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The Pleasures of Business (I of II)

Posted on Thu Sep 3, 2020 @ 3:26am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Roger Templar

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Anatole's, Promenade
Timeline: MD 06 1900


What is the harm in a fine dinner? Why are women beautiful and when is a good time to stave off rumors and other hindrances to what could be a wonderful working relationship?

The answers; of course, are very simple: Nothing, because and in the beginning.

This is what Templar pondered as he sat in the restaurant that is 'Personal Assistant had arranged. Templar is very good at being on time and a gentleman is always early with action needed to appear as desired. The classic Black slacks and white Dinner jacket are always in fashion with the black bow tie over a pristine white shirt. Shoes are shined enough to almost reflect the light and this whole suit was what he considered 'upper casual as it is not a tuxedo.

There are ways to be prepared; the Ferengi have several rules concerning that alone. Reputation is faster than Warp so his will be well known by the time she arrives.

Thus the problem of making a good First Impression as it is a well known fact as being a Single Shot Deal. Not that easy with a darker background; alleged or reality did not matter when impressions come into the equation,take for instance the man Templar, a Risan Syndicate Boss's Step Son known to be in the company of the shadier side.

Now if one thinks Risa is wholesome and has no Criminal Element; the old Earth stories of the Mob being a hand in everything can be exaggerated but not wholly untrue. They became 'Business Owners' and cleaned their suits and acts as time passed. Risa is no different; where there is pleasure and anything goes , there will be some sort of Syndicate.

Being attached in any way to that would seem a bad start of an impression; but Templar is not one to let that get him down nor impede his efforts to be on good footing.

The first way is to know 'how' to follow instructions given from a Lady and Templar was waiting for the Arrival of a Lady promptly at the desired hour and with the smile upon seeing her that is a Woman's due.

Martiza strode along the Promenade in high heels that snapped out a staccatto warning that a dragon was was coming. Her sapphire blue dress covered her from neck to ankle, with just a single slit to just above the knee to allow her to walk, gold embroidery capped the shoulders and highlighted the split. It was modest, to a point, no improper flesh, showed. The collar was high, and the opening barely came to her collar bones. No one could say she was flaunting her cleavage. But it clung to her curves enough that people could and would notice.

Which was entirely the point. Even if the man she wanted to notice wasn't here, enough people were that he'd find out. The captain never walked the Promenade looking like this.

She arrived exactly on time, and saw the man waiting outside Anatole's. "Mr Templar, I presume."

"At your service Ms. Maritza Soran." He gave the proper half bow; never breaking eye contact. "May I say you look lovely, that color does bring out your eyes." He commented and offered an arm to escort the Lady. "Thank you for accepting my invitation, the table is waiting."

"Its Captain," She wasn't going to let him get away with thinking this was going to get familiar with the flattery. "Lead the way."

"This way Captain." He guide them through to the table closest to the window with a view. "Will it be Mr. Templar or will Roger come into conversation tonight?" He moved to seat her properly. "You had no open slot for an Office meeting Captain so I had to resort to this." He moved to take his seat. "You could say this is your doing, in a way?"

Maritza let him pull out the chair and sat down. "My diary is always full, its a big station." she draped her napkin over her lap. "And i rarely meet with civilians. What is so needful that you must pester and bribe my yeoman?"

"Have you ever noticed the most over-looked person is the Personal Assistant; or in most Commands, the Yeoman to the Captain. For what she does is it not polite to see they are shown appreciation for the tasks they do?" He sat back a little and continued.

"Is it not also proper manners to introduce one self to the Command Chain of a Station. Let the 'Captain' know who is going to be doing business on her station." He lean forward, "and answer any questions about the 'Dossier' I am sure you have read if not the rumors that will be forth coming?"

Smiling he eased back.

"Shall we be frank?" He look her in the eye. "I would rather work with you than be a thorn in your side. So in a show of Good Faith I will answer a Question honestly, you choose the question."

"Actually no, most people don't introduce themselves to the captain. And i don't have any questions about your dossier." She sat back as one of the waiters came to take their orders. "I think the less Iknow the better. Plausible deniability."

"You are a career Officer." He motioned the waiter to bring menus. "May I ask a more personal question Captain, nothing too revealing but it will be enlightening?"

"You can ask, but I don't promise to answer.."

"Is it me personally or has another man recently irritated you." He chuckled. "I have seen the "All men are swine' look before and hope I am not getting off to that bad a First impression?"

The temperature dropped about five degrees. "You hadn't, until you asked that question. You were harassing my yeoman for a meeting, you have got one. Don't waste the opportunity. Civilians don't get them very often."

The general consensus about her having rather a short temper was founded from the rumors he had gotten. She was not in a good mood, if the day could start spiraling out of control it just did.

"Alright Captain; you do not see civilians and I appreciate you coming here." Templar said with an even tone. "I apologize for hitting a bad point. I would not harass your yeoman; she is actually a delight; she is also very protective of you."

He gave a complement.

"So not to waste her kindness I will tell you why I wished this appointment." Templar thought truth rather than smoothing things over. "I have helped Local Security in the past and would like to build a working relationship with your Command rather than run ram-shot around you. The point is that my Family connections tend to give a bad impression of me and I had hoped to show you that I am not what the reputation says. I have more honor than that and that is why I wished to have a face to face."

"Gratin chanterelle, and the lagoustine bisque," She told the hovering waiter.

"The Bisque ; same as the lady's and a Espresso." He told the Waiter.

"Very Good then." The Waiter agreed and moved away.

She waited for the waiters to move away, "The familial ties to Risan criminals. That follows you about like a bad smell."

To Be Continued

Roger Templar
Private Investigator

Captain Maritza Soran


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