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Trouble on all fronts - Love on the Rocks Part 17

Posted on Fri Jan 8, 2021 @ 5:56am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel & Captain Maritza Soran

915 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma's: Beyond the Veil
Timeline: MD 1 - 1730

:: Ealier ::

[Klingon Empire]

General Kagroq of internal security was preparing to leave when one of his staff entered his office. "General. There was an inquiry that came in that I thought you would find interesting."

Waving him over he took the table and reviewed the data before looking up at the clerk in disgust. "Why would I care if someone in the Federation is interested in some merchant?!"

"Sir. This merchant's ships have been suspected of smuggling in the past and he is now diplomatically connected."

"With whom?"

"Ambassador Charghwl'IH of House of Soval and by extension the Houses of Torath and Varal."

Taking back the tablet he looked closer at the report. "The ambassador once served this office under General D'Groth. What is your concern with this Bajoran?"

"If he is smuggling on their behalf..."

"The House of Varal has no need to have anyone smuggle anything for them."

"True, but his corporation has been suspected of smuggling before; even though nothing was ever found. It is possible that with the lack of attention and powerful friends within reach; his shipping crews may have gotten...complacent."

"Very well. Coordinate a simultaneous detaining of all Lasuma vessels within the Empire. If there is smuggling going on we don't want one ship warning the others."


The dominoes began to fall throughout the Alpha quadrant. Romulan, Cardassian, and both member and non-allied worlds within Federation space all took notice as the rumors of inquiries into Lasuma Enterprises spread through subspace.
Ship after ship was detained and thoroughly inspected.

::Present Day::

[Deep Space 5, Lasuma's]

Dorian was getting almost constant reports now from transport captains from all over the place. All were the same. Ships operating under the Lasuma Enterprises banner were all getting stopped and search, getting held up at various port for extensive "inspections".

Compiling what he had he arrived at his bosses new location were he was inspecting the renovation and overseeing the final layout, arrangements, and stocking prior to the opening. Upon finding him on the upper level he pulled him aside. "We have a problem."

Maintaining his composure he moved the conversation into the new locations office and waited until the door closed behind them.

"What's this problem?"

"Our ships are being detained and inspected...everywhere."

His head shifted slightly and his eyes narrowed a bit. "What do you mean 'everywhere'?"

"I mean everywhere. Almost all Lasuma transports have been detained in port and inspected or searched, stopped or seized at or near borders and searched in Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and even independent space."

Geral's mind was working on the problem as he continued to gather information. "Do we know why?"

Dorian had been sure to get the answer to that question before setting out. "Yes. Seems someone here on the station has been doing some extensive digging into your past."

The list of possible culprits vanished and he knew in an instant not only who, but most likely why things had gone wrong with Marizta the other night. "Losses?"

"Fortunately nothing major and nothing that could be tied to you or any clients. Anything not on the manifest was claimed by captain or crew as private property. Most the ships patrolling the borders know you pay your crews well so most had little issue. Some had to share any questionable stores to help smooth things over and a few had those stores confiscated. One in Klingon space is still unaccounted for and may have been taken or worst case destroyed. Another has been blocked from leaving Romulan space on suspicion of smuggling. They haven't been taken into custody yet but that could change."

Well it wasn't the first time he had this kind of problem but just not so wide spread. He paced the small office as he thought. "Send formal protests through the Klingon, Romulan Embassies here on the station and denounce any suspicion of smuggling. Send similar protests to the Cardassian and any independent worlds. Be sure to site our long history of service and good relations with their governments and their people. For those transports still detained them know Lasuma Enterprises respectfully requests the immediate release of ship, crew, and their belongings...depending in the situation."

"Once that's done contact any client that's had a shipment delayed and assure them that their merchandise is intact and will be there. If they get their knickers in a twist offer a 5% discount for their inconvenience. Those clients whose orders that are now short or unable to be filled, offer full discounts on their missing items at that we have every intention on making good on their orders."

Dorian took in everything and noticed that he had left the Federation off the list of government's to send protests to and he said as much. "What about the Federation? You don't want a protest sent to the trade commission?"

He now knew what had probably gotten to Maritza the other night. If she had been the one to look into his past a protest might create problems for her. Until he knew for sure who had gone digging he would hold off. "Not yet."

"Oh, your umm gifts arrived yesterday."

"Really?" He had expected to hear something from Maritza.
Shee had to know where they had come from; even with them coming in anonymously. ~What is she up to?~ he thought to himself.

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard and henchman for Geral Lasuma


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