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Wed Jan 27, 2021 @ 11:16am

Civilian 'Arrival' Roger Templar

Name Roger Simon Templar

Position Retired NPC

Rank Civilian 'Arrival'

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft
Weight 197 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Templar is an athletic physique for a man who would do a triathlete, trim and with the athletic cut to his clothes he has auburn hair that he keeps neat and the eyes that have depth to them and a small birthmark on his cheek. His mannerisms are well bred and he has acquired a slight accent from Proper British background.
His casual attire is what most call Upper Casual and even formal upon required occasion. He cleans up very well and has learned proper etiquette. He is one that is referred to as dashing with a friendly tone of voice. What might be of note is his manners and the deliberate choosing of his words.

He is not without some ‘style’ all his own; often seen with a walking stick that he carries for show; or more like a weapon in his hands and on more ‘questionable’ places he will wear a disruptor on his right thigh to even the odds. He also has a compact Ballistic weapon. He is always with his Sonic Spanner multi-use tool.


Father Wilhelm
Mother Elizabeth
Sister(s) Allura (10 years younger)
Other Family Dorso Vimcamp (Risan Crime Don)
Cetallia (Orion Indentured Servant)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Templar is a man who redesigned himself; his mother’s second marrige to a Risan Syndicate Don who did not acknowledge Templar. He was treated like one of the underlings; only his higher etiquette set him apart from ost of those he was around. Learning the darker side of things with deductive reasoning coupled to Observation skills with minute details. Templar listens to his ‘Gut reaction’ as he believed them of quality as his Grandmother was a Betazoid. This innate feeling seemed to keep him from bad encounters and mistakes in those times he heed the impulse.
Running with the Hired Help got Templar into mischief; learning forgery and security technology theory from the ‘Boys he also hung with an enforcer. Put this together and there is a high percentage that Templar would go into a life of crime. The reputation of his being a Syndicate member’ and ‘Alleged Criminal Leader’ under his Mobster type Step-Father did him no favors when he he applied to Star Fleet.
Templar played the social calendars and was also seen in the Lime light as a teen of a ‘prominent Business man’s family. His step sister; 10 years younger, was a socialite and his relation to her gave him some protection from proof. Templar was given a finer education despite his reputation that Templar has acknowledges his past but denies any criminal activity. This gives him an air of superiority that seemed to be portrayed as his being aloof. He is actually quite neutral about evidence and conclusions made. He tends to act more on his observations than emotional reactions aside from his having a course or casual humor. He is well spoken and will lace his opinion into a polite manner even if that opinion is not favorable. He is a man of distinct character to the observer, he might even seem whimsical in what catches his attention. What he does is for his own reasons to ‘look into’ something or let the request slide. Even if the money is offered his resources are sufficient that it is not a factor in his taking of a case. Some might say he does it so not to be stuck in social circles. Though as a white collar type person his rates are on a scale for his efforts.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Analytical mind
+ Knows Forgery processes
+ Deductive reasoning

+/- Follow Gut reaction

- Aloof
- Not overly trusting
-Can seem callus.
Ambitions To find out what is his curiosity seeks to know.
Hobbies & Interests Xeno- Historical relics Study
Gun smiting
Black Smithing
Creating replica Historical relics and weapons.
Computer Programming
Painting, historical copies.
Formal dancing
Formal dining
Electronic Tool design
Solving mysteries/ curiosity
Portrays a Holodeck man in who is a reformed thief and while legit is often entangled in problems.
Languages Federation, Risan, Orion, Ferengi

Personal History As a child growing up his parents were merchants; their clientele scoped the lower levels of the upper class customer for the first 9 years of his life; his clientel were also from the seedier side of those with money on Risa. His Father was a tailor and of better renown. That was until he was suspected of talking too much and his shop was destroyed and the Father killed. His mother could not sustain the life style and one of the “Don’s took a liking to her but did not want the son about the house as a newlywed…

Templar was soon in the company of Underlings; the hired help and while his mother had status Templar did not as the ‘Boss’ did nota acknowledge him much. The family connection was just enough to get him higher than an underling rating. Templar started hanging about the employees. Thus he was taught to defend himself; he had a friendship with an enforcer who taught Templar to shoot both energy and ballistic weapons and a Philippine Fighting Art that ranged from open hand through short swords and a 4 ft staff for combat.

The local Forger took a liking to the amplitude Templar showed for both detail and how quickly the boy learned computer coding. Also the theory of Security Systems; how and why they work, as a side hobby at night. That became of use to the Enforcer in getting closer to his target. While the Forger introduced Templar the Art of Forgery in items and art.

