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Tue Jan 5, 2021 @ 9:58pm

Major Travis Stone

Name Travis Mitchell Stone

Position Marine XO

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Date of Birth 21-March-2360

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 220 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Slightly taller, Mitchell maintains a well-developed physical build, with a slight emphasis on strength over speed. The green eyes vary from a deep emerald to a light grassy-green depending on his mood, but always contain a visible spark that shows both his intensity and intelligence. The light brown hair has almost no distinguishing features, barring the length being Marine-regulation. He is always seen clean-shaved, except when not possible. In those times, a beard will grow out quickly. There are several scars on the chest, abdomen, back, and upper legs from his combat experiences.


Spouse None
Children None (yet)
Father Travis Michael Stone, 74, Colonel, SFMC, Retired
Mother Diana Evelene Stone, 70, Lieutenant Commander, Retired.
Brother(s) Joseph Michael Stone, 32
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Considered more genial, Mitchell usually takes the time to get to know his crew members and earn their respect. He prefers to handle situations at the lowest level possible, and will make sure if an issue is brought to him, it needed to be. The Marine training has ingrained a dedication to regulations that can border on obsessive, but he has learned to temper the reactions and bring people around to his point of view. Due to his history, he has little love of the Dominion, and even less of the Romulan and Reman species. When not on duty he tends to wear functional clothing, ignoring style for comfort, and is almost always in Marine colors. He vigorously maintains himself at the same physical standards of the SFMC, regarding fleet standards as inferior. Despite this, he has learned to moderate the reaction and not alienate either group, giving him an advantage in diplomatic dealings.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Focused on goals, analytical of combat situations, level headed in stressful situations, personable
Weaknesses: Borderline OCD on regulations, can be very vengeful.
Ambitions Reach a retirement age alive, eventually start a family.
Hobbies & Interests Combat training, strength training, deep water diving, reading, cooking, gardening
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History 2360-Birth
Born on March 20, 2360, Mitchell was handful even at birth. His parents Travis and Diana quickly learned that their son was a master-level escape artist, as every attempt short of force fields was unable to keep him contained to his crib or play area. With Diana more often off planet for one incident or another as a Federation Diplomat, Travis quickly learned that the only way to deal with his hyperactive son was to keep him occupied. To that end, he modified parts of the basic Marine training and applied them with Mitchell, who eagerly absorbed the activities and information. The birth of his younger brother Joseph when he was three, also helped to occupy Mitchell’s attention as he attempted to help take care of the new addition to their family. After constant confusion about who was being called “Travis”, Mitchell decided to use his middle name as the only way of distinguishing himself from his father. By age seven, the pattern was well set in the two boys, to which Diana raised reservations about to Travis. When confronted, Travis reminded her that she had left him with them, he was responsible for keeping them out of trouble. Fuming, Diana added that he would be responsible for the discipline and physical activity, but she was in charge of the education. Joseph more easily bent to his mother’s designs, but Mitchell rebelled fully against the change. When Travis remarked to Diana that Mitchell was more likely to end up a Marine in his temperament, and that his attitudes followed a well established pattern in his family, she relented. As the boys grew, Mitchell started showing the signs of a taller and broader build than Joseph, similar to his father’s. Knowing that Mitchell was likely to end up with the SFMC, Travis started him on exercises to work on his agility and flexibility, telling Mitchell that strength could be trained in once his body was able to handle it. To this end, Mitchell would end up doing more long distance running and swimming up until high school, when strength training was added in. School also revealed that Mitchell had his mothers’ skill for diplomacy, and often could be found within a crowd of people, but tempered with the protocol of the SFMC he absorbed from his father. As the end of high school approached, Mitchell again expressed a desire to enter the SFMC, and after a review of his records and assessments, he chose to go an Infantry route with the chance for OCS, or into Heavy Weapons if that fell through. Not even a week after receiving his diploma, he departed for Boot Camp.

2378- Boot Camp, SOI, TBS
Having his father being well known proved to be more of a challenge, and Mitchell began to wish his Drill Instructors would quit using the reputation against him. In spite of the near-constant pressure on him, Mitchell’s innate friendliness and easy-going attitude helped him integrate with his fellow recruits. As their training progressed, his preparation proved invaluable as he willingly took on more and more leadership within the platoon, and began assisting other recruits who had trouble reaching the required physical or marksmanship proficiencies. At the end of training, the high scores both he and his platoon achieved along with his demonstrated aptitude for leadership during SOI allowed his request for OCS to be reviewed and approved.

