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Dinner Date, Part 1

Posted on Thu Apr 16, 2015 @ 12:51pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,254 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Holosuite - Box of Delights
Timeline: MD02 - 1830


Amia had almost skipped back to the Italian restaurant to cancel her booking with them. Seeing the look on the face of the charming proprietor she softened and just postponed it to a couple of weeks ahead. It seemed a long enough way in the future to be able to maybe get Cade out a second time but now she had to work on getting him out a first!!!

Continuing her 'cloud 9' mood Amia shopped for a 'little black dress' on the way back to their quarters and she set about taking a huge amount of trouble to get ready and then waited for Cade's shift to finish and for him to return. She put on the deep cut, curve hugging 'little black number with it's sparkly material catching the light softly but effectively.

She wore those 'killer heels' he loved and the necklace his mother had given her as a wedding gift. It was a small but exquisite single pale crystal cut to a fly's eye effect and set in an equally tiny but effective circle of tiny purple semi-precious Angosian Rellstones. The whole setting hung from a softly rolled platinum chain which delivered the jewel almost to her cleavage but not quite. It hung there, sparkling, but not in a gaudy way, simply stylish and beautiful. Just like her mother-in-law, the giver of the gift herself.

Amia had a lot of respect and time for the woman who had welcomed her into their family. The matriarch was kind, loving yet strong and remarkable in a guiding way. She was created to teach and Amia had found she had a great deal to learn at her elbow. Thinking of the Telamon family right now, reminded by the necklace, she felt a twinge of homesickness for Trill. It was odd because she had only ever been there once and she hadn't been able to stay as long as she would have liked but it had felt like home to her even from such a short acquaintance.

Shaking off the moment of thoughtfulness, the newly married doctor reminded herself of the surprise she had planned for her beloved Cade who was late. What's keeping him? she thought as she put final touches to her make up and hair both of which she had devoted a great deal of time and effort to, whilst she was contemplating life, the universe and everything.

Finally ready she sat down and waited in a strategic chair, placed perfectly for when he would come in. Tiring of that, she got up when he didn't arrive and paced a bit, but she tired of that quicker and went to the replicator to order a glass of wine. Firstly because they were going out, so why not start the first drink and secondly because all this waiting was beginning to make her a little bit nervous. Ridiculous! Why would I be nervous of a date with my own husband? she scolded herself and sipped at the wine, or was it two glasses... who was counting!

Suddenly, finally, the doors swished open and he walked in. Amia was so startled she dropped the wine glass. Was it nerves? Guilt as her mind tried to count how many glasses of wine she'd had or was it the effect of those glasses.....she was SURE it had only been two.... maximum.....?

Cade had had a smile when he walked in, but it disappeared when the wine glass fell and shattered, sending wine and tiny crystal shards in all directions. "Uh-oh." He stepped around the mess. "Wait there, I'll get something to clean it up with." He gave her a peck on the cheek and continued to the kitchen. "How was your day?" He asked over his shoulder. He returned with a small cleaning device and got to work.

"It's okay... I can do it...." she leaned in to help him with the hand-hoover but only ended up banging heads with him.

"Sorry" she rubbed her forehead and then his. "I wanted to surprise you." she blurted out, pushing the vac aside. "I've booked a place.... it's really nice... I hope you'll like it! There's this woman, she owns it... she's a Bokaii.... and ... quick, get changed and we're going to dinner!" She was a little deflated that he hadn't noticed her evening dress but then again, the smashing glass was a bit of an up-stager.

Her husband grinned. "Yolanthe, right? I overheard someone in Ops talking about her place today. It sounds great." He took her hands in his and kissed her on the forehead. "Give me a minute and I'll put on something more comfortable." He turned and headed for the bedroom. "Been dying to get out of this uniform. You look nice in that dress, by the way."

"Yes, Yolanthe" Amia replied, rolling her eyes. "And thanks." At least he had noticed she had to concede and he was SO gorgeous she couldn't be cross with him. Feeling warm all over, Amia waited with great anticipation for him to return.

"Did you have a good day?" she called through to him. Fidgeting from one foot to the other, she was so glad he was home now and so keen to get their evening started. Hurry up, she thought, fondly but a little impatiently. She was excited to show him her find, excited to spend the whole evening with him and excited that this little adventure had made itself available to her. She was just congratulating herself on the fortune that had let her into the Box of Delights today. Without that lucky break this date wouldn't be half as much fun, she was guessing.

"Yes, it was fine," he said from the bedroom, pulling off the uniform jacket and tossing it onto a nearby chair. Then, remembering that Amia tended to wrinkle her face at that habit, picked it up and found a place to hang it in the closet. Next he kicked off his boots and unzipped his trousers. "A Boslic freighter pulled into berth six this afternoon. The safety inspection report noted that the crew have had some kind of stomach virus going around for the past few days. So you may have customers tomorrow."

Amia rolled her eyes unseen. "Oh great!" she grumbled, wondering how good this Station's Sickbay's filtering system was and how many of her own staff would catch it and go down too.

As he emerged she caught her breath. "Nice!" she commented, trying not to grab him there and then. He really was the most gorgeous man alive and she had never really come to terms with the fact that it was she he had chosen to fall in love with. Not that she was complaining.