The Guns; antiques, were of special interest to Templar as well as the Xeno-Hand weapons and other metallurgy. Templar help log and maintain the Family Jewels for his mother; checked them leaving and coming back. As he was in the same wing as his mother he was an unofficial Security man to protect the Boss and wife’s safety. Learning the security protocols and by the brilliance and facet structure tell a fake from real in gems. It was actually easy to determine.

Templar also had a eye for detail and the Forger often showed the youth how to spot forgery papers as well as create them when convenient. The art of the program or even the paper of a document being forged was an art form.

Being a child of a Don he had a degree of respect in the turf controlled by his Step-Father

Templar learned a legitimate Martial Art; a form called iKALI; a form ranging from open hand through blades and escrima sticks with bone breaking techniques. He soon found the bullies left him be as he as the ‘Rich Boy’ is skilled in fighting back.

To keep Mother off his back he did learn the ediquette and dancing to be able to attend Family Business gatherings and occupy the Daughters from clients. Trained in manners and how to be a gentleman helped him in family and other endeavors. He found that Daddy’s Little Girl can get moody if she did not get her way. And girls knew things about Daddy that might not be good to pass along to an attentive male who is willing to let them emote on a kind shoulder.

Forging manifests; or creating ‘Front companies to hide less ‘acceptable’ business ventures by authorities had a skill set that could be used in many venues. Knowing who were the thieves it was another angle to ‘acquire’ goods from the Private Sector. He started by getting to know as a profitable Fence.

One acquisition that Templar made; strictly for Personal reasons, was to get something from his Elder Brother; a cherished item that had been in his possession for years. Tozata was in his early twenties and there was a beautiful Slave Girl from Orion Home Worlds; around the same age as Tozata and had been a Slave of his brother; even used as a bonus night with her for good clients, and he just never had the means; or maybe the guts, to do anything about her. When his brother did not follow through with a deal stating ‘Family does for family’ and no paying up, Templar took the prized Orion girl, got to Federation space just after he had her sign Indentured Servant contract that in 7 years of faithful service she would be freed and given 10 bars of Gold pressed Latinum if she fulfilled the contract. Mostly he did this to irritae his older brother and she is a very pretty Orion fe-male.

Always learn from the best, and with the reputation of ‘Tozata’s Business Operations in certain circles he was accepted as an individual with promise in the Darker Side of Business, he was welcomed by the best. How many 15 year-olds had access to the Don of the city’s chauffeur for a date? Especially a date with a rival’s daughter by a neutral party. Learning to case a joint while being attentive to the lady. He could pass information that other interested parties needed to make a heist. As long as the Don’s people were not hit all was well. One of the Don’s loyal Gunmen/ Bodyguard took Tozata under his wing and taught the young man the art of using Energy weapons as well as Ballistic ones. The style for drawing and hitting what he aimed at; three seconds of concentration on a target and Tozata can draw and hit every time.. Having the 3 seconds for that ‘no miss’ is a trick; in a fast draw he had high odds and speed but with those seconds just ‘looking down-range, he was worst than an assassin’s shot.

Also, Tozata is smart enough to have a Business Front that paid Tribute to the Grand Nagas on all profits and siding on the higher extra percentage for the decimal places made his books look like he was favoring the Nagas in transactions. Even numbers in favor kept the Auditors away.

Near his adulthood and when he had a few years in the right circles Tozata learned the value of art and jewels. Most of the ‘high end jewels and Art were not acquired by the most ‘Legitimate’ means and it was the paperwork that is everything. Forgery is a skill that never goes out of style; especially when the ‘Antiques or Art’ are involved. Tozata became a thief in a way not often done; when he acquired a valuable piece he also managed the accompanying Paperwork; then a legitimate transaction for an added fee of 20% street value, if money changers can so would Tozata. Also certain tricks of forging items; art is difficult but anything with metal properties was a specialty of Tozata. He was a master forger for items like classic weapons and firearms. Art is too finicky to be a mainstay; being able to spot a forgery was all he did for the Art world. He was a hobby as a gunsmith and forging his unofficial specialty.

With permission from the Don Tozata made his own business of Acquisitions; he took requests for items; then he would do what is needed to deliver them to his clients. If a Dilithium Necklace from Tator III would make a client’s wife ecstatic, then for the right price Tozata got it. He also had a small; close knit team that would go out and do the majority of his contracts; after all, a good thief is worth his weight in Latinum. Now with an exclusive clientele list the ‘Honor among the thieves’ came at a price and Tozata learned early to bend a rule or two of the ROAs. Bribery and lower profit margin to contract out a job when doing several contracts might not seem profitable until it is the fact the Contractor took the risk and if caught had to find their own way out made it profitable. No connection and only acting like a fence left him limited liability. Not ‘cheating’ his contractors gave him a reputation worth more than Latinum.

