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The Pleasures of Business (II of II)

Posted on Thu Sep 3, 2020 @ 3:28am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Roger Templar

1,699 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Anatole's, Promenade
Timeline: MD 06 1900

Previously in

"So not to waste her kindness I will tell you why I wished this appointment." Templar thought truth rather than smoothing things over. "I have helped Local Security in the past and would like to build a working relationship with your Command rather than run ram-shot around you. The point is that my Family connections tend to give a bad impression of me and I had hoped to show you that I am not what the reputation says. I have more honor than that and that is why I wished to have a face to face."

She waited for the waiters to move away, "The familial ties to Risan criminals. That follows you about like a bad smell."

And now the conclusion

"Like rotting Fish on a hot day." He chuckled. "The oddity to it is that he is my Step-Father and only took me as Baggage to woo my Mother." He tilt his head slightly. "I spent more time with the 'Hired Help' than My Step-Father." He explained. "I was ten; you can imagine what kinds of 'Family' that left me?" Looking her in the eyes. "I have my Younger sister of a decade and Mother as my only ties to that Family; but no one cares that My sister is likely to inherit the Business."

"Guilt by association," Maritza nodded. A waiter arrived with wine, poured some, and retreated. "So what can a civlian investigator followed around by rumour and speculation do for my station?"

"Everything your Regulations will not allow and Directives will not allow you to go." He said simply. "If I look into something there are fewer barriers for me; I have a very good Lawyer who will make sure the Law is fully supported in what I do. I am a gentleman with rogue tendencies. But I have the freedom to 'go where Angels fear not tread. I also have very high but reasonable rates for what you get."

"I'm the commander of this station. I am the example. What would it say about me if I condoned and encouraged cavalier attempts to circumnavigate the laws set up on me?"

"Smart actually." Templar said without missing a beat. "Civilian and Federation Directives leave a lot of gray area, and you cannot tell me the Federation has never done a little under radar?" He chuckled. "Officially it would save you pacing while some Rogue Security goes with object deniability and makes trouble." He look in her eyes. "Helping the Station dulls that ad reputation a bit; win-win? I did not say I get nothing out of the deal Captain."

SHe thought about it. There was one place it was hard for her security officers to go. "You are fully human?"

"Would that be a hindrance?" He gave a sly grin. "I cold not control my genetics; though considered good breeding I am human to the core." He noted the ponderous expression. "What were you thinking?"

Maritza tried not to glance across the promenade to The Dilithium Chamber, and mostly failed. "Not a hindrance. The opposite. There are places on this station that only humans are welcome."

"I do like going places where I am welcome." Templar mused and a sly grin came forth. "I think Dinner has just become more interesting?"

"I'm not asking you to do anything," Soran pointed out. "This dinner is just that, dinner." The first course arrived and she paused to cut a morsel of the mushroom. For a moment she closed her eyes. She hadn't eaten proper food in five days, having fallen back into her usual habits of protein cubes and vitamin pills, and the taste of the sharp cheese exploded across her tongue. She took a sip of the wine and realised she was going to have to go very carefully. "So what brought you to DS5 in the first place. We're a long way from civilisation here."

"I heard they had a lovely Commanding Officer..." He started slowly. "Bold in her command style and fair in her judgement." He took a sip of his Espresso. "And she reigned in a place far from What happens on Risa." He gave a sly grin. "And I figured the reputation might take longer this far away from everything. and get a more even start?"

"Flattery will get you nowhere," she said crisply, "And is it reputation that worries you, or are you just wanting a break from tracing stolen goods and straying husbands?"

"I have found the 'straying' is more equal these days and finding family heirlooms and stolen art I should think a little more noble." He smiled and look her in the eye. "Flattery if genuine is the strongest form of complement." He tilt his head. "But to give a more blunt answer to why I am here. "I like to stay as far from any touch of my Stepfather as possible, it is in our mutual interests that our paths not cross except in Funerals of Significant family."

