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Behind Romulan lines

Posted on Mon Apr 13, 2015 @ 8:48am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

1,212 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Dilithium Chamber - Promanade
Timeline: MD 02

Melvyn Raddon and Dorian Gabriel looked at the large crowd that had amassed on the veranda of the Dilithium Chamber. Mr. Raddon was pleased with the turnout as well as the setup of the location. Since his entertainment facility consumed at least two floors of the promenade he was command a captivating view of the promenade. The seats were arranged so that the overflow would spill well onto the promenade, no doubt attracting the attention of other passers-by.

If you couldn't get a seat for the show, then Melvyn still wanted you to HEAR the show and wish that you could still be there.

Melvyn looked at the various monitors that had been installed to allow others to see and hear the speaker even if they were in an inconvenient position. His staff was working diligently to ensure that everyone was properly seated and that their drinks were being constantly refilled. He wanted to ensure that everyone enjoyed themselves at this event.

"Maintaining proper Security for this event was not a simple task, Mr. Raddon." Dorian said as he continued to look at the amassed group. "I've managed to place plain-clothed guards throughout the crowd just in case of any problems." He added.

"Of course it isn't simple, that's why I hired you, Dorian, you are a man of impressive talents." Melvyn said warmly as he glanced at the time and made his way to the podium to address the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and all others, let me first thank you for coming to the Dilithium Chamber." He said as he paused for the applauding to die down. "This establishment was created to create a home for those who are away from their home." The human said.

"Home. . .that's an interesting word." He said as he looked at the podium and back towards the crowd. "A 'Home' has to be something that you are truly willing to defend with everything you have, even your life if necessary." The older gentleman said with conviction. "For too many of 'us' our Home on this station has come under siege by outside forces." Mr. Raddon told the captive crowd.

"From terrorist attacks, to foreign occupation, we must stand strong in the face of all enemies" Mr. Raddon said with vigor.

"That is why I am proud to present to you today a true patriot of the Federation. Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to share the same stage with a Veteran of not just the Dominion War, but a living witness to the true nature of our so-called Romulan "allies" at the Battle in the Bassen Rift just 12 years ago." Raddon continued with the introduction. "Today, he spends his time serving the people of Earth as the Federation Envoy to the Obsidian Sector, where he serves as the voice of Earth out here in this distant beacon of civilization." Mr. Raddon said proudly.

"But without further ado, former Starfleet Commander Hilliard Braxton." Raddon announced.

The immediate area erupted in applause from the inside of the Dilithium Chamber all the way to the veranda over-looking the promenade as the former Starfleet Officer made his way to the podium.

"Fellow citizens, it is good to be amongst friends, family, and enlightened colleagues." He started as the applause began to die down. "It has been
almost two decades since the end of the most bloodiest and expensive war in Human history." He said, as he waited for his somber tone to affect the crowd. "In the span of 2 years, the Federation lost billions of lives, hundreds of starships, and innumerable ideas and innovations at the hands of the Dominion."

"Most people believed that the years following the War would be a period of rebuilding in which the Federation could return to its originating ideals of seeking out new life and new civilizations; however, reality proved them wrong." Braxton said.

"While we extended a hand of support and friendship to Romulus in their time of need, in return they extended a Shinzon and his deadly plot to destroy our home." Braxton said, recalling the treacherous attack by the Romulan leader.

"Some of you may ask, 'But that was in the past, the Federation has moved forward and DS5 doesn't have anything to do with those events.' However, you have to recognize what' DS5's role is as a whole." He continued.

"There are a number of regions around the edge of Romulan space where the Federation has yet to tread, and they need to be surveyed, and mapped as a potential corridor to the Delta quadrant. It's part of the remit for DS5 as a border outpost to lay the way for future expansion." He pointed out.

"But most importantly, it is important for the FEDERATION to lead that future expansion, not alien influence." He said strongly.

"The Federation's history is filled with bold and courageous leaders who were able to lead, but at the same time protect the Federation's interests in new frontiers." He said firmly. "Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Sulu, and even President Archer himself...." Braxton said in a reminstin tone. "They all stood up to threats to the Federation, both foreign. . . .and domestic...." Braxton said as he allowed the last word to hang knowingly in the air.

"Citizens and Friends of the Federation, hear me when I say this: Today's threat to the Federation come not from a armed starship or even a sophisticated firearm. Instead, our greatest threat will come from those that seeks to enslave us within our own homes." He said as he slammed his fist onto the podium and turned his gaze towards a large projection of the current Commander of Deep Space Five: Captain Isha t'Vaurek, a Romulan

"For many of you listening to me, Earth is and will always be your homeworld, but Deep Space 5 is currently your home. Hear me when I say this. . ." Braxton paused as he searched for the right choice of words.

"You all are living behind Enemy Lines...." He said as he locked eyes in a sweeping gaze with those in front of him. "You won't hear them coming for you, and you won't see them coming, but as long as you can draw a breath, you must be prepared to fight for your freedom." He concluded as the audience erupted in a roar of applause and cheers.

As Braxton stepped down from the podium and was replaced by Mr. Raddon, the former Starfleet Commander and War Veteran shook the hands of the crowd of humans who not just agreed with this message, but believed in its importance.

Braxton stopped when he came upon Dorian Gabriel. "Commander, you are a true Son of the Federation," Braxton said as he continued to grip Dorian's hand. "Please continue the fight, please continue to be the strength that we all will need for the coming battle, never....give up." Braxton said earnestly.

As the audience continued to maintain a slight hum of excitement, Mr. Raddon thought pleasantly to himself. "Today is only just the beginning...."

Mr. Melvyn Raddon
CEO of Raddon Corps
Owner of Dilithium Chamber

Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security

Hilliard Braxton
SF Commander, ret.
Federation Envoy


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