Keeping her hands off and refraining from messing up his clothes with a bear hug or covering his lips in lipstick with a passionate kiss, she congratulated herself on her restraint as she walked out sedately beside him, tugging a wrap around her shoulders as she approached the door. It wasn't cold but it did give the formality of some type of outer wear to finish off the outfit.

"Come on handsome. We're booked for 20.00 hrs." she put her arm into the crook of his elbow and proudly walked beside him down the corridors and out onto the Promenade. Unable to resist pausing for a look upwards through the glasplex to the stunning sky and stars out there around them as they hung in space inside a station which sat like a broach pinned to the shoulder of a dark black robe, she sighed with happiness, squeezed her husband's hand and led him to the Box of Delights, in search of a certain Bokkai lady who would be expecting them.

==== Box of Delights ====

They walked through the entrance to find that the place was packed with customers. Scores of lively conversations filled the air while servers hustled to fill orders.

"It's a good thing you made a reservation," Cade Aldrex said, looking around and taking it all in.

"Well, hello again Doctor." Yolanthe swept into view, dressed in loose black pants and a black top that wrapped around her to leave a deep cleavage. It was azure blue when she greeted the doctor. By the time the statuesque barkeeper had swept her eyes over Caden, it was rose. "This must be your boy?"

"My boy?" Amia smiled but made a conscious effort not to look at Cade's expression because she couldn't trust herself not to react to what she might see. "No, Miss Ibalin, this is your new Station Executive Officer." she said, unable to keep the pride and adoration out of her voice. "You can see now why I was at such pains to find somewhere nice. A girl has to make sure she doesn't rest on her laurels and start taking a wedding ring for granted."

The Station Executive Officer was awestruck by the multi-hued beauty towering over them. She was like something out of myth. He extended his hand. "Name's Cade," he said with a grin, happy to meet someone who didn't have to call him 'sir.' Even Amia had to do that sometimes. "My wife likes to play up my good qualities but I can assure you she represents the best of them."

Yolanthe turned to Amia, "And well trained too. I'm impressed."

Feigned indignation from Cade. "Trained? I was born a perfect husband." He took Amia's hand in his own. "Shall we?"

"Yes please" she replied returning his grin.

"Let me show you to your table." She weaved through the crowd with the couple making easy progress in her slipstream, and led them up to the holo-spa on level 3. As the lift rose away from the crowds on the main floor it became quieter. "This way." From the lift she collected a couple of menus from the smaller bar in the holosuite waiting area. "You're in suite 4. I took the liberty of providing a setting, but you can change at any time."

She hit the access button and the holosuite door slid back to reveal an elegant apartment. To the left of the marbled hall was an open balcony with a table set for two. The balcony overlooked a starlit ocean that lapped a beach below, with a full moon just kissing the horizon and reflecting on the gently rippling ocean.

Across the narrow hall from the table, and before a set of doors designed to open the room behind to the balcony, stood a young Risan man in black waistcoat and white apron. "This is Yael. He'll take your order, and bring your food. He can wait outside if you need, just ring the bell on the table if you need him." Yolanthe pointed to the small crystal bell that sat on the table. Then she pulled a chair out and looked to Caden. "Would you care to sit?"

"Sure," the Trill replied. First he pulled the opposite chair out for his wife. After she had settled in he took the chair offered by Yolanthe. "Thanks." He wondered how they had managed to rate the four-star treatment but he wasn't about to complain.

Amia settled into the chair that Cade had offered her and watched with interest as Yolanthe waited patiently to seat him in his. The doctor had heard that Bokkai had few men and treated them with reverence. This all seemed to fit with what she was witnessing.

When Yolanthe had offered them menus to peruse Amia forgot all about that interesting reflection and turned her mind to the choices of food available. The setting of the balcony and the beautiful view were also distracting and Amia took in a deep breath as the surroundings began to make her feel relaxed. "It's very beautiful, thank you Miss Ibalin. You truly have given us a wonderful program - I'm glad we left it to your exquisite choice."

"Your welcome." Yolanthe smiled back. "Now, Yael will help you with anything you could want. And if I see you both before midnight, I'll be sad."

"I don't think that will be a problem," Cade answered. "Thank you, Yolanthe. You're very kind."

When she left, Amia watched her glide like a swan across the suite and out of the door. She felt a pang to let her host go. "I'd love to have got her to stop and talk some." She told Cade. "She fascinates me. So elegant, so interesting. Do you think we could get her back later.... over coffee for a chat or something?" Clearly the CMO hadn't thought that one out as by the time they would get to coffee they'd probably be getting smoochy and wanting to be alone. But then, after a lovely meal in such a stunning setting, Amia hoped they'd both want to come here often.

"Sure. She seems like a lot of fun." He nodded and smiled to Yael, who came over swiftly to light the small candle at the center of their table.

"Should we do this once a week? EVERY week, no matter what?" she asked. It seemed like a complete change of subject but in her own logic it was the perfect solution. They could enjoy each other's company tonight and still come back very soon to talk to Yolanthe more.

Cade Aldrex watched the way his wife's eyes sparkled by the candlelight. "That sounds like an excellent idea," he said.



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