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Once more into the breach - Part 1

Posted on Tue Jan 5, 2021 @ 12:49am by Second Lieutenant Sh'Zera & Master Sergeant Jian Zhao & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Major Travis Stone & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Edited on on Tue Jan 5, 2021 @ 4:03am

1,334 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to and on MD1

:: Earlier ::

[USS Puller]

Nicholas Means had just closed the channel after waving goodbye to his great great great great grand daughter. After finding himself in the 24th century he hadn't been sure if he sure reach out to his extended family of not. But he was glad his had. Not only had they welcomed him but he had been given him Rebecca's journal's of which he had had duplicates made and the originals kept safely stored with the family on Vulcan.

Rising from the terminal he moved to the one family heirloom he had taken with him. Seems she had kept his collection of cigars in stasis in the hope that one day he would return home. Passing over the various options he pulled out one of his specials before closing the door to the cabinet humidor. It was his anniversary after all and his La Flor Dominica TAA 2273's, which now only existed in his humidor, was his once-a-year smoke; having only enough to last the next 37, well now 36 years.

Picking up the cutter he clipped the end, and then toasted the foot to a right orange perfection before taking a long pull and blowing out a perfect ring into the room. Leaving his quarters he headed to the lounge for a drink to pair with his cigar.

Approaching the lounge he heard someone running up behind him. Turning to see a yeoman approaching. "Evening Colonel. Sorry to bother but you had new orders come in." Taking the PADD he reviewed it quickly, nodding as he puffed on his cigar.

"Captain also wanted to discuss those with you tomorrow over breakfast."

"Tell the Captain I'll be there."

"Yes sir, goodnight sir."

Taking the PADD he walked into the lounge and took a seat looking out the window. His usual drink appeared and a field came up around the area to keep his cigar smoke from bothering anyone. Leaning back he looked at the PADD again, it would be good to get out into the fleet again.

[Deep Space 5]

Miranda walked into the chow hall after her run and a long shower, hopeful that she could get some fresh vegetables when her attention was caught by the over-abundance of chatter this morning. She shamelessly listened as she walked up to get her food. Excitement like this was rare and Miranda was curious.

A new MCO? Again? It seemed the position of Marine CO included a revolving door. This was the second one in the past six months.

She got herself an omelet stuffed with cheese and veggies and headed to a table.

"Hey, Schultz. What do you think of the news?" Private Parhtz asked from the next table.

"I just heard. Looks like we'll be scrubbing the deck to look pretty for the arrival."

Peter groaned. "That's right. Inspection."

"It's good for you," she teased. When the private turned back to his food, she took the opportunity to eat before someone else questioned her. She had no idea what the brass was up to, but she'd probably see something come in later that day.

Terry came into the chow hall and got steak, a mess of eggs, and toast like he normally did and came over and sat down.

"Ladies", he said with a grin, glad to be back on planet. Working on his medical training was great, but there was something about a Marine unit that couldn't be found in a Fleet department.

Schultz grinned. "Welcome back."

Parhtz frowned, but said nothing.

1st Lt. Blue had come into the mess; having been only an acting Marine Commanding Officer he had his normal stoic facial expression. His Orion Physique hidden to some degree under his BDUs and his shaved head.

"It is confirmed they have a new Commanding Officer." He announced from the chow like after the thick ham, eggs , taters and black coffee. "Let us hope he is as good as the sleeve and rep say he is." His voice was just enough inflection not to be a monotone.

Sh'zera, about to head back planet side for her duty cycle, frowned. "It’s a command upgrade, that's for sure. But we're a glorified guard post. We've never rated that sort of brass before. I wonder what's changed?"

"He probably pissed off some General", Terry responded, digging into his food. "getting him far away from the core."

"He's probably nearing retirement and wants a nice, quiet post to retire from," Schultz added, grinning.

"Nah. I think he's bucking for General and thinks we'll be fighting Cardies," Parhtz said.

"Well, lately they've been spoiling to get knocked down a peg or two", Terry said. "They caused a ruckus on the promenade when I was up there."

"They cause a ruckus anywhere they go," Parhtz retorted.

"Has anyone thought after event the Planet might need a stronger hand at the reins?" Blue asked. "The Cardassians wanted to own the Wormhole and now with the tighter Security and our having people permanently assigned to guard the tunnels you ever consider the new measures that might be coming?"

"You never know", Terry said. "Who knows, we might also be put to use on the station for security. There's a ton of people there and the security is worked overtime for sure. Glad I'm not the Security Chief."

[USS Puller - Captain's Mess]

Nick was up early, but there was nothing new in that. His PT done, shower and uniform on, check, now he was on his way to the Captain's Mess for breakfast.

Stepping out of the lift on Deck 3 it was a short trip to the Officer's mess. Entering the "back room" he arrived to the Captain's mess to see the Captain and the XO both waiting for him. The XO, Brianna, kept up a good front but he knew they would be talking later. He was actually surprised she hadn't stopped by last night.

"Well here he is…The next commanding officer of the 21st MEU." Both the Captain and the XO were on their feet and shook his hand in turn, the XO smiling at him. "I told you you'd get a new command. And here you thought this IG tour was command putting you out to pasture."

He returned her smile as he nodded, their hands parting just a tad slower than an normal handshake would. "Yes you were right...this time."

The trio took their seats as stewards began pouring juice and coffee. "Get a chance to look over your new command yet?"

Nick looked to the Captain over the top of his coffee as he lowered the cup a bit. "My orders are even 24 hours old yet, but, yes I have."


"And...they are an undermanned, under equipped group that I intend to build up to a proper MEU."

He leaned back as the steward placed a plate before him. As he did both the Captain and XO were both looking at each other.

Looking from one to the other, " someone going to let me in on whatever it is you to have obviously already got going?"

Captain Miller gestured to his XO and grinning again she explained. "Well I did some checking myself and assumed you would want to do that very thing. But we both know how hard it can be to get things out that far from the heart of the Federation so we called in a few favors. Since headquarters has yet to replace you..."

"...and technically you and the Puller are still assigned to the SFMC IG..." The Captain interjected.

"...I suggested we volunteer to take you to DS5 by way of the supply depot at Camp Falkirk to get what you need."

Now he knew what she had been up to. "Well I better start putting together my shopping list."

A few days later he and Brianna were beaming down to Camp Falkirk requisitions and orders in hand.



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