Naturally Tozata did not sit on his laurels, he had skills from association and observation. He accepted the more profitable jobs or the ones that just perk his greedy ego. He tended to be the one to steal the materials required to make the exchange easier. A couple of his jobs he framed the owner as having tried ‘insurance fraud’ or having lost it and the paperwork the Merchant that it was legitimately sold to can cover his merchandiser and prove the item legal to sell by That merchant. Private collectors were less picky and thus easier to please. While studying the Securit system theory, it is best to master the basics and then go advanced he surmised. If one knew how and why it worked; then one knew all he needed.

One acquisition made by Templar is the Orion Girl Keshna, one of the men in the organization had her as a slave; being legal on Risa, and traet her like a prize that he could share with others. Being close to Templar’s age she was put through the same classes to become a ‘lady’ and thus could be like a Call Girl if he wished . Templar took a liking to her and while he did nothing to change her status he did enjoy time with her. If she were not a slave one might have thought something between them. He had a fondness for her and when they came of age Keshna was utilized as an Orion reward or Elbow candy. Templar never did like the way she was treated as she ‘bloomed’ and thus he would show her attention when possible. He knew the Owner was a pug faced man who kept her as a prize for a decade; bragging that he helped train her and paid for her specialty. As an adult Templar had enough of the treatment of her. He started to check into that part of the operations; delving more heavily into what that member of the ‘Family’ did and found ; like most criminals that thought well of themselves, a second set of books. Bringing this to the attention of his Step Father Templar was told he could name his reward after finding the evidence and chain of business transaction. He wanted Keshna, not money or anything just the girl. His Step father complemented Templar on his choice of style. Templar had a slave now and knew what to do with her to protect her. She became ‘under contract’ in the old term of ‘Indentured Service’ to Templar that way should he leave Risa she could go with him. She seemed open to his generous term of the contract.

Pressure in the Family to keep order began to take more problems for Templar; it was obvious he would not be inheriting much of the business but his ‘sliver of it was significant for a couple of people to live upon and with some creative investments he did manage to maintain a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle. Keshna became his private Secretary and ‘Girl Friday’ in his ‘Hobby’ as a Legal Private investigator. His specialty being in ‘Acquisition and Recovery’ of items. He would used his talents to ‘Recover’ lost artifacts between collectors. His business motto ‘Is stealing something stolen really actually theft? He targets the desired contractual item and recovers with his skill set. What or whom may be contracted for return.

One of his cases involved a drug cartel who had taken to recruiting ‘Slave Labor’ by any means. The Tour Guides that lost a ship load of passengers and crew were not satisfied with the Official report of the ship being lost. What made this so appealing is the fact the ship vanished from standard shipping lanes near Risa. While pirate activity is not uncommon it is not that blatant. A few bodies left behind; mostly security and some of the crew with older passengers but a sufficient number to account for violence and the case had no further leads. The timing was congruent with a new influx of illicit activity and perk the curiosity of Templar. He noted a few of the lesser slaves being purchased in bulk at the same time. Upon investigation Templar discovered ‘new Latinum and such being thrown around by a figure head of a playboy. The Asylum seeking son in a small solar system monarchy from a power struggle. He had run with his resources and hid on Risa. Templar checked the validity of this man who was ; through some shuffling of money fronts, purchasing the slaves. He had a steady income that Templar connected to the new Drug Peddlers. He also found his Stepfather’s organization had a small ‘buy in’ option in the works. The meeting between Templar and his Step-Father to keep his Stepfather's ‘buying in’ out of the investigation evidence.
Protecting his Step-Father was usually a good thing but taking out a resource is income is not. Only the fact of ‘human trafficking being dishonorably and higher profile kept Simon from getting in big trouble. The meeting with his Stepfather was tense; while making it look like one of the family made all the decisions they both knew who had taken the option. Templar was given a ‘trust fund’ as reward for saving him coming under scrutiny in a deal gone bad but it was also known this ‘Pay-Off’ was a subtle hint his time on Risa is over.

For several months Templar was kicking about the stars, sometimes gambling as a member of the elite or hanging with his Younger Socialite sister when she took cruises. It was a time of reflection for Templar and he eventually decided on settling on the Civilian Side of Deep Space Five.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters Secured Civilian High end suite
Office Business secton 12 th floor.