OCS was a more familiar environment, similar to how his father had been training Joseph and himself almost since they were born. Having just recently graduated boot camp made it easier for Mitchell, as the class was a mix of both new and experienced Marines. Typically, the two groups did not get on well at first, but as training proceeded, his innate personality again allowed for the differences to be addressed and mended. His class learned that he did have weak points, due to initially having some issues with the law portion of the curriculum. By the time the class transferred to The Basic School, the issues had diminished to friendly bickering.

TBS started out roughly for the class and Mitchell, as the first few weeks were a compressed version of boot camp all over again, but proved to be a good refresher. Now that they were learning the basics of being a Platoon Commander, Mitchell’s skills came more into prominence as he quickly caught on to leadership roles of an Infantry officer. His classmates had their revenge as he struggled with the protocols section, again showing a disdain for paperwork even as he rigidly adhered to procedure. Graduation came quickly enough, as his father was the officer who pinned his Second Lieutenant’s bar at the ceremony and he accepted his orders to the USS Polaris as an Assistant Platoon Leader.

2380- USS Polaris
Once again, Mitchell couldn't help but feel he was starting over after OCS, and now he was reporting to ship as a butterbar. Fortunately, the Polaris was a Akira class heavy cruiser, and assigned to the Badlands to help bring about an end to the Pirate problem. Assigned to the Tactical Department Marine Detachment, Mitchell utilized the SFMC training methods to try and get his shipmates to take their role seriously. His almost too rigid adherence to regulation initially isolated him from his coworkers, but gradually he and they adjusted for one another. After only a few months onboard and past the personality differences, Mitchell' natural ability for combat and analysis lead to him being appointed as a training officer for security and tactical members assigned to away teams, and became the CO and XO's personal choice for away teams, which lead to being called "The Bodyguard" by his fellow department members. It came as no surprise to anyone that after only a year, he was promoted to First Lieutenant, and made a full Platoon Leader. Mitchell would retain that post for the remainder of his four year tour, earning recommendation after recommendation for his performance.

2385-USS Archer
Hoping to gain more experience, Mitchell put in a request for assignment as a Company XO on the USS Archer. Prior to accepting, he was informed that due to the likelihood of a Gamma Quadrant Patrol, he would have to undergo several skills based schools to qualify for the position. After a year of intense and back to back training, Mitchell completed the schools and was detailed to the Archer. Upon arrival, he was immediately assigned to be mentored by the Delta Company Commander, who was additionally the Acting XO for the Detachment. Taking back over the duties of the Company XO and Platoon Leader came naturally, he was also given both training and practice filling in as the Detachment XO “under supervision” during downtime to the amusement of their CO, one well known Captain Nick Means.

2390-USS Hudson
His next assignment was to be transferred to the Intrepid Class USS Hudson as the Marine Company Assistant Commander. The Hudson's mission focus was exploration of the Deltan Expanse, which should have proved to be an easier time after the Polaris. Finding the lack of combat to be almost boring, Mitchell made a few mistakes in handling his new department like the combat-ready Polaris, and the teething troubles resulted in the XO being called in to tone him down. Over the next few months, he managed to make the adjustment back to a less-combat focused role, and combined with his natural personality, the Tactical Department staff adjusted as well. Within six months, the Company had acclimated to him, and him to them, raising the productivity and efficiency by over half. During the second year onboard, an away team led by the XO and Company Commander encountered difficulties with the native fauna after transporting down, and the ten member party was wiped out before assistance could be sent. Despite cautions from every department about his adherence to regulations being too tight, Captain Mikata chose to temporarily promote Mitchell to the position of Company Commander until the SFMC made an official determination. Over the remaining three years of their mission, Mitchell learned to moderate his stance and be more diplomatic, earning him several commendations and recommendations from the various departments, while not losing the core traits that defined him.

2395-Deep Space Five
Service Record 2378-Entered SFMC Boot Camp, Parris Island, Earth. (June-Sept)
2378-Graduated SFMC Boot Camp, Transferred to Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Earth. (Oct-Dec)
2378-Graduated Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Earth. Transferred to The Basic School, Quantico, Earth. (Dec-Jul)
2380-Graduated The Basic School, commissioned as Marine Second Lieutenant. Assigned as Assistant Platoon Leader, Marine Detachment, USS Polaris.
2382-Promotion to First Lieutenant. Completed Junior Officer Training.
2385-Completed following training schools: Zero-G; Close-Quarters Battle; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape; Desert Warfare; Urban Warfare; Arctic Warfare; Jungle Warfare.
2385-Assigned as Marine Bravo Company Assistant Commander, USS Archer
2390-Promotion to Captain , Assigned as Marine Company Assistant Commander USS Hudson
2390-Assigned as Marine Company Commander, USS Hudson
2395-Assigned as Marine Executive Officer, Deep Space Five

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