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Second Dates, Part 1

Posted on Wed Apr 15, 2015 @ 12:19am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Rianni's Quarters
Timeline: Later that day

Not long after class ended for the day Amanda made her way to Rianni's quarters, it hadn't been her best day, but they say the first day is always a little rough. The worst part was that she couldn't be quite sure that cute little t'Vaurek girl ever came back from the bathroom, ~Those other kids kept me so busy....~ She thought, wondering for a moment if she'd made a mistake taking this assignment. She shook it off quickly, not going to overwhelm herself with doubts, and rang Rianni's chime.

"Come in." Rianni called from her bedroom, she had been expecting Amanda and had been trying to do something about her appearance, ~Little surprised Aunt Isha didn't tear my head off over coming to her office looking like this. Meh, she's probably saving it for later.~ She chuckled a little bit at that thought, well, not so much the thought that she was going to catch crap from her sabre bear of an Aunt later, but that she actually thought she had gotten away with something, "Yeah, right, Rianni."

Amanda stepped through Rianni's door and was blown away by the size and magnificence of the place. Blown away by the many Romulan artifacts and lavish furnishings, she began to wander around, just looking like a child in a museum, until she bumped right into Rianni, "We've got to stop meeting like this..." She giggled, then kissed Rianni softly on her lips.

"Right?" Rianni laughed, she'd slipped into a green silk sheath dress her sister had given her on her last birthday and had restored some luster to her dry, overgrown curls with olive oil, one of her mom's beauty secrets, add that to the perfume and makeup Aunt Isha had provided one day 'just because' and even she felt like she looked very good, ~Have to for a woman like this.~

"Your place is beautiful, Rianni." Amanda complimented, "Where did you get all this stuff?"

"Well, a lot of the Romulan stuff actually belongs to my Aunt Isha, so does the furniture." Rianni began, putting her hand around Amanda's waist and guiding her around, "This was her place when she was a freelance journalist and when I..... came to DS5 she had become Ambassador and she basically let me move in here. The rest of the Romulan stuff is either from my father, one of my siblings, or some various butt kissers wanting to curry my Aunt Lliar's favor."

Amanda couldn't help but giggle at that 'various butt kissers' line, but added, "Apparently those are some high class butt kissers." as she observed more of the artifacts and objets d'art, "Your Aunt must be very powerful."

"That's what they tell me." Rianni shrugged, "I've only ever met her once."

Amanda knew there was a story there, just like she knew there was a story to Rianni's very pregnant pause when she told the story of coming to live in this palace, but she knew now probably wasn't the time to ask, so she turned her attention to an ancient item hanging on the wall, it looked like it had to be five hundred years old, "So tell me about that, where did that come from?"

"Oh, that!" Rianni laughed, "That's actually one of my favorite items." She reached up and pulled the old rifle off of her wall to let Amanda get a closer look, "What you're looking at right there is a Vulcan projectile rifle, it's close to seven hundred years old, similar in function to an old Earth auto-loading rifle, like the M1. My Papa Gregori found it during a dig in an ancient Vulcan city, brought it back to Earth and gave it to me."

"Your Papa Gregori... that's funny." Amanda laughed, "See, I was supposed to be starting a job with Monteros Enterprises before this teaching thing opened up and...."

"And that's my grandfather." Rianni shrugged, "And a lot of the stuff in here is stuff he found 'along the way' as he puts it."

"Whoa, wait." Amanda stopped her, knowing Rianni was going to move on from that without another word, but she needed more than just another word, "You mean to tell me you are the Granddaughter of Gregori Monteros?"

"And the daughter of Eleni and R'Vek tr'Khellian, yes." Rianni began, hoping her 'pedigree' didn't intimidate Amanda, especially once she got into the Romulan half, she didn't feel it made her any better than anyone else, but a lot of people felt inadequate and didn't want to see her again.

"tr'Khellian as in Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian?" Amanda asked, ~Oh, wonderful, she's royalty.... seems to like me though.~

"Yeah, that's daddy." Rianni shrugged, that's what he was to her, with the exception of when they were on duty that Admiral crap could be saved for others, "Oh, and the station commander is my Aunt Isha. Why I didn't drop my last name at our first meeting, I wanted you to like me if you did, not my name."

"Well," Amanda began, wrapping her arms around the tiny Romulan's neck, "I can guarantee you I liked you from the moment we first ran into each other. Of course, now my hair sticking to you is even more awkward..." She chuckled, remembering that first kiss from earlier that day.

"Oh, I don't know." Rianni shrugged, playing with the previously mentioned hair, "Pretty pleasant experience for me." She stood there a second, lost in the moment, twirling a lock of Amanda's amazing mane between two fingers, kissing it softly, then said, "Okay, I hate to break the mood but I'm hungry, woman, feed me."

"Can you give me some time to go back to my quarters and put on something pretty?" Amanda asked, realizing how underdressed she was by comparison to her beautiful date, "I mean, I look like crap and..."

"You look fabulous, but if you want to go change I'll meet you at the Acropolis." Rianni offered, then thought, "You know, with the exception of height we're about the same size. I bet I've got something you can wear!"

Amanda paused for a second, anything that was mid-length on Rianni would be almost micro-mini on her at five feet eight inches, but it would probably be fun playing dress up with Rianni if nothing else, so she quickly accepted, "Okay, let's do it!"

"Okay." Rianni smiled, then added with a naughty wink, "But don't you want to have dinner first?"


erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian

CO, IRW Dhelan

Amanda Lanos

Substitute Teacher


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