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Inferno - Love on the Rocks Part 11

Posted on Wed Sep 16, 2020 @ 2:40am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,885 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: The A List, DS5 Promenade
Timeline: MD07 2030


Lasuma's - Office area

Geral put the final touches on his attire. As he had promised nothing fancy but definitely dignified.

As their boss finished his primping, Dorian waited to provide the usual escort; especially since they hadn't solve the issue of the assassination attempt. Sha'rae was their as well having arrived with Maritza's favorite wine.

"Why is he bothering? She obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with him."

"Dorian, I'm surprised at you. They were happy together. When was the last time he was really happy before coming here? I mean really happy?"

Drawing in a breath he thought, then shrugged. "Ok, but that woman seem to more stubborn than any person than I have ever seen. He'd be better off cutting his losses and moving on."

"That might be true, but when was the last time he turned away from a the very least he probably wants to clear his reputation. It was a very public outburst."

Pointing to her with a gesture to acknowledge her point the door next to him opened.

Sha'rae smiled. "Very nice sir. Here's that wine you wanted."

"Thank you." Looking to Dorian, "Ready?"

"Right behind you."

Maritza had had a horrible day. The counselor had ambushed her, the commodore had grilled her on tomorrows operations, and then she'd had to deal with the Cardassian Embassy. She hadn't had time to think, she just went straight to the promenade, still in uniform, still with pips, hair still braided and pinned in place. She was making a bleeding mess of everything, professional and personal. And why was she here anyway?

She stopped outside the doors the officers club. She could just turn around, go back to her quarters, and get under the shower for an hour. Then she could get to bed and go over the plan for tomorrow again in peace.

But she didn't move from the door.

From inside the lounge Geral could see her hesitating but he didn't move. While he wanted to go to her, he knew that she needed to do things on her own and not feel dragged into anything. The wine was ready but just a token and not chilled. He sipped a glass of water and waited

She stood at the door, and then stood there some more. She should go. Tomorrow was going to be busy. Then the doors opened and a couple walked out. Before she could turn away, she saw him across the room, sitting at one of the booths at the back. She couldn't go now.

She forced herself to walk over to the table. "Hi."

Geral had risen as she came in. "Hi. Thanks for coming." Motioning to the booth. "Please."

She sat down opposite, sitting upright and serious. "So." she said.

The fact that she was her in uniform meant that she either she had put those walls back up or that she'd had a long day. Probably both. But that she was here at all was a good sign. He moved his glass aside and was a about to begin when he stopped. "Can I get you anything first...some tea?"

"Espresso." There was a lot more work still to do tonight, to prepare for tomorrow. She knew she should say more, but couldn't find the words.

Waving over a steward he ordered the espresso and then looked back to Maritza to try and make some small talk. "It's good to see you...". His attempt was cut short as the espresso was delivered.

He was concerned but didn't bring up that she was pushing herself again. No need to add to his dilemma. "How have you been?"

"Busy." There was an awkward pause. "We threw the Cardassians off the station today. They were awful as usual. I don't know what’s wrong them. They seem to inhabit an alternate universe."

Shaking his head. "Why when there is trouble it seems to always involve the Cardassians. You would have thought they would have learned from the decades of trouble brought on themselves. But you didn't agree to meet me to talk shop." He said trailing off.

She stirred her espresso. "No, I didn't." She set down the spoon, took a sip of the coffee. The taste and heat seemed to jolt her back to life. She set it back into it's saucer. "You talk. I listen. After that, I'll decide."

"Fair enough. Well this whole mess started with that asshat Gevran and his latinum. Was there a bet...yes. But it had nothing to do with getting you in bed. Not in the slightest!

"I made the mistake of mixing our relationship with my dealings with Gevran. When I first encountered him he thought you some rigid ice queen...I believe his exact word were 'iron bitch', but I already knew different. So as things developed, business wise not between you and me, I let him think that I was only courting you to get a business advantage. That not being the case at all....not even close.

"During my next run in with him I add to his earlier false impression and that was when he mentioned that there was a bet on your reaction when you found out. Since we were already dating I took advantage of his misconceptions and took his wager.