"Well, Risa is months away at anything less than Warp 9, so you shouldn't have to run any further. At least for a while."

"Would you accept me seeking Asylum?" He teased. "The people I may have problems with it is good to have a station around you."

"If you bring trouble, I may not say yes," While her tone was light, she added more darkly, "We have more than enough of our own."

"I would not consider doing anything to add a frown to your face Lady Captain. Gentlemen do not incite less than positive to a lady." He took a sip. "More wine, it is a fine vintage?"

She shook her head. The downside of switching back to her time efficient nutrition was that she didn't have any real food in her system to soak up the alcohol, and she didn't know if the bottle the sommelier had recommended was synthetic or not. "No, thank you. Big day tomorrow. Best go slowly. But please, don't hold back on my account."

"Then might I suggest an espresso; they are excellent; I am told best on the station Captain..." He glanced in her eyes. "You do a lot for your people, just enjoy a moment, life is all about savoring the moment."

"You'll find that on DS5, there is rarely time to savor the moment. We're not a sleepy little outpost anymore."

"I have an aversion to being bored, that is why I came here Captain." Templar grinned slightly.

The waiters cleared the starter and brought the main course. The bisque was delicious, and she realised how much she missed good food. How much she missed Geral's food. "Sometimes, I think it would nice to be bored."

"You're not the type." He said before taking a sip of espresso. "You like to be involved; feel you are a part of it." He nod. "It suits you."

"Guilty as charged," Martiza admitted. "but what did I say about flattery?"

"Observations are not flattery if they happen to be proven." Templar said. "I cannot be blamed if you resemble my comments?"

She smiled. "I can also resemble your worst nightmare if you being trouble to my station."

"Hell hath no fury like a woman's rage Captain." Templar countered. "I came here to get away from trouble before it could start." He raised his cup slightly. "A strategic withdrawal from the feuds between families."

"So you're running." She challenged. "Are you likely to be followed?"

"No on both questions." He put his cup down and steepled his fingers. "My stepfather almost got involved with a shady type..." He smiled at the irony. "More so than his usual. I caught wind and warned him." He lean closer and spoke only so the Captain could hear.

It could have been observed as he were being more intimate in his conversation to an outsider.

"While it saved face it cost business..." He clucked his tongue. "That is not acceptable. So I was given the option to quietly depart before I uncovered something that might not be so easy to over look and I wanted away." He said a little more openly. "I was paid off and left. You do not have to worry in reality but the rumors will paint more sinister. He will not take retributions, I did the important thing and left his part unmentioned with authorities. One must protect Family. Not unlike protecting your crew and station is it not?"

She allowed that comparison with a gracious nod. "Sacrifices must be made." She chased a piece of langoustine around her bowl. "Have you introduced yourself to security yet?"

"I am starting at the top and working my way through the necessities." Templar answered. "In the event you were to wish me off the station I did not want to retrace my steps to cancel contacts." Shrugging. "Also if you and I have an understanding it would help when he comes to tell you whom came through his office you already one step ahead."

"She." Maritza corrected. "My Chief Security Officer is female. And she is no-one to trifle with. She is what some might call... old-school. Very old school," Maritza smiled at her private joke.

"I should look forward to meeting her before anything gets started." He sat back and looked at the Captain. "I do not intend any End-Runs around you Captain and if I hear anything you will be among the first to know." He grin. "I do not wolllow with swine; related to is another matter, I do not stay in their company. But I do not promise you a little complaint here or there." He raised an eyebrow. "Not from me mind you; I am Easy as Sunday Morning. But I am sure others I encounter will not be so easy going."

Maritza smiled. "As long as you stay within the law, then I doubt they'll have a leg to stand on. And we won't be vexed with you either."

"You have a deal Captain, I am at your service." He nod and raised his drink.


Roger Templar
Private Investigator

Captain Maritza Soran


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