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Inside the blue girl.

Posted on Mon Jan 11, 2021 @ 6:24am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,420 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deck 144 Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01 14:00.


Vrizao had a smile on her face as she stepped into the ship's medical bay. She knew this was standard for all new arrivals and she wasn't going to argue with that. Taking a seat in the reception area she waited for the doctor or nurse who'd been assigned her to call her over.

Amia was on duty and free for the next appointment so she went into Reception to see if there was anyone needing help. Glad that she hadn't been buzzed for anyone injured or sick, she was relieved that the next case was a standard "coming aboard" medical. After consulting the computer for the details, she approached the new Ensign and smiled at her, holding out a hand in welcome and introduction.

"Hello" she began. "Welcome, I'm Amia. I'm afraid I'm not so good with pronunciations so is your name said Vr-iz-ao just as it's written or have I missed an important inflection or sound shift? If so I do apologise."

" Just as it's written, doctor. I know my people's names can be a mouthful. You can call me Viz if that's easier." The andorian replied with a friendly smile as she gave her hand a good shake.

"Thank you Viz, but Vrizao is such a lovely name." Amia motioned with an opening of one arm out into the direction of the main Bay. "Please come this way. It's been a while since I had an Andorian patient to talk to." She led the way into a free cubicle that she had marked off on the screen before approaching Viz. It was now showing an amber light which their entry changed to a red one.

"If you would just hop up on the biobed please. We can begin as soon as you're ready." the CMO explained and spray cleaned her hands with the appropriate gel. It evaporated instantly but the cleansing was complete and very thorough despite the short time this had taken.

"Will do." the blue girl said with a nod as she hopped onto the biobed. " How long has it been since you've seen an andorian. I know there are less and less of us in the fleet due to are fertility crisis." She inquisitively asked.

"It's true there are less of your lovely people around these days but this is a huge station and I think you may find several amongst the Fleeters but more within the Civilian population too." Amia talked whilst she was setting up the controls on the bio-arch and the scanners. She had done this so many times it was almost an autopilot task and her hands glided nimbly over the LCARS panel. Once it was ready to go, Amia asked Vrizao if she was comfortable and on receiving a positive response, started the sequence.

There was very little sound and just the faintest of vibration, almost imperceptible, however the data began to scroll across the monitor on the wall above the head of the biobed. "Ahhh yes!" Amia smiled. "Nice high metabolism. You know that would alarm me in any other species, such as my own, especially my mother's race, they're the opposite. They're the most laid back people around. They're so laid back they're nearly horizontal, if you'll excuse the pun. Anyway, my dad's side - humans - make up for it and are pretty stressy so it offsets a bit, although not as much as your heritage."

" Well you know what they say about andorians cold world, but warm heart." Virzao replied with a slight chuckle at the doctor's pun. " Not that i'd know I've never been to the homeworld. My quad were all fleeters. i was born and raised on federation ship's and stations."

"Did you find that an advantage?" Amia asked, curious. "I read in your medical records that you only had one of your quad most of the time - I'm sorry for your losses of the others. Did being in the Fleet help you cope with it all?" Amia suddenly realised that this was probably invasive and way too personal so she backed off at once. "Oh, I'm so sorry.... don't answer that - it was wrong of me to ask such a personal question, please forgive me." she apologised genuinely.

" It's fine doctor. I was very young when they died so only i only knew my charan raising me for the most part. I know it's been hard for him. When the quad bond is broken the remaining members become very depressed if not suicidal. He was in and out of counseling for almost all my life, yet he always tried to make sure i had the best life possible. When he couldn't there was always someone from the fleet thee to give him a hand" The andorian replied trying not to move.

"That's good to hear and it was brave of him to try to be strong for your sake, which I presume must have been the case when he was down and I'm certain that all the many times in between when he was proud of you he would have been very happy so perhaps it was good medicine for you both?" she ventured, trying to imagine how that would have worked out.

"Of course, I didn't know either of you so i'm conjecturing, for which I must apologise again! I just like to try to imagine how people must feel." she rolled her eyes. "I expect i usually get it wrong though, because you can't imagine yourself in someone else's shoes unless you've walked a mile in them yourself so I shouldn't even speculate. I hope I haven't offended you for that either?"

Finishing off the main template of scans, Amia reviewed the read outs.

" No, you've not offended me. So how's my scan looking?" She inquired.

"Your test and scans all show that you're an extremely healthy and fit young officer and more than ready for duty." Amia confirmed with a grin. "Just as an aside however," she added gently, returning to a more serious mode. "Were you aware - as i don't see if in your medical records - that you have some genetically modified genes? I would imagine, from their profiles that they were a few generations back."

A look of shock came over the Andorian's face. " No, i was never made aware of that. "

"I'm sorry that you were never told but i suspect that as your records don't show it, then perhaps no-one noticed or if they did, perhaps they felt it something that, until it became a problem, if it ever should, then you might never need to know? I have no idea, those are just guesses but I thought that if it were me, I'd like to know myself, in strictest confidence. If you want this to remain here between us and if you prefer it not to find its way onto your openly accessible medical file, that too could be arranged but it's a choice that only you can make for yourself." Amia assured her.

The andorian ran her hands through her hair as she thought through her choices. This certainly wasn't what she'd been expecting. " Can it remain between us for the moment doctor. I'll need to contact my Chran and ask him if he knows anything about it."

"It can remain between us for now, Ensign, or forever if you so wish. I would be obliged to record it but I could classify it at a very deep level so it can't be accessed below the rank of Chief Medical Officer and marked with a clear note of your preference that it goes no further, for future protection wherever you are posted." Amia assured her.

"I'm sorry to have shocked you. Can i get you some tea or an equivalent of your choice? Please sit back down just until you have regained your thoughts." She moved back into Carer mode.

" Thank you commander and yes I'd like some tea. " The clearly confused andorian said as though of how this could have happened. Did one of her family know and not told the others.

Amia went off to fetch some tea from the replicator close to the Main Bay cubicles. She noted mentally that she would have to let the Counsellor discuss this matter with Viz after the poor girl had got over the shock.


A JP between:

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Five


Ensign Vrizao Sh'zharohr
Fighter Pilot
Deep Space Five


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