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Eviction Day (Part I)

Posted on Wed Sep 23, 2020 @ 3:39am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters & Qinee

1,439 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Deck 60
Timeline: MD 07 1650
Tags: Cardassia, Diplomacy, 127th, Pangea


To be honest, Maritza had expected far more of a fight over it than the Cardassians actually gave. And that itself made her suspicious. The arrogant nature of the Cardassians should have had them spitting. But she hadn't been made aware of anything other than a token appeal to the State Department.

There were still two sentries on guard at the main entrance, which was fine. They weren't officially out until 1700. But if there was any actual activity beyond the sealed doors, she couldn't detect it. Once they were out, she was going to have Security and Intel sweep it for anything and everything. But she couldn't put a foot over that line for another ten minutes.

She turned to Yukiko. "Were you expecting it to be this... easy?" she asked.

"Nothing in overt diplomacy is easy. Oh, at some point, yes, if things go well, some heads will sit together and shake hands and congratulate themselves. In reality, most is like a game of cards or chance. What chinks does the other have, what can you get, what can you bluff with. I do not think that the personnel here," she waved a hand at the compound, "have really had to play that game. I think they are just basically a toehold to keep a presence, nothing more. In fact," she closed her eyes and concentrated a few moments then shook her head.

"The impression is that they are not working very hard to clear out, but there is also a sense of confusion over the direction to take. Ah well, Koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu. It means literally," she looked at the captain, "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub. Basically nothing ventured, nothing gained. Shall we?"

"They've got," Maritza checked the padd with her orders on, "seven minutes and twenty-two seconds. And if they haven't cleared out, then that's their problem. We confiscate everything we can lay our hands on. But if you see Turvan, arrest him. He's been warned plenty of times about putting his feet on my station."

"Very good, but what if he or others resist? Am I allowed to do what is necessary then?" Silk asked.

"From 1701, his arse is yours."

She turned to her XO and Chief of security. "Any thoughts? I'd rather avoid a fight. This situation is a mess, I'd rather it not get messier."

While she'd rather not help start yet another conflict with Cardassia, Annora agreed with the actions being taken. For centuries embassies operated at the discretion of their hosts; this was no different. The current situation was no different. The Cardassian diplomatic staff had been told to leave by a certain time. If they chose not to follow those orders, then the station personnel were well within their rights to take action.

"When we left Iaera Prime, it was to avoid getting thrown out. Standard procedure is to destroy any classified material that would otherwise be left behind. I'd expect our guests to do something similar. We could technically go in guns blazing at 1701, but that may not be the best option. We have the advantage of having ultimate control over the facility. Any access codes they have expire in ten minutes and we could have OPS cut power to the Cardassian embassy."

It was an idea. "Commander Ryan?"

Caleb nodded. “Let’s not do anythin’ ta make this more difficult than it needs ta be. If an incident occurs, it won’t be our fault. An’ if they choose to be difficult, Ah’ve arranged for a luxury shuttle ta transport them off station. They won’t say we didn’t send ‘em off in style.”

There was a commotion at the end of the corridor, and four Ferengi approached, stopping an acceptable distance away. Two of them were male and dressed in the uniforms of the Ferengi diplomatic security. The other two were female. One of the security males set down a stool, and the middle aged female settled down comfortably on it, rearranging the way her garishly colored dress lay about her. The two males took up positions on either side, and the other female, younger, looked to be preparing a cup of slime tea. She handed the tea and a bowl of...popcorn to the other Ferengi woman.

“Ambassador Qinee…” Caleb greeted, rather surprised. “We weren’t expectin’ ta be graced by your presence today.”

Qinee smiled, showing her scraggly teeth. “Such a gentleman, Commander,” she flirted. “I just came to watch.” She tossed a piece of popcorn into her mouth. “After all, it isn’t every day you get to see a Cardassian frogmarched out an airlock.” She grinned again. “Unfortunate that Ambassador Turvan couldn’t be here.” She giggled. “Now that would be something to see!”

Maritza saw the ambassador and groaned inwardly. "The last thing I need is my station turning into a damned three-ring circus." She turned to Yukiko. "Get her out of here. Let's not throw fuel on the fire."

Silk had the same reaction, but put a smile on and nodded. "Agreed. Captain." She then approached the ambassador and made a bow. "Ambassador, good evening to you. I must ask why are you here? As you might suspect, this is a rather delicate situation, and it would go so much better if you could withdraw from here." Though like other telepaths she could not read Ferengi, she could imagine the answer she was going to get. She was already wondering what carrot she could offer. Offering a stick would just make a bad situation worse.

“I am in the public corridor, am I not?” Qinee asked. “Popcorn? It’s slathered in that cow fat Humans love. Rather delicious.” She held out the bowl. “Or tea, if you prefer?”

Silk groaned inwardly. She knew this was not going to go well. "You are most correct, Ambassador. However, as you might recall the Cardassians not so long ago fired on people, including civilians, rather indiscriminately, and thus for your own safety, just in case, we would like to ask that you withdraw to a discreet distance. We certainly would not want or need another incident." One last time to get this group out of here nicely.

Qinee’s eyes widened with excitement. “You think the Cardassians will do that -- oh, what were the names of those Human outlaws? -- you think they will Butch and Sundance it?” She giggled. “That is even more worth watching!” she teased Silk, sipping her tea. “We all know the killing of foreign diplomats isn’t really something you all take seriously here, though,” she said pointedly, “so I am not sure I find your concern for my safety all that convincing.”

Silk was starting to get frustrated. She wanted nothing more than to kick this woman's teeth out of her head, and if need be snap the necks of the guards around her. She would try another tack, and made a quick mental calculation of her assets. "Two bars of latinum to you and ten strips to each of your guards here if you decide to watch from elsewhere."

Qinee paused with her tea cup to her lips. There was a gentle clink as she put it back down in the saucer. “Four bars, twenty strips, and I want the Cardassian Consulate when it’s cleared out,” she said. “And the Federation will pay for the redecorating. It’s larger, and has a better view of the planet,” the Ferengi woman said with a snaggle-toothed smile.

"Two bars, fifteen strips, you can have the place." Silk waved a hand toward the consulate. "And the Federation will repair any damage. Decoration is out of your pocket." Time to haggle, but not too long, as time was running out.

Qinee smiled. “Deal!” she said, standing up quickly, holding out her hand. Her servant swept up the stool and collected the tea and popcorn. “Nice doing business with you, Lieutenant. I will send along the bill.”

"Thank you," Silk said. "I will make the transfer of latinum right after this." She at least got that mess out of the way even if it was going to put a dent in her account. No matter. She would just have to fleece some of the unsuspecting types in the casinos later to make it all up.

To be Continued…

Captain Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security officer

Lieutenant Yukiko Winters
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ambassador Qinee
Ferengi Ambassador
[NPC by Ryan]


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