybe you should talk to her, let her know what you think and tell her that she needs to be more attentive to her studies or, I don't know, something. Kids, not my strong suit...."

"I think you're doing fine." Amanda said, taking Rianni's hand and kissing it, "And I agree with you, I'll talk to her myself and see if I can earn her trust. You wanna switch jobs?"

"Sure, I'll leave the keys to the warbird on the counter." Rianni quipped.

Amanda had already started to wonder if this could ever work: she was the first in her family to go to college, in fact, her family had been working for her date's family for three generations, and the woman across from her was, essentially, a princess, but she knew one thing for sure, she had to play out her string. She sipped her tea and said softly, "So, um, what next?"

"I was thinking dessert." Rianni smiled shyly, "And then, well, we can go wherever you like."

"Okay." Amanda nodded, she had decided she was definitely going to play out her string, ~I guess if I have to get my heart broken, it might as well be by a princess.~



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