"I can only assume he found out that what I was doing was not trying to woo you for some nefarious goal but that I had real feelings for you. Why else would he have made such a public display."

He paused. "In hindsight I should never have said anything to him in the first place nor took his part in his betting pool or whatever he had going on. I hurt you. And that was the LAST thing I ever wanted to due. I am sorry."

Maritza looked down at her espresso. She wasn't sure what to say or think. "So, you were running a con on him?"

"Not really. Though I can see how it might look like that. I just let him keep his own misconception. That error then blew up in my face and you got hurt."

She drank from the small cup to delay speaking. She wanted to forgive him, she wanted to go back to the warmth and companionship. Who looks after Maritza? that damned counselor had asked. But there were so many games. Games inside games. "You don't think I'm an iron bitch?" Her voice almost caught on the words.

He reached over taking her hand, shaking his head. "No. You can be guarded with a tendency to push yourself too hard, and can be as stubborn as tritanium. But you are also caring, compassionate and have a delightful sense of humor. You can enjoy small simple pleasures while also allowing yourself to enjoy letting me pamper you from time to time.

"I know you have faced horrible things before, we all have things in our past that have left it's scars. I never thought I would feel about someone they way I do you. If you would let me I would like to be able to be there for you...again."

Maritza went still. everything was too much. She could feel it boiling up her insides and she had to clench her jaw to keep her lip from wobbling. The urge to push away was overwhelming, to lash out and drive back and say no. She took a breath. It didn't feel like enough air.

She stood, pushing the chair back. Where she summoned the coldness and poise from she didn't know. Inside was an inferno filled with frustration and rage and...feelings, and she didn't want any of them, had tamped those fires for so long and was too scared to let them blaze now. And, because she was also completely idiot, she said very calmly. "I'm afraid its you're associate who was correct. I am an iron bitch. And you won't play games with me again."

And she turned around and walked away. She didn't look back. She didn't want him to see her cry.

Unlike on the promenade when this whole thing started he did go after her. He didn't turn her around but put his hands on the sides of her shoulders. "You are not and I haven't been playing games....and never will."

She flinched away from him like his fingers burnt. She refused to turn around. She could feel him behind her, and she had to take a firm grip of her common sense to stop herself from pressing back into that comforting presence. "I have a long day tomorrow. I need to go."

His hands dropped as she jerked away. "Fine!..." Dorian was watching as always and he was up and moving as he threw a thumb towards the door. Grabbing his intended peace offering he headed towards the door.

"...If you are going to push people away and crucify them at the first difficulty or misunderstanding you are going to have a angry, bitter, lonely life. Perhaps Mr. Templar will have better luck."

Walking past her, "Good Night....Captain."

She tried, tried so hard, not to feel pain when we called her angry and bitter, and yes lonely. But when her brought her dinner companion into the equation she just saw red. "Oh? was that what that was about?" She hissed. "Tell me, are you angry that I have a life outside of you? Or do you just don't like someone touching your things?"

Turning to face her his own anger rising. "What did you expect me to feel or think? You won't even return my calls but then I see you strutting through the prom in a formal dress to have dinner with the newest face on the station." As they stood there barking at each other a part of him want to just grab her by the shoulders and just kiss her.

A nasty part of her felt very satisfied that she had managed to rile him. But this was already getting out of control. "We're not doing this here." She slapped her commbadge so hard that she felt the edges dig in through four layers of clothing. "OPS, I want site to site for 2 to my quarters. Now." She glared at Dorian. "Not you," she snarled at him.

Whoever was in OPS was obviously on the ball, and the transporter took them both less than a heart beat later. As soon as she rematerialized she rounded on him. "You insufferable... Anatole's has a dress code! I would be dressing up for anyone in there. I'd expect you to use your pig-headed brain!"

"I'm in sufferable!? You tried and convicted me all on the word of the underworld thug!"

"His word and his latinum," she threw back. "And it seems it was justified since now you're acting like a prehistoric cave-man and I'm not-"

Oh hell with it! He thought to himself. In the middle of her retort he took her face in his hands and kissed her firmly.

To be Continued…

Captain Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Toral
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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